- Says Kinect v1 is not worse than Kinect v2 for tracking people if they are not far from the camera.
Dance Training Tool Using Kinect-Based Skeleton Tracking and Evaluating Dancer’s Performance (2017)
- Related work methods Kinect SDK (version not mentioned) and Open NI
- Kinect v2 shown in image.
Multiple Kinect Sensor Fusion for Human Skeleton Tracking Using Kalman Filtering (2016)
- Kinect v2
- Kinect SDK 2.0
- Kalman filter used for data fusion
- Kinect v1 (based on image and mentions 20-joint model) and perhaps Kinect SDK 1.8
Human posture recognition using human skeleton provided by Kinect (2013)
- Kinect v1
- Kinect SDK 1.8
Evaluating a dancer's performance using kinect-based skeleton tracking (2011)
- Kinect v1
- OpenNI