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Swift-based Log Uploader

This package tries to solve a simple problem. In large deployments you want to maintain your log files for a while, so you need a persistant, centralized location to keep them. A Swift object store is an ideal location. Swilog is a very lightweight python-based method for specifying multiple log files to be uploaded to a Swift store. Swilog is heavily influenced by Slogging, and a good deal of code was adapted from there.

How to Deploy

  1. Configure swilog.conf (see below)
  2. Configure log files to rotate appropriately
  3. Setup cron schedule

Swilog Configuration

Customize the Swilog configuration to suit your individual machine's logging needs. The default behavior is for swilog to look for a configuration file at /etc/swilog/swilog.conf. A sample conf is included in the source etc/ directory. Customize this one or write your own. Is is a very simlpe yaml schema described below:

Global Options:


swift_auth: Something like "".  No default.  Required.
swift_user: Something like "swift_tenant:account".  No default.  Required.
swift_password: "supersecretpassword".  No default.  Required.
hostname: Something like "myserver".  Hostname the logs are recorded as coming from.  Defaults to /etc/hostname.
compress: true/false.  Should all logs be gzipped.  Defaults to true.
remove: true/false.  Should logs be deleted once they are uploaded.  Defaults to true.
create_container: true/false.  Should the swift container be created if not already present.  Defaults to true.
container: Something like "logs_raw".  The name of the container into which all logs are written.  Defaults to "logs_raw".
format: See discussion below.  Defaults to ['date','host','label'].
lookback_hrs: Integer.  How many hours must have passed since the file was last written to.  Defaults to 1.
expire_days: Integer.  Mark after how many days the uploaded file will be purged from Swift.  Defaults to infinity.

Per Log Options:

Each log is defined separately, but all are encapsulated within one section, such as:

Logfiles: [
    { label: Foo, directory: /var/log/, file_name: foo },
    { label: Barr, directory: /var/log/bar/, filen_name: bar }

Here are the options that can be set for each individual log:

label: Something like "my_syslog".  No default.  Mandatory.
directory: Something like "/var/log/".  No default.  Mandatory.
file_name: Something like "syslog".  No default.  Mandatory.
compress: See above.  Defaults to global value.
remove: See above.  Defaults to global value.
lookback_hrs: See above.  Defaults to global value.
expire_days: See above.  Defaults to global value.

Swift Object Key Format

The name that is given to each uploaded log file is very configurable.


Swift Authorization Versions

Should really talk about v1.0 vs. v2.0 (i.e. Keystone)

How to Setup Logs for Hourly Collection

Here are a couple of examples how this could be used.


Let'say you want to collect the auth log from your machines every hour. On Ubuntu by default auth events go through rsyslog, so configuring this is pretty easy. Modify the rsyslog configuration to use an hourly template. With a bit of permissioning you can get it going.

  1. Modify /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf

$template HourlyAuthLog,"/var/log/auth/hourly/%$YEAR%%$MONTH%%$DAY%%$HOUR%" auth,authpriv.* ?HourlyAuthLog auth,authpriv.* /var/log/auth.log

  1. mkdir -p /var/log/auth/hourly
  2. chown -R syslog.adm /var/log/auth
  3. chmod 775 /var/log/auth /var/log/auth/hourly
  4. service rsyslog restart

How to Build to Debian Packages


sudo apt-get install apt-file
sudo apt-get install debhelper
sudo apt-get install python-support
sudo easy_install stdeb

Clone the version you want and build the package with stdeb:

git clone swilog_1.0.0
cd swilog_1.0.0
python --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb
sudo dpkg -i deb_dist/python-swilog_1.0.0-1_all.deb


Swift-based log uploader







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