A simple simulation of 4 Processors working together in multithreaded environment.
A master Cpu assigns a randomly generated process to each proccesor using two style(Random or Serial).
Each Process has ID,TotalTimeRequired,Priority.
Each Processor simulates any one of the four famous algorithms
- First in First out
- Round Robin
- Shortest Job First
- Priority Scheduling
After assigning the 20 processes(u can change this number in code),MasterCpu randomly chooses any processor and merges the process queue of that proccesor to any other proccesor.
This merge process takes:-
- O(1) for FIFO(First in First out) and RR(Round Robin)
- O(log n) for SJF(Shortest Job First) and PS(Priority Scheduling)
Each Processor show its own ThroughPut and Gantt Chart according to the algorithm chosen
Data Structure used are ArrayList,Leftist Heap,B Tree
[11/12/2017] Each Processor now has a file linked. After each CPU burst Something is written in the file.
Linking Between Processor and Files are done by B Trees.