This project create a structured idea for a Axios implementation and plus a Log single service channel
When implements a layer with connection at some API`s service, evenly on sistems who use one or more service, behind and/or not a secure info endpoint based on authentication and a external apis like package calculations or even a log repository, the logic can be extensive em each entrypoint of the application.
This scaffold brings various concepts for how to implements a Service Layer that can presents a simplified easy-to-use (and reuse) at a centralized place.
import { Http } from "Services";
// ...
const productData = Http.catalog.getProduct(productId);
const userData = Http.profile.getProfile(userId);
// ...
This main currently scaffold idea has a path like
Services > Http > Services > service.js > endpoint()
, who will treat bellow.
Axios Package Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
Cookie Handler Package Handle cookies in a easy way. Just for example implements on Public case
┣ Data/
┃ ┗ user.js
┣ Helpers/
┃ ┗ functions.js
┣ Services/
┃ ┣ Http/
┃ ┃ ┣ Clients/
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ External.js
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Private.js
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ Public.js
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ index.js
┃ ┃ ┣ Services/
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ auth.js
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ catalog.js
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ index.js
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ profile.js
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ shipping.js
┃ ┃ ┗ index.js
┃ ┣ Log/
┃ ┃ ┗ index.js
┃ ┗ index.js
┣ .eslintrc.json
┣ .gitignore
┣ package.json
┗ yarn.lock
When navigate on codebase, you will see a Log and Http placed at Service folder. Why?
The central ideia is create a Service layer instead a Helper/Utils approach.
Services is a layer who send/receive info data to external resources and do side-effects who will not be the main rules of a application/screen (business rules). Is just a provider that can be replaced for other, with less or no one core business change.
In practice, if a parameter change, but not the behavior, the Service layer can change the data without change the behavior of the page, and keep all the places that use the same provider info updated.
Adding this turn possible monitoring the transacted information or do a side-effect, as notify another provider, log info or split/join info to more then one API, for example make a "login" in a service API before get/send some payload.
It's different from the Helpers
folder layer. The Helpers has not a side-effect
just process the info who is passed as parameter, or get a static data-object, or on max
prepare a Object on easy mode. All the transacion will be handled by user (even other code)
Other present layer, is Data
. This layer has a behaviour as a Repository.
The main application can't know how data are persisted, just use and place at the screen
or ask the user some new data. The repository Data
has a example for
User data, who persist in browser Storage
and can be accessible even the page reloads.
The pages dont need acess the
Storage`, transform the data for after use and persist
changes, the Repository layer turns possible reuse in various pages or areas places.
Using Axios on each necessary request page, in a verbose form would like:
import { Axios } from 'axios'
const async function createAccount(data) {
const reponseData = await Axios.request(
// ...
name: 'Jhon Doe',
username: '',
password: 'user123'
So, if you need login to get some secure profile data, multiples instances needed to be created
import { Axios } from 'axios'
const async function makeLogin(data) {
const reponseData = await
const async function getUserProfile(userId, accessToken) {
const reponseData = await Axios.get(
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`
// ...
const loginData = await makeLogin({
username: '',
password: 'user123'
const userData = getUserProfile(userId, loginData.access_token)
Note: in each request, are requestes to a same site (
If need a request to create a address for the same user, is need to POST
to another
endpoint like${userId}/address
and put again a generated
on login response the access_token
(like JWT) attribute in headers for this called
The cost to create a instance, passing enomerous parameters is high when system increase.
Centralize make possible implements a repeated logic in a once Axios
instance. In another
terms, split layers with single responsabilities, make the code better to maintainance
and scale.
Using instance enable a reuse, with less code :
import { Axios } from 'axios'
// ...
const { accessToken } = await makeLogin({...})
// accessToken can loaded from memory, local database, Storage, ...
const AxiosInstance = Axios.create({
baseURL: '',
responseType: 'json',
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`
const async function getUserProfile(userId) {
const { data } = await AxiosInstance.get(`user/profile/${userId}`)
return data
const async function createAddress(userId, addressData) {
const { data } = await`user/profile/${userId}`, addressData)
return data
// In page who use then
const userData = getUserProfile(userId)
const newAddressData = createAddress(userId, {street: '...', zipCode: '...'})
It`s structured on a single place, based on convenience and similiarity like for logged user only or absent user, or a public entrypoiny like a search endpoint or calculate fleight.
