Love ❌ code ✅
Nuke a targetted account
Easy and fast
No proxies required
Unfriend all friends
delete and leave all servers
Spam Create New servers
Get information from a targetted account
Log into an account
Enable seizure mode
Disable Token
Spam switch from light to dark mode the whole time nuking Delete/leave every server they are in Will create 75 servers Change language to japanese Change appearance to brightmode Remove all friends Send a message to every friend they have Everything will be logged and you can watch what happens on the cmd
removes all friend the user has
Leaves and deletes all the server the user has
Creates 100 new servers named "Get hacked 😂" (will update in the future so you can choose what name the servers will have)
So far the info you get is Username UserID Phone Email If they have 2fa enabled
Log into the account via their token this option is a bit buggy and might not work since you log into the account thru their token will be fixed in the future so don't worry
Switches between Light/dark mode as long as the console is open (close and reopen Hazard Nuker to make it stop)
Disables the users token
Exit the program
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Created by Rdimo#6969 |