Perl wrapper for Mailgun (
use Mailgun;
Mailgun is a email service which provides email over a http restful API. These bindings goal is to create a perl interface which allows you to easily leverage it.
use WWW::Mailgun;
my $mg = WWW::Mailgun->new({
key => 'key-yOuRapiKeY',
domain => '',
from => 'elb0w <>' # Optionally set here, you can set it when you send
# Get stats
my $obj = $mg->stats;
# Get logs
my $obj = $mg->logs;
Creates your mailgun object
from => the only optional field, it can be set in the message.
Send takes in a hash of settings Takes all specificed here 'from' is optionally set here, otherwise you can set it in the constructor and it can be used for everything
to => '',
subject => 'hello',
html => '<html><h3>hello</h3><strong>world</strong></html>',
attachment => ['/Users/elb0w/GIT/Personal/Mailgun/']
to => '',
subject => 'hello',
html => '<html><h3>hello</h3><strong>world</strong></html>',
attachment => [ undef, 'something.txt', 'Hello from inside the file' ],
to => '',
subject => 'hello',
html => '<html><h3>hello</h3><strong>world</strong></html>',
attachments => [
[ '/Users/elb0w/GIT/Personal/Mailgun/' ],
[ undef, 'something.txt', 'Hello from inside the file' ],
to => '',
subject => 'hello',
text => 'Hello there',
to => '',
subject => 'hello',
text => 'Hello there',
html => '<b>Hello there</b>'
Helper methods all take a method argument (del, post, get) # Post optionally takes a hash of properties
# View all unsubscribes
my $all = $mg->unsubscribes;
# Unsubscribe user from all
$mg->unsubscribes('post',{address => '', tag => '*'});
# Delete a user from unsubscriptions
# Get a user from unsubscriptions
# View all spam complaints
my $all = $mg->complaints;
# Add a spam complaint for a address
$mg->complaints('post',{address => ''});
# Remove a complaint
# Get a complaint for a adress
# View the list of bounces
my $all = $mg->bounces;
# Add a permanent bounce
address => '',
code => 550, #This is default
error => 'Error Description' #Empty by default
# Remove a bounce
# Get a bounce for a specific address
Mailboxes Campaigns Mailing Lists Routes
--Add Moose version
George Tsafas
elb0w on #perl