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89 lines (69 loc) · 2.75 KB

vim’s EasyMotion / Emacs’s ace-jump-mode for zsh.

Author: Takeshi Banse <>

License: BSD-3

Thank you very much, Kim Silkebækken and winterTTr! I want to use the EasyMotion/ace-jump-mode in zsh.

zsh.zsh demo


Please source it and bind the function to your favorite key.

% . zce.zsh
% bindkey "^Xz" zce


:zce:* keys

Keys to be used for target characters.
(default: the result of setopt braceccl; ${(j..)$(print {a-z} {A-Z})})

:zce:* fg

A highlight sepc for target characters.
(default: 'fg=196,bold')

:zce:* bg

A highlight spec for BUFFER during zce is in effect.
(default: 'fg=black,bold')

:zce:* prompt-char

A prompt string for querying the searching character.
(default: '%{\e[1;32m%}Search for character:%{\e[0m%} ')

:zce:* prompt-key

A prompt string for querying the target character.
(default: '%{\e[1;32m%}Target key:%{\e[0m%} ')

:zce:* search-case

'ignorecase', 'smartcase' or empty('default'). The case of the searching character will or will not be ignored on this value.
Example (the searching character a or A for the command line buffer aA maches as below) :

search / buffer 'ignorecase' 'smartcase' empty(or 'default')

search a for aA

a, A

a, A


search A for aA

a, A



customization example

() {
  setopt localoptions braceccl
  zstyle ':zce:*' keys ${(j..)$(print {a-z})}
zstyle ':zce:*' fg 'fg=white,bold'
zstyle ':zce:*' bg 'fg=7'
zstyle ':zce:*' prompt-char '%{\e[1;32m%}Character:%{\e[0m%} '
zstyle ':zce:*' prompt-key '%{\e[1;32m%}Key:%{\e[0m%} '
zstyle ':zce:*' search-case smartcase


Optionally you can use the zcompiled file with the autoloading for a little faster loading on every shell start up, if you zcompile the necessary functions. zcompile zce.zsh to ~/.zsh/zfunc/zce:

% Z=~/c/experiment/zsh/zce.zsh/zce.zsh; ($SHELL -c ". $Z && zce-zcompile $Z ~/.zsh/zfunc")
** zcompiling zce in ~/.zsh/zfunc for a little faster startups...
+ mkdir -p ~/.zsh/zfunc
* writing code ~/.zsh/zfunc/zce
* re-compiling ~/.zsh/zfunc/zce.zwc: succeeded
** All done.
** Please update your .zshrc to load the zcompiled file like this,
-- >8 --
## zce.zsh stuff.
# source ~/c/experiment/zsh/zce.zsh/zce.zsh
autoload -w ~/.zsh/zfunc/zce; zle -N zce
# bindkey "^Xz" zce
-- 8< --

Please copy and paste the contents between -- >8 -- and -- 8< -- into your ~/.zshrc