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OpenSecurityTraining2 Arch1001: Binary Bomb Lab

This writeup delves into the Binary Bomb lab, originally designed for CMU’s architecture class by Bryant & O'Hallaron and adapted for Intel x86-64 architecture by Xeno Kovah as a part of Xeno’s Architecture 1001: x86-64 Assembly course at OpenSecurityTraining2.

The primary objective is to determine the program's required input to prevent the bomb from exploding.


Phase 1

I used WinDBG for this challenge and opted for normal mode, so I was provided with the symbol information in the bomb.pdb file.

I set a breakpoint on main and stepped through the instructions. Eventually, we are prompted to enter some input. I entered test, as any old input will do for now just to understand how the program functions.

You can see a call is made to phase_1, so I stepped into the function. If we unassemble this function with the WinDBG command uf phase_1, there are two instructions that stand out:

call    bomb!ILT+810(strings_not_equal) (00007ff7`fb95132f)


call    bomb!ILT+945(explode_bomb) (00007ff7`fb9513b6)

I assumed that strings_not_equal is like the strcmp function, comparing our input to another string. If the strings aren't equal, it bypasses the jump and calls explode_bomb- an outcome we likely wish to avoid. Therefore, we need to uncover the content at the address where the string is compared.

If we step up to the call of strings_not_equal, we can check the arguments provided to the function. In Microsoft x64’s calling convention, argument 1 is held in the RCX register, and argument 2 in the RDX register. In WinDBG we can display the ASCII string at those addresses with: da <address>. For example:

Screenshot1 Screenshot2

strings_not_equal compares our input to “I am just a renegade hocky mom.” As our input is not equal, let’s see what happens if explode_bomb is called:


Therefore, we need to input “I am just a renegade hockey mom.” to pass phase_1 (copy directly from WinDBG to avoid any issues):


Phase 2

If we enter phase_2 with an arbitrary input of 123 and step through the instructions, it terminates the process from within the function read_six_numbers. Therefore, we need to step into this function to find out why.

I thought it would be most efficient to find the exit condition and then work backwards from there. Before the call to explode_bomb, there’s a JGE which must be taken to bypass explode_bomb. For an input of 123, the first operand in the CMP (rbp+4) is 0x1, and the second operand is the immediate 0x6. Since 0x1 minus 0x6 does not result in a jump, we need to find a way to increase the value at 0x1.

CMP’s operands are rbp+4 (moved from EAX) and the immediate 0x6. EAX stores function return values, and since there was a call to sscanf before the MOV instruction, EAX’s value is derived from sscanf. Therefore, we need to understand the sscanf function and attempt to increase its return value.

call    bomb!ILT+705(sscanf) (00007ff7`fb9512c6)
mov     dword ptr [rbp+4],eax
cmp     dword ptr [rbp+4],6
jge     bomb!read_six_numbers+0xae (00007ff7`fb95306e)

As stated in sscanf’s documentation, sscanf reads data from its first argument (a buffer) into the location specified from the third argument, and its second argument is what controls the format of the data.

In WinDBG we can confirm this in the call to sscanf:

  • RXC (arg1): 7ff7fb960250
  • RDX (arg2): 7ff7fb95c460


sscanf’s return value is determined by the “number of fields successfully converted and assigned”. So, for our input of 123 that was successfully converted, we received a return value of 1. Therefore, if we follow the format specification of say:

9 9 9 9 9 9

It should return 6. Then, after CMP’s second operand 0x6 is subtracted, a jump will occur as EAX is now equal to 6.


Now, we are back to the phase_2. If you read through the next instructions, you will see there are two more potential explode_bomb triggers until ret.

Before the first call to explode_bomb, there’s a JE that must be taken. CMP subtracts the immediate 0x1 from rbp+rax+28h’s value. rbp+rax+28h’s value is 0x9 (found with the command db rbp+rax+28h L1). Specifically, this is 1st number we provided and can be observed in the memory window:


RAX’s value is 0, so it uses RBP (ac80f6f680) + 28h to access this value.

