Releases: grzegorz-jamroz/wp-extensions
Releases · grzegorz-jamroz/wp-extensions
- add ValidationException
- add presenter FormErrors
- FormAction
- add handle method
- remove getErrorMessages method
- improve handle method in SimpleCommandBus
- new project namespace
Added getUrl method to RestRoute
0.2.3 added getUrl method to RestRoute
Public magic method wakeup for RestRoute
0.2.2 public magic method wakeup for RestRoute
Added isPublic property to AjaxFormAction
0.2.1 added isPublic property to AjaxFormAction
Added request to invoke method in RestRoute
0.2.0 added request to invoke method in RestRoute
Added getBodyClasses and getPageHeaderHtml to AdminPanel
0.1.9 added getBodyClasses and getPageHeaderHtml to AdminPanel
Added abstract AdminPage
0.1.8 changed magic method __wakeup in AdminPanel to public because wp requ…
Added abstract AdminPage
0.1.7 Added abstract AdminPage
changed required php version
0.1.6 changed required php version