An analysis of the association between daily variations in the volume of supplied water and incidence of suspected cholera cases in a province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The code reproduces the results of the time series analysis, including the investigation of the exposure-response relationship and the estimation of the excess number of cholera cases, described in the article:
Jeandron A, Saidi JM, Kapama A, Burhole M, Birembano F, Vandevelde T, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Cairncross S, Ensink JH. Water supply interruptions and suspected cholera incidence: a time-series regression in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Plos Medicine. 2015;12(10):e1001893. [freely available here]
The material:
- Dataset.csv stores the dataset used in the analysis
- attrdl.R creates the function for computing the attributable risk measures
- attrdl.pdf is the help page for the function
- Rcode.R performs the analysis
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