(forked from solarkennedy/ipmi-kvm-docker)
Ever wanted to access and IPMI KVM console, only to find that you don't have network access or the right version of java or a compatible browser or credentials?
This container runs:
- Xvfb - X11 in a virtual framebuffer
- x11vnc - A VNC server that scrapes the above X11 server
- noNVC - A HTML5 canvas vnc viewer
- Fluxbox - a small window manager
- Firefox - For browsing IPMI consoles
- Java-plugin - Because... you need java to access most IPMI KVM Consoles.
# change to cloned directory
bash build_arm64.sh # for arm arch(apple m1 etc)
# OR
bash build_amd64.sh # for amd64 arch
# run built docker image
bash run.sh
# Now on your laptop
xdg-open http://admin:8080
# On a mac
open http://admin:8080
# Or just open in a browser
In your web browser you should see the firefox, ready to connect to and IPMI KVM:
By default, the VNC session will run with a resolution of 1024x768 (with 24-bit color depth). Custom resolutions can be specified with the docker environment variable RES, and must include color depth.
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -e RES=1600x900x24 ipmi-kvm-docker
In case you need to mount floppy/iso images to the machine you can mount a volume to the container.
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /your/local/folder:/root/images ipmi-kvm-docker