0.1.24 - 2021-04-16
- Add Monobank icon
- 2f20d50 2021-04-16 Add Monobank icon @SilverFire
0.1.23 - 2021-04-16
- Minor
- 1746c70 2021-04-16 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' @SilverFire
0.1.22 - 2021-04-16
- [336a302] 2020-07-06 fixed aliased paths to real [smy980807@ukr.net]
- Add yoomoney icon
- 985b764 2021-04-16 Add yoomoney icon @SilverFire
0.1.21 - 2019-07-21
- Added YandexKassa icon
- 7264945 2019-07-21 Added YandexKassa icon @SilverFire
0.1.20 - 2019-07-03
- Fixed wrong CoinGate icons filenames
- 94f7d53 2019-07-03 Fixed wrong file names @SilverFire
0.1.19 - 2019-07-02
- Added CoinGate icons
- 67af548 2019-07-02 Added CoinGate icons @SilverFire
- Moved config to root dir
0.1.18 - 2019-02-13
- Added Ikajo payment system icons
- efb466a 2019-02-13 Added Ikajo icons @SilverFire
- a941a05 2019-02-13 Removed dark border from Ikajo icons @SilverFire
- Added PSD templates of payment icons
- 29fa879 2019-02-13 Added PSD templates @SilverFire
0.1.7 - 2018-12-20
- Added Мир icon
- Updated Visa icon
- Other minor changes
0.1.6 - 2017-12-05
- [672c60d] 2017-12-05 Added aliases `2checkout` and `twoco` for 2Checkout payment system [@SilverFire]
0.1.5 - 2017-10-31
- Added 2Checkout Assist, AuthorizeNet, BitcoinCash, Braintree, Dash, Ethereum, LIQPAY, Monero, Paysera, PayU, Stripe, Zcash icons
- 86a9aa6 2017-10-31 Added more payment systems @SilverFire
0.1.4 - 2017-08-02
- Added AdvCash, BitPay, litecoin icons
- 9ada0f4 2017-08-02 Added AdvCash, BitPay, LiteCoin icons @SilverFire
- e8499d3 2017-08-02 Updated bitpay icon @SilverFire
- 5fdaaa3 2017-08-02 fixed configs for hidev 0.6 @hiqsol
0.1.3 - 2017-03-30
- Added FreeKassa
0.1.2 - 2017-03-29
- Removed duplicated icons from preview
0.1.1 - 2017-03-28
- Aliased
icon toyandex
- b2f9775 2017-03-28 Aliased yandexmoney to yandex @SilverFire
0.1.0 - 2016-08-01
- Added use of
- Added automation for CSS and preview generation
0.0.4 - 2016-07-28
- Added MasterCard icon
- aad778b 2016-07-28 Added MasterCard icon @SilverFire
- d7ab10a 2016-06-14 csfixed @hiqsol
0.0.3 - 2016-03-12
- Added NPM package.json
- Fixed Qiwi and Paxum sm icons
- Added better previews
- Added icons for: ecoin, epayments, epayservice, interkassa, paxum, qiwi, robokassa
- Added brands disclaimer
0.0.2 - 2015-12-03
- Added bower.json
- Added tests
- Added preview
- a4e6f17 2015-12-03 + preview @hiqsol
- 421ca74 2015-12-03 renamed maestro icons @hiqsol
- d5f90ba 2015-12-01 Update PHPDoc in gencss @SilverFire
- bda3ab3 2015-12-01 Update PHPDoc @SilverFire
- e475751 2015-11-30 Fixed css @tafid
0.0.1 - 2015-11-30
- Added basics
- 9cbecdc 2015-11-30 fixed yii2 to work @hiqsol
- 402570f 2015-11-30 fixed yii2 asset to work @hiqsol
- 446499f 2015-11-30 adding basics @hiqsol
- c2cb0d5 2015-11-30 added temporary icons for interkassa, robokassa, ... @hiqsol
- bfba810 2015-11-27 renamed pngs to simple names @hiqsol
- 8588797 2015-11-27 inited @hiqsol