Releases: hollingsworthd/jBrowserDriver
Releases · hollingsworthd/jBrowserDriver
v0.10.5 Release Notes:
- Fix timeouts set via Selenium APIs (such as page load timeout)
- Reduce CPU usage and time spent on loading pages, doing DOM operations, and typing text
- Block on JBrowserDriver.quit() until page loaded and any in progress API calls complete--use JBrowserDriver.kill() to bypass this blocking
- Keep iframe selected during iframe unloads/loads
- Account for iframe position in browser on mouse clicks within the iframe
- Fix memory leak problematic when many instances of JBrowserDriver are created and destroyed
- Support data attributes and non-standard attributes on WebElement.getAttribute(String)
- Return null for empty attributes from WebElement.getAttribute(String)
- Retain trace and other logs proportionally by type (with respect to max logs setting), then by date
- Reduce max logs setting default from 5000 to 3000
- Increase ajaxWait setting default from 120ms to 150ms
- Introduce JBrowserDriver.pageWait() API--this is called automatically and does not need manual invocation in most situations
v0.10.4 Release Notes:
- Fix regression from v0.10.3: class cast and null pointer exceptions pertaining to FindsBy APIs
- Allow any free port to be used for RMI instead of having to specify them (now the default behavior -- more info)
- Use domain of current page for cookies set via JBrowserDriver.manage().addCookie(..) if there's no domain specified by user
- If user switches to an iframe, block for subsequent AJAX page loads of that iframe
- Fix HotSpot errors which occurred after switching to an iframe and attempting to interact with it after the iframe page was unloaded
- Fix session ID to make it unique
- Configured RMI port was only used for RMI registry: use it for object references too
v0.10.3 Release Notes:
- Send non-default ports on the host header (:sparkles:Thanks to @heinousjay)
- Allow sendKeys to work with HTML file inputs, interpreting the string as a file path
- Remove unnecessary Monocle classes and resources
- Improve thread safety and eliminate HotSpot errors which occurred in certain environments
- Fix browser fullscreen mode not working sporadically
- Bubble up exceptions from executeScript instead of returning null
- Handle maps and functions as return values from executeScript
- Fix bug where some types of elements nested in a list returned from executeScript could not be used
v0.10.2 Release Notes:
- Add support for WebElements to be arguments to JBrowserDriver.executeScript(..)
- Make Monocle compatible with every version of Java 8
- Fix sites that send responses as attachments
- Reduce memory usage
- Handle additional protocols supported by WebKit
- Use latest version of Apache HttpComponents
- Fix detection of clickable elements
- Allow SSL hostname verification to be turned off
- Make slf4j-simple dependency optional
- Add option to disable Javascript
- Change default max connections to 300 (instead of 3000)
- Allow configuration of socket, read, and connection manager timeouts
- Click in the center of elements, to account for rounded corners
✨Many thanks to @fzakaria, @BlueIce, @sarehag, @travis-rodman for their contributions to this release! Also thank you to everyone who submitted bug reports and suggestions.
v0.10.1 Release Notes:
- Use FastClasspathScanner library to create classpath for RMI processes
- Fix window sizing and positioning APIs
- Fix web cache file locking on Windows OS and across threads
- Specify excluded dependencies individually instead of with wildcard which doesn't always work
- Implement API to get Capabilities from an existing JBrowserDriver object
v0.10.0 Release Notes:
- Add support for Selenium Server
- Enable configuration via Selenium Capabilities
- Make JBrowserDriver extend RemoteWebDriver (for compatibility only; no functionality changed)
- Upgrade to Selenium 2.52.0 (the latest)
- Fix compatibility for Java versions earlier than 8u20
- Remove BrowserException runtime exception class
v0.9.3 Release Notes:
- Fix getters for size and location of WebElements
v0.9.2 Release Notes:
- Fix classpath for RMI processes which was broken on Java app servers (:sparkles:Thanks to @zj793039327 for explaining the fix)
- Allow cookies to be set by Javascript
- Allow all configuration previously done via Java system properties to also be configurable with Settings Builder
v0.9.1 Release Notes:
- Add support for frames and iframes
- Fix SecurityManager policy when used in Spring Boot apps
v0.8.8 Release Notes:
- Change default of Settings to ignore JS dialogs
- Fix casing of headers, and prevent duplicate headers being set
- Fix Content-Length header on PUT and POST
- Make Element implement WrapsDriver (:sparkles:Thanks to @qqilihq)
- Make window.navigator customizations compatible with latest Java/WebKit version
- Customize window.navigator in iframes
- Remove Via header set by Apache HttpComponents when caching is enabled
- Fix status code handling when caching is enabled
- Add HTTP wire log
- Shorten Selenium browser name to "jBrowserDriver", useful for certain test frameworks
- Add RMI port number to console logs