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Work for Advent of Code

Day Problem Group Part 1 Part 2
1 Basic 725 µs 1,269 µs
2 Basic 501 µs 571 µs
3 Bits/Bytes 1,991 µs 167 µs
4 Players 86 µs 86 µs
5 Lines/Overlap 152 µs 125 µs
6 BigInt 67 µs 66 µs
7 Distance 66 µs 65 µs
8 Cryptography 116 µs 102 µs
9 Stacks/Queues 92 µs 88 µs
10 Stacks/Queues 92 µs 88 µs
11 Binary Tree 74 µs 71 µs
12 Binary Tree 103 µs
13 Distance 223 µs 413 µs
14 BigInt 142 µs 143 µs

Day Three

Part 1 | Approximate: O(n)

This could be done multiple ways, of course bruteforcing always has been an option yet my first thoughts upon reading the problem statement led to a more thorough approach and one that ultimately went with. Basic premise was to count both most_common and least_common of invidual bits from a series which would then create another series of bits (one for each side of the spectrum) and then finally converted to decimal and multipled togther. Falls in line within "Find the occurences of a char" set of problems.

My solution focused on having to go through the number of bits only once in order to save on time. Since the end result of both gamma_rate and epsilon_rate were dependant on most_common and least_common bits respectively. The simple solution was to add up the totals of each column and then compare it with the len(line) // 2.

Alternative Solutions:

  • Matrix Math
  • Bruteforcing
  • Probably some "Numpy Magic"

Part 2 | Approximate: O(n log n)

The second part was a troublesome to transition to: starting off by attempting to retain most of the code, especially the counter meant that a lot of time was wasted where is was not needed. After figuring the mistake of trying to use the criteria of Part 1, I switched to sets as a "faux fuzzy search algorithm" due to each report needing to be filtered based on most_common and least_common bits until an invidual report remained.


  • Could half the time by splitting most_common and least_common at the start and passing the smaller sets

Day Five

Part 1 and 2 | Approximate: O(n)

Day five was the hardest so far and a subset of "Find the intersection(s) between N points" problems. These crux around these problems is managing coordinates, not the discovery of intersections, and can take a bit of mixing to get it right. Numpy was the solution for me; trivial to manage the state of the grid along its axis and generating the coordinates of points for the diagonals.

Even though part 1 only asked to focus on the straight axis, obviously the second part was focusing on the diagonals given the difficulty. So I wanted to focus on doing it in one go.