All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Note if only 1 issue/commit link is given in a commit then that commit was the only 1 used. An issue is used in preference to a git commit.
- add files needed for open publication:
- Added link to Open Gov License v3 and included it as a file in the repo
- Added MIT License
- Added support email to README
- Updated installation and support instructions
- Added section specifying key developers
- Added crown copyright to README
- Make changelog added a changelog of all changes backdated to the initial commit
- convert functions with shared inputs into a class main has been converted from a string to classes using builder design pattern.
- add poetry and modified the dockerfile to remove layers Poetry is now on a single dockerfile RUN command
- remove top 200 from query the input query was artificially limited the team didn't want this so changed to get all comments from last X days.
- New confidence score. Documentation can be found here:
Z:\Projects\Research\0273 - FFT NLP deployment\UserData\New consensus score\fft_confidence_score.pdf
- pipeline version changed to 0.04
- consensus scores incorrect consensus scores in origional model were ova not ovo so hot fix added to remove scores
- crontab paths
- updated ReadMe
- Reformated ReadMe markdown
- adjusted query and chunk and output table to run on production instance query chunk changed to 200 and pipeline version number reverted to 0.02
- revised model paths for ubuntu
- corrected typos on ReadMe typos and errors in README
- reduced size of Docker image
- revised consesus score percentage calculation Made basic sentiment score (based on ovo)
- removed commented out queries from
- changed paths to match podman container structure
- added to Dockerfile
- adjusted ubuntu friendly verision Dockerfile to allow containerisation
- kerberos authentication for database access
- crontab added to automatically run scripts
- requirements.txt removed
- Pipeline changed to 0.03
- initial comment with docker Poetry now used for dependency managment
- Moved over previous repo files
- Pipeline changed to 0.02