Run docker-compose up
in the docker
This will set up everything needed by the application:
- PostgresSQL database with Akka Persistence Journal
- OpenTelemetry Collector that will receive metrics from the application
- Prometheus that will receive the metrics from the collector and will allow to display them in the simplest form
- Grafana. It's an extra dashboard that uses metrics gathered in Prometheus to display something more useful than bare data (Averages, Requests per second etc). It shows graphs based both on Mesmer-provided (Akka Persistence + Actor Metrics) and OpenTelemetry-provided metrics (Akka Http).
sbt "project example" runExampleWithOtelAgent
or (for Akka Streaming example)
sbt "project example" runStreamExampleWithOtelAgent
or (for ZIO 2.0.0 example)
sbt "project example" runZioExampleWithOtelAgent
You can now interact with the application to generate some traffic and metrics:
- Get account balance:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/account/{UUID}/balance
- Deposit funds:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/account/{UUID}/deposit/100
- Withdraw funds:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/account/{UUID}/withdraw/100
If the account with the given UUID doesn't exist, it will be automatically created.