Data and R code to support:
Schneider R, Masselot P, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, ..., Gasparrini A. Differential impact of government lockdown policies on reducing air pollution levels and related mortality in Europe. Scientific Reports. 2022 Jan 26;12(1):726. (
The work was supported by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) on behalf the European Union (commercial contract Ref. CAMS_95p) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project Exhaustion (Grant ID: 820655).
This code has been implemented to reproduce the statistical analysis, figures, and tables implemented in the study referenced above. The dataset provided by the European Commission’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service ( contains daily NO2, O3, PM10, and PM2.5 concentrations from February 1st to July 31st 2020 for 50 European cities (see full list here -
The analysis is divided in three parts: (1) Estimation of the air pollution reduction related to SI levels (0-80%), (2) Estimation of the specific impact of each sub-policy measure on the poluttion change, (3) Health Impact Assessment with the quantification of avoided/excess deaths due to short-term exposure to air pollution