HighTechU Summer Academy 2020 - Course Material - Day 3 - From Me to We to MVP
By the end of day 3, stuents should be able to...
- Brainstorm project ideas before selecting one (RE: "Brainstorming & Project Selection")
- Identify a Minimum Viable Producty (RE: "MVP oriented design")
- Recollect some points about ECE from Industry Talks (RE: "Daily Wrap up")
Time | Activity |
10:00-10:30 | Industry Talk |
10:30-12:30 | Remote Teamwork Workshop with Dr. Damien |
12:30-1:00 | Lunch |
1:00-1:30 | The ExperienCE |
1:30-2:00 | MVP oriented Design |
02:00-02:15 | Screen Break |
2:15-3:15 | Design Session 1 |
03:15-03:30 | Screen Break |
3:30-3:45 | Social Session |
3:45-4:00 | Daily Wrapup |
A presentation from Ms. Courtney Parker, an alumnus from ECE UVic. Courtney is currently working in Germany
Building Effective Remote Teams
A talk by Ms. Narges Attarmoghaddam, a grad student in ECE. Narges is also the Vice-Chair of IEEE Women in Engineering.
Introduction to Minimum Viable Product oriented design
Student teams start working on their project with the goal to create an MVP by the end of the session
Fun filled activities for students!
- 3 things that students learned
- 2 questions
- 1 thing that was unclear