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Dialog node

Guidone edited this page Dec 22, 2017 · 5 revisions

In Slack it's possible to trigger modal dialogs on the chat client. Dialogs supports three field types: text, textarea and select and can only be initiated by click on a button.

A dialog flow must implement 3 steps

Example dialog node

  1. Add a Open Dialog button in a Inline button node or Generic Template node. Specify Modal id if there are several dialog forms
  2. When a user clicks on a Open Dialog button, a message type dialog is triggered from the Slack Receiver node, the content of the payload is the Modal id specified in the button. At this point the chat flow should answer with a Dialog node which defines the modal fields. Use the Switch node to redirect incoming messages based on type.
  3. When the user answers to a modal dialog, a message type response is triggered from the Slack Receiver node, and contains the response hash (key is the name of the field, value is the answer). In order to extract the hash from the response message use a Parse node using the Dialog response type. Use the Switch node to redirect the response message to the proper Parse node.

After the parse node the message.payload will contain

  my_text_field: 'test',
  my_textarea_field: 'sadasda',
  my_select_field: 'one' 
Name Type Description
title string The title of the modal dialog. Required
submitLabel string The label of the submit button
messageId string The message id to modify, leave blank for a new message
elements array of elements The elements of the modal form. Required

The element structure

Name Type Description
type string Type of element: text, textarea, select. Required
label string The label form element. Required
name string The name of the element, also used in hash result. Required
value string The initial value of the element
placeholder string Placeholder text of the form element
hint string Little help below the form element
optional boolean If the form element is optional, if not specified is mandatory
subtype string Sub-type for text and textarea elements: email, number, tel, url
minLength number Minimum length for text and textarea elements
maxLength number Maximum length for text and textarea elements
options array of option Options of the combo box for select elements

The option structure

Name Type Description
value string The value of the option. Required
label string The label of the option. Required

For example, in order to programmatically prepare the the modal form in a upstream Function node:

msg.payload = {
  title: 'My form',
  submitLabel: 'OK',
  elements: [
      type: 'text',
      name: 'my_text',
      label: 'My Text'
      type: 'select',
      name: 'my_combo',
      label: 'My Combo',
      options: [
        { value: 'option_1', label: 'Option 1' },
        { value: 'option_2', label: 'Option 2' }


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