This repository is for the audit competition for the Mento. To participate, submit your findings only by using the on-chain submission process on .
- follow the instructions on
We look forward to seeing your findings.
This repo contains the source code of the core smart contracts for the Mento protocol. The repository is built with foundry which is used for the compilation and testing of the smart contracts.
The Mento protocol is a smart contract platform built on the Celo blockchain that enables the creation of stable value digital assets. Stable assets created with Mento can be classified as 'Hybrid stable assets' as they are algorithmic, transparent and backed by a over-collateralized, diversified portfolio of exogenous crypto assets(Mento Reserve).
# Get the latest code
git clone
# Change directory to the the newly cloned repo
cd mento-core
# Install dev dependencies with yarn
# Install submodule dependencies with forge
forge install
# Compile the smart contracts with forge
forge build
# Run all tests with forge
forge test
Install slither, if not installed.
pip3 install slither-analyzer
Running slither locally requires you to build only a subset of packages:
forge clean
forge build --build-info --skip tests
slither . --foundry-ignore-compile
If you want to ignore a slither warning run:
slither . --foundry-ignore-compile --triage-mode
For triage mode, in which you can choose to ignore warnings which are added to slither.db.json