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Connection to Groq

Groq connection diagram

Login to the Groq login node from your local machine. Once you are on the login node, ssh to one of the Groq nodes.

local > ssh
groq-login > ssh
# or
groq-login > ssh
# or any node with hostname of form groq-r01-gn-0[1-9]

Prerequisite: Create Virtual Environment

Install Miniconda


PyTorch virtual environment

export PYTHON_VERSION=3.10.12
conda create -n groqflow python=$PYTHON_VERSION -y
conda activate groqflow

Install Groqflow

# Alter this if you have cloned groqflow to some other location.
cd ~/groqflow
if [ -d "groqflow.egg-info" ]; then rm -r groqflow.egg-info; fi
pip install --upgrade pip
pip list --format=freeze > frozen.txt
pip install -r frozen.txt -e .
pushd . 
cd demo_helpers
if [ -d "groqflow_demo_helpers.egg-info" ]; then rm -r groqflow_demo_helpers.egg-info; fi
pip install -e .
pip install soundfile
pip install datasets==2.21.0

Use GroqFlow

conda activate groqflow

Job Queuing and Submission

Groq jobs in the AI Testbed's Groqrack are managed by the PBS job scheduler.

  • qsub : to submit a batch job using a script
  • qstat: to display queue information
  • qdel: to delete (cancel) a job:
  • qhold: to hold a job

Schedule Interactive Job

Following command gives a single Groq node interactively for 1 hour

qsub -I -l walltime=1:00:00 

Other flags that can be used

-l ncpus=1 
-l groq_accelerator=1

Hands-on Example


Run MiniLM example with custom input instead of dummy input. Submit proof (contents printed out to your terminal, path to a logfile or screenshot) that you were able to successfully follow the instructions and execute.

Additional Examples (Optional)

Useful Resources