0x9 minus 0x1 does not yield a result of zero, so the Zero Flag is not set and the jump is not taken. However, if we simply change our input to 1 1 1 1 1 1, it will work:


If we proceed to step over the next instructions, you will notice a CMP and JGE, but no subsequent call to explode_bomb. In the instructions before this, 0x1 was added to rbp+4, and in the subsequent CMP, 0x6 is subtracted from 0x1 to determine the outcome of JGE. Since these numbers are immediate values, we cannot control this jump, so we have to skip the jump.

If we work backwards from the next call to explode_bomb, we can see a CMP and JE, along with several other important points:

Our first number (1) is moved into ECX in:

mov     ecx,dword ptr [rbp+rcx*4+28h]

In the pointer arithmetic, where RCX’s value is 0, it accesses our first number (1). Then, a SHL (Shift Logical Left) operation shifts it by 1 bit, resulting in the number 2.

Finally, the CMP subtracts ECX (now a value of 2) from rbp+rax*4+28h’s value. RAX’s value here is 0x1, so this pointer arithmetic accesses our second number (1). Since 1 minus 2 does not equal zero, the jump is not taken. However, setting our second number to 2 would trigger the jump: 1 2 1 1 1 1


If you read through the next few instructions, it becomes apparent that we are in a loop, and to break free from it, we must take the JGE mentioned earlier:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+4],6
jge     bomb!phase_2+0xa2 (00007ff7`fb952132)

If you cycle through the loop again, the comparison shifts from our second number to the third number. Consequently, our third number needs to match the second number after it is bit-shifted to the left (4):

| 0 1 0 0 |
| 8 4 2 1 |

You might have noticed a recurring pattern; we need to provide the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal value to match the bit shift. For instance:

DEC: 1 2 4 8 16 32
HEX: 1 2 4 8 10 20

phase_2 complete!


Phase 3

If we step into phase_3 and search for the initial call to explode_bomb, we can find a call to sscanf, and a CMP and JGE, reminiscent of phase_2. However, in this instance, a minimum of two inputs is required for the jump to occur:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+64h], 2

If we look through the next instructions, we will find a CMP and JA, which compares our first input (located in rbp+4) to an immediate of 0x7. If our input is above 0x7, it will take the jump to 00007ff7fb95228a. However, the address of this jump is for a call to explode_bomb. Therefore, our first input needs to be 7 or lower.

Next, there are several instructions and a jump to RAX. RAX’s address is calculated through some pointer arithmetic which includes our initial input in RAX:


So, my initial thought was to determine the number required to bypass all instances of explode_bomb. To achieve this, I subtracted RCX's address (0x7ff7fb940000) from the target address I intended to jump to: 0x7ff7fb9522a2 (the instruction beyond the last explode_bomb, LEA), which resulted in 0x122A2. I then used the command dd rcx+x*4+122CCh L1 to assess the jump distance for each input, replacing x with our initial numerical input. For instance:


However, it becomes clear that due to the limitation of a maximum input value of 0x7, we can’t jump as far as 0x122A2. Our potential jump destinations align with the addresses listed below:


If our initial input were 1, it would jump to 0x7FF7FB952245 (0x7ff7fb940000 + 0x12245). However, it’s unclear why we would want to jump to this address or any of the others. To shed some light on this, let’s search for the calls to explode_bomb and work backwards. Two calls to explode_bomb can be found, with the first one seemingly always being skipped, and the second with two potential triggers.

After the first call to explode_bomb, there is a CMP and JG sequence. This compares our first input (rbp+4) against 0x5. If our input is exceeds 5, it will result in a jump to explode_bomb. Therefore, our first input needs to be 5 or less.

