Provides an Option
type implementation for PHP.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ghostwriter/option
use Ghostwriter\Option\Exception\NullPointerException;
use Ghostwriter\Option\None;
use Ghostwriter\Option\Some;
$greeting = Some::create('Hello World!');
echo $greeting->unwrap(); // Hello World!
$name = None::create();
echo $name->unwrap(); // throw `NullPointerException`
echo $name->unwrapOr('Default Value'); // Default Value
None::create(); // return `None`
Some::of(null); // return `None`
Some::create(null); // throw `NullPointerException`
--- Example
function divide(int $x, int $y): OptionInterface
if ($y === 0) {
return None::create();
return Some::create($x / $y);
divide(1, 0); // None
divide(1, 1); // Some(1)
* @immutable
* @implements OptionInterface<TValue>
* @template TValue
interface SomeInterface extends OptionInterface
* @template TSomeValue
* @param TSomeValue $value
* @return self<TSomeValue>
public static function create(mixed $value): self;
* @immutable
* @implements OptionInterface<TValue>
* @template TValue
interface NoneInterface extends OptionInterface
/** @return self<TValue> */
public static function create(): self;
* @implements IteratorAggregate<TValue>
* @template TValue
interface OptionInterface extends IteratorAggregate
* Returns None if the Option is None, otherwise returns $option.
public function and(self $option): self;
* Returns None if the option is None, otherwise calls $function with the wrapped value and returns the result.
* @template TAndThen
* @param callable(TValue):self $function
* @return self<TAndThen|TValue>
public function andThen(callable $function): self;
* Returns true if the option is a Some value containing the given $value.
* @param TValue $value
public function contains(mixed $value): bool;
* Returns the contained Some value, consuming the self value.
* @throws Throwable if the value is a None with a custom $throwable provided
* @return TValue
public function expect(Throwable $throwable): mixed;
* Returns None if the option is None, otherwise calls $function with the wrapped value and returns: Some(TValue) if
* $function returns true (where TValue is the wrapped value), and None if $function returns false.
* @param callable(TValue):bool $function
* @return self<TValue>
public function filter(callable $function): self;
* Converts from Option<Option<TValue>> to Option<TValue>. Flattening only removes one level of nesting at a time.
* @return self<TValue>
public function flatten(): self;
public function getIterator(): Traversable;
* Returns true if the Option is an instance of None.
public function isNone(): bool;
* Returns true if the Option is an instance of Some.
public function isSome(): bool;
* Maps a Some<TValue> to Some<TValue> by applying the callable $function to the contained value.
* @template TMap
* @param callable(TValue):TMap $function
* @return self<TMap>
public function map(callable $function): self;
* Applies a function to the contained value (if any), or returns the provided default (if not).
* @template TFunction
* @template TFallback
* @param callable(TValue): TFunction $function
* @param TFallback $fallback
* @return TFallback|TFunction
public function mapOr(callable $function, mixed $fallback): mixed;
* Applies a function to the contained value (if any), or computes a default (if not).
* @template TFunction
* @template TFallback
* @param callable(TValue):TFunction $function
* @param callable():TFallback $fallback
* @return TFallback|TFunction
public function mapOrElse(callable $function, callable $fallback): mixed;
* Creates an option with the given value.
* By default, we treat null as the None case, and everything else as Some.
* @template TNullableValue
* @param TNullableValue $value the actual value
* @return self<TNullableValue|TValue>
public static function of(mixed $value): self;
* Returns the option if it contains a value, otherwise returns $option.
* Arguments passed to or are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of a function call, it is recommended
* to use orElse, which is lazily evaluated.
public function or(self $option): self;
* Returns the option if it contains a value, otherwise calls $function and returns the result.
* @template TCallableResultValue
* @param callable(): OptionInterface<TCallableResultValue> $function
public function orElse(callable $function): self;
* Returns the value out of the option<TValue> if it is Some(TValue).
* @throws NullPointerException if the Option<TValue> is None
* @return TValue
public function unwrap(): mixed;
* Returns the contained value or a default $fallback value.
* @template TFallbackValue
* @param TFallbackValue $fallback
* @return TFallbackValue|TValue
public function unwrapOr(mixed $fallback): mixed;
* Returns the contained value or computes it from the given $function.
* @template TCallableResultValue
* @param callable():TCallableResultValue $function
* @return TCallableResultValue|TValue
public function unwrapOrElse(callable $function): mixed;
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