An illustrative example of the analysis published in this article that assesses the association between indices of inter and intra-day temperature variability and mortality:
Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Forsberg F, Tobias A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Armstrong B, Gasparrini A. Association of inter and intra-day temperature change with mortality. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2016;183(4):286-293. [freely available here]
The indices are built following specific assumptions about the impact of temperature variability and absolute temperature. The code reproduces the results for London, one of the six cities included in the analysis.
The material:
- london.csv stores the dataset used in the illustrative examples
- 01.model.R defines the indices and runs the models
- 02.results.R summarizes the results
- 03.graphs.R produces the graphs
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