Then, our second input (rbp+24) is moved into EAX and is subtracted from the value in rbp+44:

mov     eax,dword ptr [rbp+24h]
cmp     dword ptr [rbp+44h],eax
je      bomb!phase_3+0x112 (00007ff7`fb9522a2)

rbp+44’s value is derived from the various mov, add, and sub instructions we can jump to. If these two values are equal, it will bypass explode_bomb. Therefore, our second input needs to match the value obtained from those calculations.

For example, if we input 2 2, we jump to 7FF7FB952250 (calculated as 00012250 (RAX) + 7ff7fb940000 (RCX) = 7FF7FB952250). By the jump at 7FF7FB952288, rbp+44h’s value is 0x00000232 (dd rbp+44 L1). However, since our second input is 2, it won’t match and will trigger explode_bomb. Therefore, inputting decimal 562 as our second parameter, which is 232 in hex, will match and result in the jump. It's important to note that entering 232 directly as the second parameter won't work, as it will be read as 0xE8 in decimal.

phase_3 complete!


It should also be noted that if our initial input is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, and the second input matches the value stored in rbp+44, it will take the jump. For example, the input 1 4294967270 is also acceptable.

Phase 4

If we unassemble phase_4 and skim over the instructions, we can find several important points:

sscanf (much like phase_3) requires at least two user inputs to jump:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+84h], 2

There are a series of jumps with the potential to trigger explode_bomb: JNE and JL.

JLE, if taken, allows us to pass explode_bomb. Therefore, our first input (in rbp+4) needs to be less than or equal to 0xE (DEC: 14).


Next, an immediate of 0xA is assigned to rbp+64h, and an unknown function func4 is called with the parameters: RCX (our first input), RDX (0x0), R8 (immediate of 0xE), and R9 (0x1).

Then, CMP subtracts 0xA (immediate) from a value returned from func4, which was placed into rbp+44h. If they are not equal it jumps to expode_bomb. If they are equal, we move to another CMP with JE. This subtracts 0xA from rbp+24h, which is our second input. Therefore, our second input needs to be the decimal equivalent of 0xA: 10.

Currently, we know that our first input needs to be less or equal to 0xE (DEC: 14), and our second input needs to be DEC 10.

Therefore, we need to step into func4 in order to understand how we can make the return value become 0xA:


As previously mentioned, func4’s parameters are: RCX (our first input), RDX (0x0), R8 (0xE), and R9 (0x1). They are saved to:

  • rbp+100h = 0x3 (our input).
  • rbp+108h = 0x0.
  • rbp+110h = 0xE.

There’s a load of instructions before the first jump which may appear difficult to understand. However, the sub, add, and CDQ instructions all use 0x0 as an operand, so besides the result of the SAR instruction which is assigned to rbp+4h, there are no other significant modifications made.

SAR shifts 0xE (R8) to the right: 0x7.

Then, there is a jump instruction:

cmp      dword ptr [rbp+4],eax
jle     bomb!func4+0x8a

Is “[rbp+4 (0x7)] <= to eax (our input)”? If so, jump.

It’s important to note that besides the CMP, all of the arithmetic performed is on values we can’t modify. Therefore, on func4’s first call, rbp+4 will always equal 0x7 before the first jump.

So, let’s say our input is 0x1 and we skip the jump. This next series of instructions decrements rbp+4 (0x7) by 1, places it in R8, and calls func4 again with the parameters: RCX (our first input), RDX (0x0), R8 (0x6), and R9 (0x1). Therefore, the only difference between the last func4 call and this func4 call is the third parameter R8.

The next instruction after the func4 call adds the value stored in rbp+4 (modified within func4) to RAX, and then exits func4. However, our input (located in rbp+100h) needs to align with the certain jump instructions; otherwise, we will call func4 over and over again.

So, we know the initial func4 call assigns 0x7 to rbp+4, and our goal is for it to ultimately return 0xA. Therefore, plus 0x3 more. Once func4 is called again, it will right shift 0x7 to become 0x3, which is exactly what we want (0x7 + 0x3 = 0xA). However, to prevent a repeated call to func4, we must ensure it takes the JLE path. Therefore, our input should be less than or equal to 0x3.

