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File metadata and controls

375 lines (256 loc) · 15.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a CHANGELOG.

3.1.1 - 2020-05-06


  • Backwards compatibility break in userland classes extending AbstractRequest due to a final constructor. - #56 See also: #55

3.1.0 - 2020-05-06


  • Interface for request content composers with implementations for URL encoded form-data, multipart form-data and JSON data. This was inspired by - #53
  • Named constructor newWithRequestContent to all request classes in order to simplify the use of the new request content type composers.
  • For more information and examples have a look at the documentation section "Request contents".


  • Inspection issues found by PHPStan


  • Test suites to cover PHP versions from 7.1 to 7.4
  • License dates
  • CI moved to GitHub actions

3.0.1 - 2019-10-24


  • PHP 7.4 CI pipeline and docker-compose environment
  • Explicitly set error_reporting=-1 for CI and tests in order to capture deprecation warnings


  • Replace usage of curly brace syntax for accessing string offsets, which is deprecated in PHP 7.4 - #51

3.0.0 - 2019-07-29

Please take notice of the backwards incompatible changes (BC breaks) documented below in the changelog of 3.0.0-alpha & 3.0.0-beta.


  • Reserved private constant for ABORT_REQUEST instruction for future use
  • Socket ID is now represented and generated by a proper type class


  • Import of root namespace functions
  • Dependency injection for socket implementation

3.0.0-beta - 2019-06-24

Backwards incompatible changes (BC breaks)

  • The socket conection parameter was moved from the Client's constructor to

    • Client#sendRequest(ConfiguresSocketConnection $connection, ProvidesRequestData $request) : ProvidesResponseData and
    • Client#sendAsyncRequest(ConfiguresSocketConnection $connection, ProvidesRequestData $request) : int

    in order to allow sending (equal) requests to different FastCGI servers using the same Client instance. - #45

  • Removed method ProvidesResponseData#getRequestId() : int and Response#getRequestId() : int resepctivly in order to avoid confusion about the semantics of the term "request ID" and misusage by assuming it is a unique ID for each request (which it is not). Also the first constructor parameter of the Response class was removed wiht this change. - #39

  • Renamed all $requestId(s) parameters to $socketId(s) in order to reflect the correct semantics of the ID. - #39

  • Renamed method Client#getRequestIdsHavingResponse() : array<int> to Client#getSocketIdsHavingResponse() : array<int> in order to reflect the correct semantics of the returned array of IDs. - #39

3.0.0-alpha - 2019-04-30

Backwards incompatible changes (BC breaks)

  • Method Response#getHeaders() : array will now return a two-dimensional array with grouped values to support multi-value headers. Previous versions returned a one-dimensional key-value array.

    # Previous versions
      'Status' => 'HTTP/2 200 OK',
      'Set-Cookie' => 'tasty_cookie=strawberry',
    # Since 3.0.0-alpha
      'Status' => [
        'HTTP/2 200 OK',
      'Set-Cookie' => [
  • Method Response#getHeader(string $headerKey) : array will now return an array containing all values for the given header key to support multi-value headers. Previous versions returned the last value as a string.

    echo $response->getHeader('Set-Cookie');
    # Previous versions
    # Since 3.0.0-alpha
  • Method Response#getRawResponse() : string is no longer available and its usage must be replaced with Response#getOutput(). The method was deprecated since version 2.6.0.


  • Method Response#getHeaderLine(string $headerKey) : string that returns all values, separated by comma, for the given key. - #35
  • Header keys are now case-insensitive in Response#getHeader(string $headerKey) : array and Response#getHeaderLine(string $headerKey) : string. - #35


  • Method Response#getRawResponse() : string that was deprecated in version 2.6.0 in favour of Response#getOutput() : string. - #36

2.7.2 - 2019-05-31


  • Handling of stream_select returning false in case of a system call interrupt. - #41


  • Remove/close sockets after fetching their responses triggered async requests in order to prevent halt on further request processing, if the number of requests exceeds php-fpm's pm.max_children setting. - #40

2.7.1 - 2019-04-29


  • Remove failed sockets from internal collection that errored out during reading of response in order to prevent infinite tries/re-use of those failed connections. - #37

2.7.0 - 2019-04-28


  • Re-using of idle sockets for successive requests - #33

2.6.0 - 2019-04-02


  • Two new methods to Response class - #27

    • Response#getOutput() which is identical to Response#getRawResponse() and will return the complete output from the STDOUT stream of the response.
    • Response#getError() which will return the complete output of the STDERR stream of the response.
  • Second parameter $errorBuffer in tha pass through callback signature - #27

    $callback = function( string $outputBuffer, string $errorBuffer ) {};

    This parameter will contain the contents of the STDERR stream packets.


  • Response#getRawResponse() in favour of consistant naming. This method will be removed in v3.0.0 - #27


  • ProcessManagerException that was introduced in v2.5.0 - #27 Please read this blog post why this (BC breaking) change was necessary and how to handle server-sent errors now.


