A small NPC generator using the parameters Wizards of the Coast's System Reference Document 5.1. Creates short character descriptions and saves generated NPCs locally.
Generates NPCs complete with names, personalities, motivations, and more. Genders are generated on a simplified spectrum consisting of: Female, feminine, androgynous, masculine, and male; with consistant pronouns. Chooses different races by an approximate proportion to their average prevalence in the world (ideal for large, human townships):
- Humans - 64%
- Elves - 10%
- Dwarves - 10%
- Halflings - 6%
- Half-Elves - 5%
- Gnomes - 4%
- Half-Orcs - 1%
Keyboard Controls:
- DELETE - Delete selected saved NPC
- N - Create new NPC
- UP - Move saved NPC selection up
- DOWN - Move saved NPC selection down
- LEFT - Load selected saved NPC
- RIGHT - Save current NPC