This will take us to another jump:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+4],eax
jge     bomb!func4+0xb5

Is “[rbp+4 (0x3)] >= to eax (our input)”? If so, jump.

If we don’t take this jump, func4 will be called once more. Therefore, in order to take this jump and the JLE, our input needs to be equal in both jump cases, and therefore set at 0x3.

0x3 will be added to 0x7, and returned to us with 0xA and allow us to pass the phase:


Phase 5

If we unassemble phase_5, we can see that phase_5’s sscanf also requires at least two inputs in order to avoid explode_bomb.

So, we can also see our first input is assigned to rbp+64h, second input is assigned to rbp+84h, and the return value from sscanf (0x2) is assigned to rbp+A4h.

There is also a bitwise AND operation performed on our first input:

mov     eax,dword ptr [rbp+64h]
and     eax,0Fh

This operation sets all bits in EAX to 0 except for the four least significant bits. Therefore, our first input cannot exceed decimal 15 (0x0F) as the higher bits will be forced to be zero.

Next, an immediate of 0x0 is placed into rbp+4 and rbp+24, and we come to another jump instruction:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+64h],0Fh
je      bomb!phase_5+0xc4 (00007ff7`fb952524)

However, we can’t take this jump because if we do, it leads to another jump which compares two immediates 0x0 and 0x0F, that cannot be equal if we take the first je, and thus leads us to an explode_bomb:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+4],0Fh
jne     bomb!phase_5+0xd5 (00007ff7`fb952535)

Therefore, we need to skip the first je. This takes us to a series of instructions that puts us in a loop and increments rbp+4 by 1 so that it can eventually be equal to 0x0F, and we can jump to 00007ff7fb952535. However, there is some pointer arithmetic that modifies the value of rbp+64h (our first input):

movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbp+64h]
lea     rcx,[bomb!n1+0x20 (00007ff7`fb95f1d0)]
mov     eax,dword ptr [rcx+rax*4]
mov     dword ptr [rbp+64h],eax

If the value is modified to 0xF BEFORE rbp+4’s value reaches 0xF, it will break us out of this loop and explode_bomb. Therefore, with the command dd 00007ff7fb95f1d0+X*4 L1, let’s view the memory at each of the possible addresses:


RAX is equal to our first input (rbp+64h), so I just changed X to all the first possible inputs (0x0-0xE).

From this we can see that if the first number we input leads to a value of 6 BEFORE rbp+4 equals 0xF, it will break the loop. I.e., rbp+64h cannot be 6 or it will equal F on first loop and break the loop. rbp+64h cannot be 14 (0xE) or it will equal F on second loop, and so forth.

If you loop through each possible input above mentally, you will find that decimal 5 is able to loop until 0xF:

Input of 5 = C --> 3 --> 7 --> B --> D --> 9 --> 4 --> 8 --> 0 --> A --> 1 --> 2 --> E --> 6 --> F

rbp+4 = 0xF (15 rotations)

You will also notice there is some more arithmetic performed on the immediate 0x0 in rbp+24h within the loop:

mov     ecx,dword ptr [rbp+24h]
add     ecx,eax
mov     eax,ecx
mov     dword ptr [rbp+24h],eax

This is important to consider because rbp+24h’s value will be compared against our second input in rbp+84h, and needs to be equal otherwise it jumps to an explode_bomb. These instructions basically increment rbp+24h by the value in 00007ff7fb95f1d0+X*4 each loop. Therefore, if we input 5 (0xC), by the end of the loop, rbp+24h will have a value of 0x73 (C + 3 + 7 + B + D + 9 + 4 + 8 + 0 + A + 1 + 2 + E + 6 + F).

This means that our second input needs to be the decimal equivalent of hex 73, so it is decimal 115:


Phase 6

Firstly, there is a call to read_six_numbers, which as we already know, requires an input of six numbers.

