This repository is related to findings of Kaggle survey conducted in 2022 by Kaggle around the world.
In 'Kaggle survey 2022 Insights', complete analysis of results of survey has been performed which was conducted by Kaggle (Most popular data science resources and projects community or platform) ) around the world.The survey was live from 09/16/2022 to 10/16/2022, and after cleaning the data by kaggle we are provided with 23,997 responses in a csv format file i.e. kaggle_survey_2022_responses.csv
- pandas
- numpy
- matplotlib
- plotly
- seaborn
- geopy
- To Respond all survey questions , average time is 2 hours 48 minutes
- Most of the Respondents are in age group of 18-21
- There is a large gap betwwen the ratio of Men(77.56%) and women(22.44%) in data industry.
- 8791 Respondents are from India followed by USA i.e. 2920 Respondents
- Online Courses and Youtube are the most Popular Platforms for Data Science Study.
- Men has highest number in terms of education level.
- 'Managers' have maximum yearly income with average of 110988 followed by 'Data Architects' who has average of 106309
- Corsera and Kaggle Learn courses are most popular platforms for online courses. You can also follow youtube tutorials to learn data science.
- Python, SQl and R are the most trending languages. So, its recommended to learn these languages whether you are someone who is looking to break into industry or existing proffesionals looking to upskill in their careers.
- Jupyter Notebooks and VS Code are popular IDE(Integrated Deevelopment Environment). Learning how to develop into these environment can be really beneficial in future.