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Invoice node

Guidone edited this page Apr 16, 2018 · 9 revisions

This node creates an Invoice to trigger a payment in Telegram. To learn more about Telegram payments read here.

In order to start a payment process a providerToken is needed: use @BotFather to get a providerToken for a supported payment platform (like Stripe) and set this in the chat bot config Telegram Receiver node.

The payload parameter is a unique identifier for the invoice being processed, tipically is your order-id or cart-id and it will be sent back by Telegram when the payment is completed (not to be confused by Node-RED's message.payload).

All the elements of the Invoice node supports chat context templating, for example it's possible to set the title of the invoice to Invoice to {{firstName}} {{lastName}} and the amount of an item to {{currentPrice}} (given that somewhere is defined in the chat context the key currentPrice) and the template tokens will be replaced by the actual values.

The Flexible order means that the final prices depends on the shipping method choosen by the user. When this happens the chatbot receives a message with type invoice-shipping that should be followed by a response unsing Invoice Shipping node. If this doesn't happen, then the order will not be finalized.

When the payment is complete, a message type payment is sent to the chatbot with all the information provided by the user (email, phone number, shipping address). At this point the chatbot generally uses the Rules node to redirect these type of messages to an appropriate flow that uses the payload attribute to lookup in the database and flag the order as paid.

The payment message payload:

  currency: 'EUR',
  total_amount: 1423,
  invoice_payload: 'MY_STRING_PAYLOAD',
  shipping_option_id: 'my_shipping_id',
  order_info: { 
    name: 'Guido Bellomo',
    phone_number: 'a-cell-phone-number',
    shipping_address: { 
      country_code: 'IT',
      state: 'Mi',
      city: 'Milano',
      street_line1: 'Via Di Qua, 12',
      street_line2: '',
      post_code: '20100' 
  telegram_payment_charge_id: '_',
  provider_payment_charge_id: 'ch_xxxyyyyzzzz' 

Available parameters for the msg.payload

Name Type Description
title string The title of the invoice
description string The description of the invoice
payload string A custom string that identifies the order or the cart in your system, it will be returned when the payment is confirmed
currency string Three letters ISO code for the currency, for example USD, EUR, etc.
needName boolean The user's name is required to complete the payment
needEmail boolean The user's email is required to complete the payment
needPhoneNumber boolean The user's phone number is required to complete the payment
needShippingAddress boolean The user's shipping address is required to complete the payment
isFlexible boolean The total amount depends on the shipping method, a message type invoice-shipping will be sent to the chatbot that requires a [[Invoice Shipping node
prices array of [price] Items of the invoice
photoUrl string Url of the picture for the invoice
photoHeight integer Width of the invoice picture. Required with photoUrl
photoWidth integer Height of the invoice picture. Required with photoUrl

The [price] object

Name Type Description
label string The description of the invoice item
amount number The total amount for this invoice item


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