Next, there are a series of CMP instructions:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+0C4h],6
jge     bomb!phase_6+0xee (00007ff7fb95269e)

Is “[rbp+0C4h] (0x0) >= to 6 (immediate)”? No.

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+rax*4+48h],1
jl      bomb!phase_6+0xa1 (00007ff7fb952651)

Is “[rbp+rax*4+48h]” (first input) < than 1 (immediate)”?

If so, it jumps to explode_bomb. Therefore, our first input needs to be greater than 0x0.

movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbp+0C4h]
cmp     dword ptr [rbp+rax*4+48h],6
jle     bomb!phase_6+0xa6 (00007ff7fb952656)

Is “[rbp+rax*4+48h]” (first input) <= to 6 (immediate)”?

If we skip this jump it calls explode_bomb. Therefore, our first input needs to be between 0x1-6.

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+0E4h],6
jge     bomb!phase_6+0xec (00007ff7fb95269c)

Is “[rbp+0E4h] (0x1) >= to 6 (immediate)”? No.

movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbp+0C4h]
movsxd  rcx,dword ptr [rbp+0E4h]
mov     ecx,dword ptr [rbp+rcx*4+48h]
cmp     dword ptr [rbp+rax*4+48h],ecx
jne     bomb!phase_6+0xea (00007ff7fb95269a)

Is “[rbp+rax*4+48h] (first input) != to our second input”?

If we skip this jump it calls explode_bomb, so our first input and second input can’t be equal.


Next, we enter a loop which increments rbp+0E4h by 0x1 each loop. It needs to loop 5 times in order for rbp+0E4h’s value to be equal to 0x6, so we can take the JGE instruction to 00007ff7fb95269c and break out of the loop. This will require our first input to not be equal to any other input. This is because in the CMP/JNE instructions it uses rbp+0E4h which is incremented by 0x1 each time to access our inputs.

The next jump takes us right back to the start, which increments rbp+0C4h by 0x1. So, we need to stay in this loop 6 times in order for the JGE instruction to jump to 00007ff7fb95269e and break us out of the loop. However, there are several conditions for us to be able stay in this loop:

  • Each input needs to be greater than 0x0.
  • Each input needs to be between 0x1-6.
  • Each input cannot be equal to another. This is because the jump instructions use pointer arithmetic which includes rbp+0C4h and rbp+0E4h’s whose values are incremented in the loop. Therefore, an input of say 6 5 4 3 2 1, would allow us to break out of this loop.

Next, we come to some more CMP instructions:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+0C4h],6
jge     bomb!phase_6+0x166 (00007ff7fb952716)

Is “[rbp+0C4h] (reset to 0x0) >= to 6 (immediate)”? No.

rbp+8 (00007ff7fb95f050) is moved into RAX, and RAX is moved into rbp+28h.

movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbp+0C4h]
mov     eax,dword ptr [rbp+rax*4+48h]
cmp     dword ptr [rbp+0E4h],eax
jge     bomb!phase_6+0x154 (00007ff7fb952704)

Is “[rbp+0E4h] (reset to 0x1) >= first input”?

If it is not >= 0x1, we move rbp+28h (00007ff7fb95f050) into RAX, increment it by eight bytes to access 00007ff7fb95f040’s memory, and store is back in rbp+28h.

It will then enter a loop which will increment rbp+0E4h (0x1) by 0x1 UNTIL rbp+0E4h is >= to our first input.

ONCE rbp+0E4h is >= to our first input, it jumps to a series of instructions which saves the current rbp+28h value into memory at rbp+rax*8+78h:

movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbp+0C4h]
rcx,qword ptr [rbp+28h]
mov     qword ptr [rbp+rax*8+78h],rcx


It then loops back around with a jump to 00007ff7fb9526aa which increments rbp+0C4h (0x0) by 0x1, and checks if rbp+0E4h is >= to our second input. It will continue to save rbp+28h value into memory at rbp+rax*8+78h UNTIL rbp+0C4h is incremented to 0x6.

