WIP: 1.2.0 - Multi-platform
Exception based error handling
Split NAND logic into separate file
Multi-platform Avalonia GUI
20210103: 1.1.1 - Export single file
Fix exporting a single file
Extend copyright in about dialog
20201228: 1.1 - Fork with usability improvements
Export folder can be chosen upon export
NAND filepath and export folder can be stored in settings.
The NAND file from the app settings is automatically loaded.
DEBUG builds automatically persist the last NAND file and export folder
20090930: 0.1.3 - non-ECC dump support, file details, menu icons
Sep 23 2009, had a baby boy, Liam Elijah: 8lb 4oz, 19.75"
Added support for non-ECC dumps.
Viewer displays additional file and NAND details.
Improved exception handling and other misc improvements.
Filenames containing ":" are replaced with "-" (ie. HP:OOTP == HP-OOTP).
Crystal Project icons, needed some color.
20090914: 0.1.2 - Updated for BootMii b3 and any ECC dump
Supports extraction of any full (with ECC) Wii NAND dump .
Now looks for BootMii keys.bin in the same directory as NAND file.
Allows manual entry and saving of NAND key.
20090903: 0.1.1 - Initial release
Only supports BootMii b1 and b2.