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fix: add PR to build all Dockers #10

fix: add PR to build all Dockers

fix: add PR to build all Dockers #10

# name: Build Navitia Dockers
# on:
# pull_request:
# push:
# branches:
# - dev
# tags:
# - '*'
# jobs:
# common_variables:
# name: Common variables
# runs-on: [self-hosted, kraken, sandbox]
# outputs:
# RELEASE_TAG: ${{ steps.choose_navitia_tag.outputs.navitia_tag }}
# steps:
# - name: force chown to avoid errors
# run: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER .
# - name: Generate github private access token
# id: ci-core-app-token
# uses: getsentry/action-github-app-token@v2.0.0
# with:
# app_id: ${{ secrets.CI_CORE_APP_ID }}
# private_key: ${{ secrets.CI_CORE_APP_PEM }}
# - name: Checkout navitia
# id: checkout_navitia
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# token: ${{ }}
# # we need entire history for tags
# fetch-depth: 0
# - name: Choose navitia tag
# id: choose_navitia_tag
# run: |
# version=$(git describe --tags)
# echo "navitia_tag=$version" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# debian11_kraken_image:
# runs-on: [self-hosted, kraken, sandbox]
# name: Build debian11 kraken image
# needs: common_variables
# steps:
# - name: force chown to avoid errors
# run: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER .
# - name: Git config
# run: git config --global --add /__w/navitia/navitia
# - name: Generate github private access token
# id: ci-core-app-token
# uses: getsentry/action-github-app-token@v2.0.0
# with:
# app_id: ${{ secrets.CI_CORE_APP_ID }}
# private_key: ${{ secrets.CI_CORE_APP_PEM }}
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# submodules: recursive
# token: ${{ }}
# - name: Login to Amazon ECR
# uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login@v1
# env:
# AWS_REGION: eu-west-1
# with:
# registries: "162230498103"
# - name: Create builder docker
# run: |
# docker build -f docker/debian11/Dockerfile-builder-kraken -t navitia/builder .
# - name: Build Kraken
# run: docker run -v `pwd`:/navitia/navitia/ navitia/builder
# - name: Create Kraken image
# run: |
# docker build -t navitia/kraken -f docker/debian11/Dockerfile-kraken .