Welcome to the "POTD-GFG-Leet" repository! This repository contains solutions to the Problem of the Day (POTD) from two popular platforms: LeetCode and GeeksforGeeks. Here, you can find a collection of well-documented and organized solutions to help you in your coding journey.
The "POTD-GFG-Leet" repository is a valuable resource for those who want to enhance their problem-solving skills and coding proficiency. It features solutions to a wide range of problems, with a focus on both LeetCode and GeeksforGeeks platforms.
In the "leetcode" directory, you will find solutions to LeetCode's Problem of the Day. The solutions are organized by problem title and number, making it easy to find the solution you are looking for. Each solution is accompanied by a detailed explanation and code in popular programming languages, such as Python, Java, C++, and more.
- leetcode/
- month/
- 08-solution
- 08-explanation
- month/
- 09-solution
- 09-explanation
- ...
In the "geeksforgeeks" directory, you will find solutions to GeeksforGeeks' Problem of the Day. Just like the LeetCode solutions, these are organized by problem title and number. Each solution includes detailed explanations and code samples in various programming languages.
- geeksforgeeks/
- month/
- 18-solution
- 18-explanation
- month/
- 19-solution
- 19-explanation
- ...
We encourage contributions from the community to improve and expand this repository. If you'd like to contribute a solution, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your work.
- Add your solution in the appropriate directory, following the existing structure.
- Provide a clear and concise explanation in the "explanation.md" file for your solution.
- Create a pull request, explaining your contribution.
Your contributions will be greatly appreciated by fellow programmers and learners.