You can run a local CERN Open Data instance for development purposes using
Docker with docker-compose-dev.yml
configuration. The source code directory
will be mounted in the container and the system will be ready for "live
editing". This is useful for active feature development or for pull request
integration purposes. A usage example:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 /code/scripts/ --skip-files
$ firefox
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down
If you want to use production-like conditions locally, you can use Docker with
configuration. This is useful for tuning overall system
performance such as reverse proxy caching. The source code directory will not be
mounted in the container in this case. A usage example:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 /code/scripts/
$ firefox
$ docker-compose down -v
The portal uses Python-markdown for Markdown rendering. There are some differences between this implementation and the syntax rules, mainly concerning lists:
- You must always use 4 spaces (or a tab) for indentation and the same character (-, *, +, numbers) for items list.
- To add a Table Of Contents to a document place the identifier
where you want it to be.
The following extensions are enabled:
- markdown.extensions.attr_list
- markdown.extensions.tables
- markdown.extensions.toc
- pymdownx.magiclink
- pymdownx.betterem
- pymdownx.tilde
- pymdownx.emoji
- pymdownx.tasklist
- pymdownx.superfences
- mdx_math
LaTeX is enabled with the mdx_math extension. Inline equations are between
single $
, e.g. $E = m c^2$
. For standalone math, use \[...\]
If you are working with docs, for example /docs/cms-simulated-dataset-names
and you edit the fixtures under cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/docs
, you
will need to re-upload the docs fixtures to see your changes. For example, you
can re-upload all the docs by cleaning the instance first:
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 /code/scripts/
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 /code/scripts/ --skip-records
If you are working with certain records only, for example OPERA datasets and
events, you can edit the fixtures under
and upload only the files you
wish by doing:
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 /code/scripts/ --skip-records
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-author-list-multiplicity.json --mode insert
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-author-list-tau.json --mode insert
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-detector-events-multiplicity.json --mode insert
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-detector-events-tau.json --mode insert
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-ecc-datasets.json --mode insert
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-ed-datasets.json --mode insert
If you alter one of the fixture files, you can upload your changes by using the
$ docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-ed-datasets.json --mode replace
If you are working with serving file assets, please note that web-files
container may loose XRootD connection to EOS if you change networks or resume
your laptop from the deep sleep. In this case it may be necessary to restart the
and web-files
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml restart web web-files
If you are working in a production environment and you need to delete the proxy cache content, you can run:
$ docker exec opendatacernch_nginx_1 find /var/cache/nginx -type f -delete
If you need to switch between testing a feature is the development environment
context (using docker-compose-dev.yml
) and the production environment
context (using docker-compose.yml
), you can use a helper script joining the
above tips together to quickly initialise your working environment.
For switching from any mode to the production mode working on OPERA records, you can do:
docker-compose down -v
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down -v
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
sleep 20
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 /code/scripts/ --skip-records
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-author-list-multiplicity.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-author-list-tau.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-detector-events-multiplicity.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-detector-events-tau.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-ecc-datasets.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-ed-datasets.json --mode insert
For switching from any mode to the development mode working on OPERA records, you can do:
docker-compose down -v
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down -v
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
sleep 20
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 /code/scripts/ --skip-records
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/cms-derived-csv-Run2011A.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-author-list-multiplicity.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-author-list-tau.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-detector-events-multiplicity.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-detector-events-tau.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-ecc-datasets.json --mode insert
docker exec -i -t opendatacernch_web_1 cernopendata fixtures records -f /code/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records/opera-ed-datasets.json --mode insert
Here is detailed example of our GitHub flow.
Let's assume your GitHub account name is johndoe
Firstly, fork repository by using the "Fork" button on the top right. This will give you your personal repository:
Secondly, clone this repository onto your laptop and set up remotes so
that origin
would point to your repository and upstream
point to the canonical location:
$ cd ~/private/src
$ git clone
$ cd
$ git remote add upstream
Optionally, if you are also going to integrate work of others, you may want to set up special PR branches like this:
$ vim .git/config
$ cat .git/config
[remote "upstream"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/*
We use three official base branches:
- master
- Where the bleeding-edge developments happen.
- qa
- What is installed on the pre-production server.
- production
- What is installed on the production server.
The life-cycle of a typical new feature is therefore: (1) development
starts on a personal laptop in a new topical branch stemming from the
branch; (2) when the feature is ready, the developer issues
a pull request, the branch is reviewed by the system integrator,
merged into the qa
branch , and deployed on the pre-production
server; (3) after sufficient testing time on the pre-publication
server, the feature is merged into the production
branch and
deployed on the production server.
The following sections document the development life cycle in fuller detail.
You are now ready to work on something. You should always create separate topical branches for separate issues, starting from appropriate base branch:
- for bug fixes solving problems spotted on the production server, you
would typically start your topical branch from the
branch; - for new developments, you would typically start your topical branch
from the
Here is example:
$ git checkout master
$ git checkout -b improve-event-display-icons
$ emacsclient
$ git commit -a -m 'some improvement'
$ emacsclient
$ git commit -a -m 'some other improvement'
When everything is ready, you may want to rebase your topical branch to get rid of unnecessary commits:
$ git checkout improve-event-display-icons
$ git rebase master -i # squash commits here
You are now ready to issue a pull request: just push your branch in your personal repository:
$ git push origin improve-event-display-icons
and use GitHub's "Pull request" button to make the pull request.
Watch Travis-CI build status report to see whether your pull request is OK or whether there are some troubles.
Consider the integrator had some remarks about your branch and you have to update your pull request.
Firstly, update to latest upstream "master" branch, in case it may have changed in the meantime:
$ git checkout master
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/master --ff-only
Secondly, make any required changes on your topical branch:
$ git checkout improve-event-display-icons
$ emacsclient
$ git commit -a -m 'amends something'
Thirdly, when done, interactively rebase your topical branch into nicely organised commits:
$ git rebase master -i # squash commits here
Finally, re-push your topical branch with a force option in order to update your pull request:
$ git push origin improve-event-display-icons -f
If your pull request has been merged upstream, you should update your local sources:
$ git checkout master
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/master --ff-only
You can now delete your topical branch locally:
$ git branch -d improve-event-display-icons
and remove it from your repository as well:
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin :improve-event-display-icons
This would conclude your work on improve-event-display-icons