  • bin/fcgiget to accept full URL paths and print STDOUT and STDERR output


  • Documentation

2.5.0 - 2019-01-29


  • New ProcessManagerException in case the php-fpm responds with packages of type STDERR. This refers mainly to the error Primary script unknown resp. the response File not found..

  • CI builds for PHP 7.3

2.4.3 - 2018-09-17


2.4.2 - 2018-01-28


  • Missing data in php://input on worker side when client sends content larger than 65535 bytes - #15

2.4.1 - 2017-11-19


  • PHP warning when trying to get ready request IDs - #14


  • Loop performance

2.4.0 - 2017-09-28


  • Ability to add pass through callbacks in order to access output buffer from a long running callee - #11
    See an example in the documentation for further informaiton.

2.3.0 - 2017-06-15


  • Replaced methods getHost() and getPort() with getSocketAddress() in interface hollodotme\FastCGI\Interfaces\ConfiguresSocketConnection - #9
  • The transport protocol unix:// must be omitted for the first parameter of hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\UnixDomainSocket
    Only the socket path must be passed. - #9
  • Replaced fsockopen() with stream_socket_client() for connecting to php-fpm. - #9

2.2.0 - 2017-04-15


  • Method addResponseCallbacks(callable ...$callbacks) to all request classes to enable response evaluation delegation - #6
  • Method addFailureCallbacks(callable ...$callbacks) to all request classes to enable exception handling delegation
  • Method readResponse(int $requestId, ?int $timeoutMs = null) : ProvidesResponseData to read and retrieve a single response
  • Method readResponses(?int $imeoutMs = null, int ...$requestIds) : \Generator to read and yield multiple responses
  • Method readReadyResponses(?int $imeoutMs = null) : \Generator to check for ready responses, read and yield them
  • Method waitForResponses(?int $timeout = null) to Client class for waiting for multiple responses and calling the respective response callbacks - #5
  • Method getRequestIdsHavingResponse() : array to enable reactive read of responses as they occur
  • Method hasUnhandledResponses() : bool to check for outstanding responses
  • Method handleResponse(int $requestId, ?int $timeoutMs = null) to fetch a specific response and notify the respective response callback
  • Method handleResponses(?int $timeoutMs = null, int ...$requestIds) to fetch a specific responses and notify the respective response callbacks
  • Method handleReadyResponses(?int $timeoutMs = null) to check for ready responses, fetch them and notify the respective response callbacks


  • Method waitForResponse(int $requestId, ?int $timeoutMs = null) is not returning a response anymore, but will call the response callback
    Use readResponse(int $requestId, ?int $timeoutMs = null): ProvidesResponseData if you want to get the response directly.


  • Optional flag to make a connection persistent (is now always disabled in favour of better timeout handling and FPM pool-children-scalability)
  • Optional flag to keep the server-side connection alive (is now always enabled, affects only network sockets)


  • Code coverage by automated integration tests
  • Timeout handling on multiple requests

2.1.0 - 2017-03-07


  • Methods sendRequest and sendAsyncRequest expect to get an object of interface hollodotme\FastCGI\Interfaces\ProvidesRequestData - #5
  • Methods sendRequest and waitForResponse now return an object of interface hollodotme\FastCGI\Interfaces\ProvidesResponseData - #2


  • Public class constants for request methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE in hollodotme\FastCGI\Constants\RequestMethod - #5
  • Public class constants for server protocols HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 in hollodotme\FastCGI\Constants\ServerProtocol - #5
  • Abstract request class for implementing individual request methods, contains all request default values - #5
  • Request implementations: - #5
    • hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\GetRequest
    • hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest
    • hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PutRequest
    • hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PatchRequest
    • hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\DeleteRequest
  • Response implementation - #2

2.0.1 - 2017-02-23


  • Erroneous response returned by Client::sendRequest() and Client::waitForResponse() - #1


  • Testsuite updated for PHPUnit >= 6

2.0.0 - 2017-01-03


  • Class constant visibility to private in class Client
  • Class constant visibility to privare in class Encoders\PacketEncoder
  • Class constant visibility to public in class SocketConnections\Defaults
  • Composer requires php >= 7.1

1.0.0 - 2017-01-03

Based on Pierrick Charron's PHP-FastCGI-Client:


  • Socket connection interface ConfiguresSocketConnection
  • Socket connection classes UnixDomainSocket and NetworkSocket
  • Base exception FastCGIClientException
  • Derived exceptions ForbiddenException, ReadFailedException, TimeoutException, WriteFailedException


  • Constructor of Client now expects a ConfiguresSocketConnection instance
  • Renamed Client->request() to Client->sendRequest()
  • Renamed Client->async_request() to Client->sendAsyncRequest()
  • Renamed Client->wait_for_response() to Client->waitForResponse()


  • Unused class constants from Client
  • Getters/Setters for connect timeout, read/write timeout, keep alive, socket persistence from Client (now part of the socket connection)
  • Method Client->getValues()