The AboutLibraries library allows you to easily create an used open source libraries fragment/activity within your app. As an extra feature you can also add an about this app section.
Here's a quick overview of functions it include:
- used open source libraries
- name, description, creator, license, version, ...
- about this app section (optional)
- autodetect libraries
- many included library details
- automatic created fragment/activity
- feature rich builder to simply create and start the fragment / activity
- much much more... try the sample for a quick overview.
Most modern apps feature a "Used Library"-section, which requires information about those respective libs. As it gets annoying to always copy those strings to your app, I've developed this small helper library to provide the required information.
- Sample (Google Play Store)
- Create new definition files
- Get detailed instructions in the wiki
- Compatible/included libs
You can find anything you search for in the wiki. (If not open an issue)
The AboutLibraries Library is pushed to Maven Central, so you just need to add the following dependency to your build.gradle
. It seems it is also required to add the support dependencies to the application. If it works without, you should be fine too :).
implementation "com.mikepenz:aboutlibraries:6.0.8"
//required support lib modules
implementation "${versions.supportLib}"
implementation "${versions.supportLib}"
implementation "${versions.supportLib}"
implementation "${versions.supportLib}"
Further information and how to use it if you can't update to the newest support libs can be found in the wiki
You can use this library in a few different ways. You can create your own activity, including a custom style and just use the information, or you can use the built-in Activity or Fragment and just pass the libs you would love to include.
If you upgrade from < 5.9.5 follow the MIGRATION GUIDE
LibsFragment fragment = new LibsBuilder()
//get the fragment
new LibsBuilder()
//provide a style (optional) (LIGHT, DARK, LIGHT_DARK_TOOLBAR)
//start the activity
For those who read the whole README here's one more thing. You can also use the AboutLibraries activity as an "about this app" screen. You ask how? Yeah pretty simple just add the following .xml file (or just the strings - the key must be the same) to your project.
<string name="aboutLibraries_description_showIcon">true</string>
<string name="aboutLibraries_description_showVersion">true</string>
<string name="aboutLibraries_description_text">Place your description here :D</string>
or use the builder and add following:
.withAboutDescription("This is a small sample which can be set in the about my app description file.<br /><b>You can style this with html markup :D</b>")
Exclude R
from ProGuard to enable the libraries auto detection
-keep class .R
-keep class **.R$* {
In case you want to minimize your resources as much as possible use the following rules (Thanks to @rubengees and @AllanWang as discussed here: mikepenz#331)
-keepclasseswithmembers class **.R$* {
public static final int define_*;
These rules will require you to add the libraries manually. (see more in the above linked issue)
You can contribute by creating a information file for a new library, and open a pull-request at the creators Git repository. If he doesn't include the information file in his repo, or if the library isn't maintained anymore you can create a pull-request here. Find more information in the wiki Create a definition file
(feel free to send me new projects)
- wallsplash
- Numbers
- MegaYatzy
- Sir Spellalot
- TV Time
- Strength
- Sprit Club
- Hold'Em Poker Manager
- PixCell8
- ML Manager
- TurnMe Panorama
- Navig'Tours
- AS Sales Management
- News
- Makota Money Manager
- Companion for Band
- Ask Janee - Answer Questions
- Temadagar
- KPS Connect
- Budget Manager
- Calendula
- Drinking Games
- Recipedia
- Ordkamp FREE
- Ordkamp
- Ordspill GRATIS
- Ordspill
- Betapet FREE
- Betapet
- Contact Lenses Time
- HTTP Shortcuts
- KAU (library)
- Frost for Facebook
- OneMeme: Meme Maker
- andOTP
- Mike Penz
- -
Copyright 2018 Mike Penz
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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