- Sidebar
- Title
- Add Project button
- List of created Projects
- Main content
- Add project should show/replace the content in the Man content section with a form
- Title
- Description
- Due date
- Cancel and Save buttons(Should show the Project details & Tasks section)
- Project details section with:
- Project Title (selected)
- Delete button to delete the project
- Due Date, Description and other props
- Tasks Section
- Input to add task and a button to save
- List of Tasks created with clear button for each
- Add project should show/replace the content in the Man content section with a form
- State Management
- Ref
- Using forwardRef that supports React < 19
- Without using forwardRef to support for React > 19
- StrictMode
- Ensures a component to run twice(only in development mode)
- Allows to identify potential problems at development stages like deprecated API usuage, execution of unsafe life cycles etc
- Props Drilling
- Passing the props through multiple components
- For example, To handle Add task, delete tasks, we are passing the handleAddTask, handleDeleteTask all the way from App > SelectedProject > Tasks > NewTask
- Using Tailwind
- Customize Tailwind classes using []. Ex: w-[35rem]
- To allow linebreaks in a text area, use whitespace-pre-wrap