┣ Services/
┃ ┣ Http/
┃ ┃ ┣ Services/
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ auth.js
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ create()
Using the same folder structure on a regular use of Axios instance based, on at a Page who need show the logged user info, some product and calculate a fleight, the calls would be like:
// Views/Product/AwesomeProductPage.jsx
import { getProfile } from "Services/Http/Services/profile";
import { getProduct, getProductThumb } from "Services/Http/Services/catalog";
import { getFleightFromZipCode } from "Services/Http/Services/shipping";
// ...
Note that can not be needed to know the endpoints useds in this page, or even the access_token
or even who is the service that will calculate the freight, just call a function on Services\Http\Services\<context>
Inside each <context>
a Axios
instance is created, and if need change the library
who is used to make Http request, enough change the library inside Context, even add
a param.
But, still yet need call various imports, but this scaffold propose a some diferent centralized approach.
import { Http } from "Services";
// ...
const productData = Http.catalog.getProduct(productId);
// ...
The magic of this are the use of a Proxy instance.
The Proxy, permits intercept a object like, making some other things when call, like inject a
parameter or another object to object/function/method destiny.
When call Http.catalog
this will pass the called to a Proxy who know the endpoints
plus the instance Client of Axios prepared to Http\Services\catalog
// Services\Http\Services\index.js
ServicesList = {
catalog: {
client: PublicClient,
service: Catalog
On folder Services\Http\Clients
has 3 diferents contexts of Axios instance:
External is use to call not related site API`s, like a Freight supplier
Public to make requests for site related "open" apis urls
Private will be used to make requests for secure endpoints who need a authenticated user info
Another Client
can created for diferent context, for example a marketplace that need
calculate a freight in another service for a specific seller.
This is the use calling from Proxy
// Views/Product/AwesomeProductPage.jsx
import { useEffect, useState} from 'react'
import { Http } from 'Services'
// React style
const AwesomeProductPage = (productId, userId) => {
const { user, setUser } = useState({})
const { product, setProduct } = useState({})
const { fleight, setFleight } = useState('0.00')
useEffect(() => {
const getData = async () => {
const { data: userData } = await Http.profile.getProfile(userId)
const { data: productData } = await Http.catalog.getProduct(productId)
const { data: productImageThumb } = await Http.catalog.getProductThumb(productId, productData.thumbImageId)
prductData.image = productImageThumb
const fleightService = (productData.seller === 'xpto')
? Http.specialXptoShipping
: Http.shipping
const { data: fleightData } await fleightService
.getFleightFromZipCode(userData.zipCode, productData.packagingInfo)
return () => {
}, [productId, userId])
return (
<div class="main">
<div class="header">
<span>Olá, {}</span>
<div class="product">
<p>Name: {}</p>
<p><img src={product.image} /></p>
<p>Description: {product.description}</p>
<p>Price: {product.price}</p>
<p>Fleight: {fleight}</p>
export dafault AwesomeProductPage
Two basic Responses Bag object was createad: ResponseBag
and ErrorBag
Using a object bag, make the code assertive how handle the responded request, and assure the attributes who will return after a request are made.
When a Axios Http Request result in a status diferent from 2XX (default), will Throw
a Exception and can handled by a try/catch
or a then/catch
with a diferent side-effect.
The responses for both (error/success) are diferent, using the interceptos permit handle
the reponses, preventing crashes in other than 2XX status condition.
For example to get status on success is:
"status": 200,
"data": {
"data": [...],
"message": "Presents list with success"
To get status on error:
"response": {
"status": 200,
"data": {
"data": [...],
"message": "Presents list with success"
In Bag's proposition, the commons statuses and data, as well errors too, will be present
at first level in returned object. The error
attributes, will not be present
at the same time:
Returned errors result in
status: Number, // HTTP Status code (5xx)
statusText: String, // The status mesage description (eg. Server error)
message: String, // The returned API message
errors: Array[String], // The error list from server response (eg. Form inputs validation)
success: Boolean // Always false
Success result, generally 2XX response (can changed in Axios instance creation):
status: Number, // HTTP Status code (2xx)
statusText: String, // The status mesage description (eg. OK)
message: String, // The returned API message
data: Object|Array|String, // The responded data from server
success: Boolean // Generally true
In this way, is don`t necessary to change how the data will be get, simplifying use of Http instance:
.then((result) => {
.catch((result) => {
One of the most important part of any application is observe the self behavior.
As said in [Presenting Service Layer], a log as a Layer, instead a Help, make a possibility to send a info to another service, like a service layer or even a remote log repository. Turn possible insert global info about server/client machine info, or get a condition, without pass in each log request.
Make possible turn in or off the log register, or monitoring just some info level.
In same way, other services can be created to handle data, connect to others providers, make plugins instance, reusable.
Fell free to question, propose a new aproach, change text or clarify the idea.
Any interaction will make me happy!