It is important to note that if on the first loop, rbp+0E4h (0x1) was >= to our first input (of say 0x1), it immediately saves 00007ff7fb95f050 to rbp+rax*8+78h’s memory. If, however, our input was 6, we cycle through memory to save the lower address of 00007ff7fb95f000 to rbp+rax*8+78h’s memory. Therefore, we can assume 00007ff7fb95f050 corresponds to an input of 1, 00007ff7fb95f040 an input of 2, 00007ff7fb95f030 an input of 3, 00007ff7fb95f020 an input of 4, 00007ff7fb95f010 an input of 5, and 00007ff7fb95f000 an input of 6.

You also may have already noticed, but 7ff7fb95f050, 7ff7fb95f040, etc, are addresses, whose value can be viewed as follows:


As previously mentioned, we will eventually take the jump to 00007ff7fb952716. At this point, I started to search for the exit condition for the phase and found two important details:

So, we need rbp+0C4h (reset to 0x1) to be >= to 5 so we can jump to 00007ff7fb9527d1 and exit:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+0C4h],5
jge     bomb!phase_6+0x221 (00007ff7`fb9527d1)

However, in order to do so, we need to take the jump to 00007ff7fb9527c3 on EVERY loop, so rbp+0C4h can reach 5:

cmp     dword ptr [rcx],eax
jge     bomb!phase_6+0x213 (00007ff7fb9527c3)

Is “[rcx] >= [eax]”? In addition, if we don’t take this jump, it will call explode_bomb.

If we look at the instructions which precede the jump to 00007ff7fb9527c3, we can see the values used in the cmp are from the addresses saved to rbp+78h and above. Specifically, the address in RCX used in the cmp, corresponds to the address saved at rbp+78h, and the address in EAX corresponds to the address saved at rbp+78+8, and both are incremented by eight bytes in each loop.

As mentioned before, we control the addresses saved to rbp+78h and above. Therefore, we need the value at rbp+78h’s address to be >= than rbp+78+8 address’s value in order to jump. In order words, the input that we select needs to correspond to a value which is always >= than the next value.

For example, if we review the values saved at each address, we can see 0x3a7 is the highest value:


0x3a7 corresponds to address 7ff7fb95f010, and as previously mentioned, 7ff7fb95f010 corresponds to an input of 5. So, the next highest value is 0x393 at address 7ff7fb95f020, which corresponds to an input of 4, and so on:

  • 0x3a7 --> 7ff7fb95f010 --> input 5
  • 0x393 --> 7ff7fb95f020 --> input 4
  • 0x215 --> 7ff7fb95f030 --> input 3
  • 0x212 --> 7ff7fb95f050 --> input 1
  • 0x200 --> 7ff7fb95f000 --> input 6
  • 0x1c2 --> 7ff7fb95f040 --> input 2

Therefore, our input for phase_6 is: 5 4 3 1 6 2:


Bomb defused!

Secret Phase

In phase_3 I stumbled across two unusual functions: secret_phase and fun7. Now, with the bomb defused, I thought I would try and find where those functions are called from. After quite some time, I found that secret_phase is called in the phase_defused function.

In phase_defused, it CMP’s the value of a variable named num_input_strings to 6:

cmp     dword ptr [bomb!num_input_strings (00007ff7`fb95f8c4)],6
jne     bomb!phase_defused+0xcd (00007ff7`fb952d4d)

If we take the jump, it jumps past the call to secret_phase. Therefore, we need to avoid this jump.

If we do a little research, we will find in the read_line function called before each phase num_input_strings’s value is incremented by 0x1:

mov     eax,dword ptr [bomb!num_input_strings (00007ff7`fb95f8c4)]
inc     eax
mov     dword ptr [bomb!num_input_strings (00007ff7`fb95f8c4)],eax

This means that we need to have passed phase_6 in order to skip the JNE.

