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Releases: gridap/GridapODEs.jl
Releases · gridap/GridapODEs.jl
GridapODEs v0.7.0
Closed issues:
- Add Autodiff machinery for transient FE operators (#29)
Merged pull requests:
GridapODEs v0.6.0
Closed issues:
- Error with Gridap@0.14 (#37)
- Linear solver on non-linear time-dependant problems (#40)
- TransientTrialFESpace without Dirichlet boundaries returns TrialFESpace (#41)
Merged pull requests:
- Time deriviatives of MultiFieldFESpace (#30) (@ConnorMallon)
- Diffeqwrapper (#31) (@santiagobadia)
- Create LICENSE (#32) (@santiagobadia)
- Runge kutta (#33) (@santiagobadia)
- Adjustment of stopping criteria (#36) (@ConnorMallon)
- Update to gridap 0.14 (#38) (@oriolcg)
- add method to TransientFEOperators (#39) (@ConnorMallon)
- Update to gridap 0.15 (#43) (@oriolcg)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Sundials" at version "4.3" (#44) (@github-actions[bot])
GridapODEs v0.5.0
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix matdata (#21) (@santiagobadia)
- Bug skeleton terms (#24) (@santiagobadia)
- new project (#26) (@santiagobadia)
- multifield -> transientmultifield (#27) (@santiagobadia)
GridapODEs v0.4.0
Closed issues:
- Partial time derivatives with functions returning VectorValue (#14)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Gridap" to "0.12" (#19) (@github-actions[bot])
- Analytical Partial Derivatives (#20) (@santiagobadia)
GridapODEs v0.3.0
Closed issues:
- Create a linear version of the types (#5)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Gridap" to "0.10" (#16) (@github-actions[bot])
- Linear transient fe term (#18) (@santiagobadia)
GridapODEs v0.2.1
Merged pull requests:
- Move to Gridap v0.10.0 (#15) (@fverdugo)
- Moving to gridap v0.11 (#17) (@santiagobadia)
GridapODEs v0.2.0
Closed issues:
GridapODEs v0.1.0
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Adding draft of design for the algebraic part (#2) (@santiagobadia)
- Draft of several changes to solve misc issues (#6) (@fverdugo)
- Quadratic (#8) (@santiagobadia)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Gridap" to "0.8" (#9) (@github-actions[bot])