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0.5.3 (browse, zip, tar)


Version 0.5 introduced events including impress:stepenter, but this event was not triggered properly in some specific transition types (for example when only scale was changing between steps). It was caused by the fact that in such cases expected transitionend event was not triggered.

This version fixes this issue. Unfortunately modern transitionend event is no longer used to detect when the transition has finished, but old school (and more reliable) setTimeout is used.

0.5.2 (browse, zip, tar)


More descriptive comments added to demo CSS and impress.js source file, so now not only index.html is worth reading ;)

0.5.1 (browse, zip, tar)


Changes in version 0.5 introduced a bug (#126) that was preventing clicks on links (or any clickable elements) on currently active step. This release fixes this issue.

0.5 (browse, zip, tar)


  • API changed, so that impress() function no longer automatically initialize presentation; new method called init was added to API and it should be used to start the presentation
  • event impress:init is triggered on root presentation element (#impress by default) when presentation is initialized
  • new CSS classes were added: impress-disabled is added to body element by the impress.js script and it's changed to impress-enabled when init() function is called
  • events added when step is entered and left - custom impress:stepenter and impress:stepleave events are triggered on step elements and can be handled like any other DOM events (with addEventListener)
  • additional past, present and future classes are added to step elements
    • future class appears on steps that were not yet visited
    • present class appears on currently visible step - it's different from active class as present class is added when transition finishes (step is entered)
    • past class is added to already visited steps (when the step is left)
  • and good news, goto() API method is back! it seems that goto was a future reserved word but isn't anymore, so we can use this short and pretty name instead of camelCassy stepTo - and yes, that means API changed again...
  • additionally goto() method now supports new types of parameters:
    • you can give it a number of step you want to go to: impress().goto(7)
    • or its id: impress().goto("the-best-slide-ever")
    • of course DOM element is still acceptable: impress().goto( document.getElementById("overview") )
  • and if it's not enough, goto() also accepts second parameter to define the transition duration in ms, for example impress().goto("make-it-quick", 300) or impress().goto("now", 0)


In current version calling impress() doesn't automatically initialize the presentation. You need to call init() function from the API. So in a place were you called impress() to initialize impress.js simply change this call to impress().init().

Version 0.4 changed goto API method into stepTo. It turned out that goto is not a reserved word anymore, so it can be used in JavaScript. That's why version 0.5 brings it back and removes stepTo.

So if you have been using version 0.4 and have any reference to stepTo API method make sure to change it to goto.

0.4.1 (browse, zip, tar)


Changes is version 0.4 introduced a bug causing JavaScript errors being thrown all over the place in fallback mode. This release fixes this issue.

It also adds a flag impress.supported that can be used in JavaScript to check if impress.js is supported in the browser.

0.4 (browse, zip, tar)


  • configuration options on #impress element: data-perspective (in px, defaults so 1000), data-transition-duration (in ms, defaults to 1000)
  • automatic scaling to fit window size, with configuration options: data-width (in px, defaults to 1024), data-height (in px, defaults to 768), max-scale (defaults to 1), min-scale (defaults to 0)
  • goto API function was renamed to stepTo because goto is a future reserved work in JavaScript, so please make sure to update your code
  • fallback impress-not-supported class is now set on body element instead of #impress element and it's replaced with impress-supported when browser supports all required features
  • classes step-ID used to indicate progress of the presentation are now renamed to impress-on-ID and are set on body element, so please make sure to update your code
  • basic validation of configuration options
  • couple of typos and bugs fixed
  • favicon added ;)


If in your custom JavaScript code you were using goto() function from impress.js API make sure to change it to stepTo().

If in your CSS you were using classes based on currently active step with step- prefix, such as step-bored (where bored is the id of the step element) make sure to change it to impress-on- prefix (for example impress-on-bored). Also in previous versions these classes were assigned to #impress element and now they are added to body element, so if your CSS code depends on this, it also should be updated.

Same happened to impress-not-supported class name - it was moved from #impress element to body, so update your CSS if it's needed.


Changes and fixes added in this version have broken the experience on Blackberry Playbook with OS in version 1.0. It happened due to a bug in the Playbook browser in this version. Fortunately in version 2.0 of Playbook OS this bug was fixed and impress.js works fine.

So currently, on Blackberry Playbook, impress.js work only with latest OS. Fortunately, it seems that most of the users [are quite quick with updating their devices] (

0.3 (browse, zip, tar)


  • minor CSS 3D fixes
  • basic API to control the presentation flow from JavaScript
  • touch event support
  • basic support for iPad (iOS 5 and iOS 4 with polyfills) and Blackberry Playbook


Because API was introduced the way impress.js script is initialized was changed a bit. You not only have to include impress.js script file, but also call impress() function.

See the source of index.html for example and more details.

0.2 (browse, zip, tar)

  • tutorial/documentation added to index.html source file
  • being even more strict with strict mode
  • code clean-up
  • couple of small bug-fixes

0.1 (browse, zip, tar)

First release.

Contains basic functionality for step placement and transitions between them with simple fallback for non-supporting browsers.