In the next section of phase_defused, you can see there is another JNE which we need to skip in order call secret_phase:


call    bomb!ILT+705(sscanf) (00007ff7`fb9512c6)
mov     dword ptr [rbp+0B4h],eax
cmp     dword ptr [rbp+0B4h],3
jne     bomb!phase_defused+0xc1 (00007ff7`fb952d41)

Is the return value from sscanf != to 3?

So, let’s take a look at sscanf’s parameters:


Our input for phase_4 was 3 10. sscanf reads this data from a buffer, following the format specification provided in the second parameter. In phase_4, the format specification is %d %d. However, the format specification here is %d %d %s.

According to the sscanf documentation, it states, "If a character in the input stream conflicts with the format specification, scanf terminates, and the character is left in the input stream as if it hadn't been read."

This implies that even if we provide input like 3 10 test it won’t interfere with phase_4. Furthermore, if the same buffer is used in a call to sscanf with the format specification %d %d %s it will read and assign values accordingly.

In the next section of phase_defused, our string assigned from sscanf (test) is compared to another string in the strings_not_equal function:



It compares our input to the string DrEvil. So, let’s switch our input to that:


It appears we’re presented with another challenge, so let’s step into the secret_phase.

Here, we have a series of CMP instructions:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+24h],1
jl      bomb!secret_phase+0x4f (00007ff7`fb9528df)

Is the value at [rbp+24h] (our input) less than 1? If so, jump to explode_bomb.

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+24h],3E9h
jle     bomb!secret_phase+0x54 (00007ff7`fb9528e4)

Is the value at [rbp+24h] (our input) less than or equal to 3E9 (DEC 1001)”? If so, skip explode_bomb.

It then calls an unknown function fun7 with the parameters: 0x24 (RCX) and our input (RDX). fun7’s return value is stored in rbp+44h and compared to the immediate 0x5. Therefore, need to somehow make the return value 0x5:

call    bomb!ILT+35(fun7) (00007ff7`fb951028)
mov     dword ptr [rbp+44h],eax
cmp     dword ptr [rbp+44h],5
je      bomb!secret_phase+0x71 (00007ff7`fb952901)

So, let’s unassemble fun7.

Here, we encounter several control flow instructions:

cmp     qword ptr [rbp+0E0h],0
jne     bomb!fun7+0x4b (00007ff7`fb951e7b)

Is the value at [rbp+0E0h] (0x24) not equal to 0?

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+0E8h],eax
jge     bomb!fun7+0x78 (00007ff7`fb951ea8)

Is the value at [rbp+0E8h] (our input) greater than or equal to 0x24?

If it is greater than or equal to 0x24:

cmp     dword ptr [rbp+0E8h],eax
jne     bomb!fun7+0x8f (00007ff7`fb951ebf)

Is the value at [rbp+0E8h] (our input) not equal to 0x24?

If our input is equal to 0x24, it is zeroed and returned.

If our input is greater than 0x24: fun7 is called again, but this time with the address of rbp+0E0h (0x24) incremented by 0x10.

rbp+0E0h (0000009027fdf8d0) points to the memory location 00007ff7fb95f1b0, where the value 0x24 is stored. 00007ff7fb95f1b0 incremented by 0x10 results in 00007ff7fb95f180, where the value 0x32 is stored.

After the fun7 call, the LEA (Load Effective Address) instruction effectively doubles the return value and adds 1 more, storing the result in EAX:

lea     eax,[rax+rax+1]

If our input is less than 0x24: fun7 function is called again, but this time with the address of rbp+0E0h (0x24) incremented by 0x8. 00007ff7fb95f1b0 incremented by 0x8 results in 00007ff7fb95f198, which holds the value 0x8.

After the fun7 call, a SHL (Shift Logical Left) operation shifts the return value by 1 bit, and we exit the function.

