I'm an idiot who makes stuff™:
- microsoftgithub.com: create legit-looking GitHub links that rickroll the visitor when clicked.
- dcbadge: A customizable badge that shows your Discord account, a server invite, or a bot account (
- spinmii: make your mii spin 360° to your heart's content!
- system-usage-bot: a mastodon bot that toots the system usage of the server it runs on (sample toot here)
- errors: render an error dialog from a Wii U or 3DS, because, duh, who doesn't wanna do that.
- adobe-fonts-dl: download .otf fonts from any Adobe Fonts Web Project/Typekit URL.
- neofetch-but-its-always-arch: pretty self explanatory, isn't it?
While you're here, feel free to check out this stuff too:
- limes.pink: my website, where you can find some more cool stuff! It's really good! I'm being impartial!
- @limes@limes.pink and @limes.pink: may contain cringe
- buy me a pack of skittles here. please? No? Uh, ok. figured it'd be worth a try.
they/it/any • playlist • matrix • fedi • bluesky • email • buy me skittles