A tunnel over Socks5 proxy (tun2socks) for Unix.
- IPv4/IPv6. (dual stack)
- Redirect TCP connections.
- Redirect UDP packets. (Fullcone NAT, UDP in UDP/TCP)
- Linux/Android/FreeBSD/macOS/iOS/WSL2.
See here for more details.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/heiher/hev-socks5-tunnel
cd hev-socks5-tunnel
mkdir hev-socks5-tunnel
cd hev-socks5-tunnel
git clone --recursive https://github.com/heiher/hev-socks5-tunnel jni
git clone --recursive https://github.com/heiher/hev-socks5-tunnel
cd hev-socks5-tunnel
# will generate HevSocks5Tunnel.xcframework
git clone --recursive https://github.com/heiher/hev-socks5-tunnel
cd hev-socks5-tunnel
# Static library
make static
# Shared library
make shared
# Interface name
name: tun0
# Interface MTU
mtu: 8500
# Multi-queue
multi-queue: false
# IPv4 address
# IPv6 address
ipv6: 'fc00::1'
# Post up script
# post-up-script: up.sh
# Pre down script
# pre-down-script: down.sh
# Socks5 server port
port: 1080
# Socks5 server address (ipv4/ipv6)
# Socks5 UDP relay mode (tcp|udp)
udp: 'udp'
# Socks5 handshake using pipeline mode
# pipeline: false
# Socks5 server username
# username: 'username'
# Socks5 server password
# password: 'password'
# Socket mark
# mark: 0
# task stack size (bytes)
# task-stack-size: 86016
# tcp buffer size (bytes)
# tcp-buffer-size: 65536
# connect timeout (ms)
# connect-timeout: 5000
# read-write timeout (ms)
# read-write-timeout: 60000
# stdout, stderr or file-path
# log-file: stderr
# debug, info, warn or error
# log-level: warn
# If present, run as a daemon with this pid file
# pid-file: /run/hev-socks5-tunnel.pid
# If present, set rlimit nofile; else use default value
# limit-nofile: 65535
# Set socks5.mark = 438
bin/hev-socks5-tunnel conf/main.yml
# Bypass upstream socks5 server
sudo ip rule add fwmark 438 lookup main pref 10
sudo ip -6 rule add fwmark 438 lookup main pref 10
# Route others
sudo ip route add default dev tun0 table 20
sudo ip rule add lookup 20 pref 20
sudo ip -6 route add default dev tun0 table 20
sudo ip -6 rule add lookup 20 pref 20
# Bypass upstream socks5 server
# socks5 server
# default gateway
sudo route add -net
# Route others
sudo route change -inet default -interface utun99
sudo route change -inet6 default -interface utun99
On low-memory systems like iOS, reducing the size of the TCP buffer and task stack can help prevent out-of-memory issues.
# task stack size (bytes)
task-stack-size: 24576 # 20480 + tcp-buffer-size
# tcp buffer size (bytes)
tcp-buffer-size: 4096
version: "3.9"
image: alpine:latest # just for network testing
tty: true # you can test network in terminal
condition: service_healthy
network_mode: "service:tun"
image: ghcr.io/heiher/hev-socks5-tunnel:latest # `latest` for the latest published version; `nightly` for the latest source build; `vX.Y.Z` for the specific version
- NET_ADMIN # needed
- /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun # needed
TUN: tun0 # optional, tun interface name, default `tun0`
MTU: 8500 # optional, MTU is MTU, default `8500`
IPV4: # optional, tun interface ip, default ``
TABLE: 20 # optional, ip route table id, default `20`
MARK: 438 # optional, ip route rule mark, dec or hex format, default `438`
SOCKS5_ADDR: a.b.c.d # socks5 proxy server address
SOCKS5_PORT: 1080 # socks5 proxy server port
SOCKS5_USERNAME: user # optional, socks5 proxy username, only set when need to auth
SOCKS5_PASSWORD: pass # optional, socks5 proxy password, only set when need to auth
SOCKS5_UDP_MODE: udp # optional, UDP relay mode, default `udp`, other option `tcp`
IPV4_INCLUDED_ROUTES: # optional, demo means proxy all traffic. for multiple network segments, join with `,` or `\n`
IPV4_EXCLUDED_ROUTES: a.b.c.d # optional, demo means exclude traffic from the proxy itself. for multiple network segments, join with `,` or `\n`
LOG_LEVEL: warn # optional, default `warn`, other option `debug`/`info`/`error`
You can also set the route rules with multiple network segments like:
* hev_socks5_tunnel_main:
* @config_path: config file path
* @tun_fd: tunnel file descriptor
* Start and run the socks5 tunnel, this function will blocks until the
* hev_socks5_tunnel_quit is called or an error occurs.
* Alias of hev_socks5_tunnel_main_from_file
* Returns: returns zero on successful, otherwise returns -1.
* Since: 2.4.6
int hev_socks5_tunnel_main (const char *config_path, int tun_fd);
* hev_socks5_tunnel_main_from_file:
* @config_path: config file path
* @tun_fd: tunnel file descriptor
* Start and run the socks5 tunnel, this function will blocks until the
* hev_socks5_tunnel_quit is called or an error occurs.
* Returns: returns zero on successful, otherwise returns -1.
* Since: 2.6.7
int hev_socks5_tunnel_main_from_file (const char *config_path, int tun_fd);
* hev_socks5_tunnel_main_from_str:
* @config_str: string config
* @config_len: the byte length of string config
* @tun_fd: tunnel file descriptor
* Start and run the socks5 tunnel, this function will blocks until the
* hev_socks5_tunnel_quit is called or an error occurs.
* Returns: returns zero on successful, otherwise returns -1.
* Since: 2.6.7
int hev_socks5_tunnel_main_from_str (const unsigned char *config_str,
unsigned int config_len, int tun_fd);
* hev_socks5_tunnel_quit:
* Stop the socks5 tunnel.
* Since: 2.4.6
void hev_socks5_tunnel_quit (void);
* hev_socks5_tunnel_stats:
* @tx_packets (out): transmitted packets
* @tx_bytes (out): transmitted bytes
* @rx_packets (out): received packets
* @rx_bytes (out): received bytes
* Retrieve tunnel interface traffic statistics.
* Since: 2.6.5
void hev_socks5_tunnel_stats (size_t *tx_packets, size_t *tx_bytes,
size_t *rx_packets, size_t *rx_bytes);
- arror - https://github.com/arror
- bazuchan - https://github.com/bazuchan
- dovecoteescapee - https://github.com/dovecoteescapee
- ebrahimtahernejad - https://github.com/ebrahimtahernejad
- heiby - https://github.com/heiby
- hev - https://hev.cc
- pronebird - https://github.com/pronebird
- saeeddev94 - https://github.com/saeeddev94
- wankkoree - https://github.com/wankkoree
- yiguous - https://github.com/yiguous
- xz-dev - https://github.com/xz-dev