title | description |
Welcome to Hero API Docs 🚀 |
Unlock the power of Hero Platform in your projects with Hero API |
<img style={{borderRadius: 20}} src="/images/social_hero.jpg" alt="Hero API Splash Featured Image (https://hero.page)" />
- Sign in at Hero Page.
- Click your profile picture on the top right.
- Go to "Account Settings" -> "Get API Key."
- Your API Key will appear.
Example using the Hero Node.js SDK
import { HeroAPI } from "hero-api";
const hero = new HeroAPI('YOUR_API_TOKEN');
hero.createSpace('My Amazing Space', true, "https://picsum.photos/600/500").then(space => {
console.log('Space created:', space);
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("hero.page")
payload = "{\n \"img\": \"https://picsum.photos/200/300\",\n \"isPublic\": true,\n \"name\": \"Your Amazing Space\"\n}"
headers = {
'Authorization': "Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
conn.request("POST", "/api/v1/createSpace", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
Integrate Hero Platform into your projects. Endless possibilities! Dive into [features](https://hero.page/features), or explore [Hero's Homepage](https://hero.page).
Dive into Space Management, List Management, and Item Management. Explore [shareable lists](https://hero.page/share-a-list-of-links), learn [what is a Hero Page](https://hero.page/what-is-a-hero-page), or see how to [create an account](https://hero.page/create-account).
For more information, please visit our privacy policy, terms & conditions, or access your account by signing in. If you need assistance, you can reset your password here.
Ready to Build Something Amazing?
Dive into the Hero API Playground and let your creativity flow!