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Releases: hhvm/hack-codegen

Support current nightlies

17 Apr 18:32
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This release supports HHVM 4.1 and current nightly builds

Support HHVM v4.1

25 Mar 22:17
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This release supports HHVM v4.0, current nightlies, and is expected to support HHVM v4.1

HHVM 3.30-compatible: support rendering doc block for files without signatures

22 Feb 17:36
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This release brings support for rendering doc blocks in files without signatures to HHVM 3.30

Users of HHVM 4 should use hack-codegen v4.1

Add missing type constraints for Set and ImmSet generation

21 Feb 22:43
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Set and ImmSet elements must be arraykeys; this was previously enforced by the runtime, but not by the typechecker. In nightly builds, this is now enforced by the typechecker.

Support generating .hack files, and generate doc blocks for files without signatures

20 Feb 22:21
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  • .hack files can be generated by specifying the CodegenFileType::DOT_HACK file type
  • docblocks were incorrectly omitted for unsigned files

Support HHVM 4.0

11 Feb 19:38
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Depend on HHVM 4

Support HHVM 3.30

14 Dec 23:35
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be friendly with 3.30

Make `codegenScript()` handle async entrypoints

12 Dec 19:22
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Generated files can contain instructions on how to re-generate them; one supported way is to say 'run this script'. If codegenScript() is used without specifying the script, Hack-Codegen attempts to infer it from the trace.

In previous releases, Hack-Codegen would attempt to use the file from the outermost entry in the backtrace. When using async entrypoints, the outermost entry is builtin, so has no file.

In this release, we filter the backtrace to only entries with files, and select the last one.

Major API update

08 Nov 16:55
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This release contains many changes to increase consistency, flexibility, and usability:

  • addConst is now addConstant
    • if called on a class, it now takes a CodegenClassConstant object
    • if called on a file, it now takes a CodegenConstant object
  • addTypeConst is now addTypeConstant and takes a CodegenTypeConstant object
  • adds CodegenShape and CodegenShapeMember objects
  • adds HackBuilderValues::codegen() to allow building a Codegen* as a value
  • renamed various *Base classes to *ish for consistency with other internal classes, HHAST, and the Hack parser - for example, CodegenClassish
  • adds support for adding constraints to generics
  • uses HSL format strings throughout
  • uses \0 instead of \t as the separator for functions that accept suggested whitespace, allowing use where tabs are desired instead of spaces
  • add HackBuilderValues::regex() to support rendering re prefix strings
  • CodegenEnum is no longer a CodegenClassish, as the majority of methods were not relevant
  • added addVerbatim to HackBuilder. This does not auto-indent the results; one use is heredocs.

Support HHVM 3.29

19 Oct 21:08
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Retag from correct branch.