In essence, fun7 is a recursive function that as part of its execution, invokes itself, and the direction it takes depends on whether our input is greater than or equal to rbp+0E8h. To understand all the possible paths, I manually traced through the various addresses in WinDBG to find their associated values:

00007ff7`fb95f1b0 (0x24)  INC by 0x10 = 0x32
                          INC by 0x8 = 0x8

00007ff7`fb95f180 (0x32)  INC by 0x10 = 0x6b
                          INC by 0x8 = 0x2d

00007ff7`fb95f198 (0x8)   INC by 0x10 = 0x16
                          INC by 0x8 = 0x6

00007ff7`fb95f168 (0x16)  INC by 0x10 = 0x23 (0x0 value beyond)
                          INC by 0x8 = 0x14 (0x0 value beyond)

00007ff7`fb95f168 (0x6)   INC by 0x10 = 0x7 (0x0 value beyond)
                          INC by 0x8 = 0x1 (0x0 value beyond)

00007ff7`fb95f168 (0x6b)  INC by 0x10 = 0x3e9 (0x0 value beyond)
                          INC by 0x8 = 0x63 (0x0 value beyond)

00007ff7`fb95f168 (0x2d)  INC by 0x10 = 0x2f (0x0 value beyond)
                          INC by 0x8 = 0x28 (0x0 value beyond)

So, for example, by incrementing 00007ff7fb95f1b0 by 0x10, the offset address (00007ff7fb95f180) holds the value 0x32. If we increment 0x32’s address by 0x8, the offset address (00007ff7fb95f168) holds the value 0x2d, and so on. It is clear that many potential paths exist.

Now, the key part to this lies in the instructions after the fun7 call and how the stack operates. Consider if we input 0x28 (DEC 40), a value found at one of the possible addresses, and note the specific path it takes:

  • Since 0x28 > 0x24, rbp+0E0h's address is incremented by 0x10, making its value 0x32.
  • Since 0x28 < 0x32, rbp+0E0h's address is incremented by 0x8, making its value 0x2d.
  • Since 0x28 < 0x2d, rbp+0E0h's address is incremented by 0x8, making its value 0x28.
  • Since 0x28 matches 0x28, it is zeroed and returned.

Once it returns 0x0 to the preceding fun7 function call, the previous function call resumes and executes its next instruction. In the case of 0x8, it shifts the return value 0x0, to the left by 1 bit, and then exits the function. However, other function calls sit on the stack, so we pick up where we left off with the other function call, which also shifts the return value 0x0, to the left by 1 bit and exits the function. In the next active frame on the stack, where we previously incremented by 0x10, the return value (still 0x0) is doubled, 0x1 is added, and then the frame is popped off the stack. Finally, with the stack empty, we return to secret_phase with 0x1. This demonstrates how the SHL and LEA instructions, coupled with the right input, can eventually lead to a return value of 0x5. This is the power of recursion.

So, which path should we take? Our input must eventually match one of the possible values in the INC 0x10/0x8 paths in order to be zeroed; otherwise, we will skip the first JNE in fun7 and move 0FFFFFFFFh into EAX, resulting in a return value greater than 5. Additionally, the next call requires increasing 0x0 to 0x1 with the LEA instruction, as SHL will have no effect on 0x0. Therefore, we could shift 0x1 to 0x2 with SHL, and use LEA to double 0x2 and increment it by 0x1, in order to achieve a final return value of 0x5.

Here is the exact path:

  • Input needs to be > than 0x24 (INC 0x10).
  • Input needs to be < than 0x32 (INC 0x8).
  • Input needs to match 0x2F (DEC 47) (INC 0x10).

This guarantees a return value of 0x5 to successfully defuse the secret phase.


Thank you to Bryant & O'Hallaron at Carnegie Mellon University for this enjoyable lab and Xeno at OpenSecurityTraining2 for the incredible Architecture 1001: x86-64 Assembly course.


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