diff --git a/source/jormungandr/jormungandr/realtime_schedule/forseti_multi_stop.py b/source/jormungandr/jormungandr/realtime_schedule/forseti_multi_stop.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc3d595de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/jormungandr/jormungandr/realtime_schedule/forseti_multi_stop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2022, Hove and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This file is part of Navitia,
+# the software to build cool stuff with public transport.
+# Hope you'll enjoy and contribute to this project,
+# powered by Hove (www.hove.com).
+# Help us simplify mobility and open public transport:
+# a non ending quest to the responsive locomotion way of traveling!
+# LICENCE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# Stay tuned using
+# twitter @navitia
+# channel `#navitia` on riot https://riot.im/app/#/room/#navitia:matrix.org
+# https://groups.google.com/d/forum/navitia
+# www.navitia.io
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
+from jormungandr.realtime_schedule.realtime_proxy import RealtimeProxy, RealtimeProxyError
+from jormungandr.utils import PY3
+import logging
+import pybreaker
+import pytz
+import requests as requests
+from jormungandr import cache, app
+from jormungandr.schedule import RealTimePassage
+import aniso8601
+import six
+In Forseti direction types are transformed as followings
+"forward", "outbound": "forward"
+"backward", "inbound": "backward"
+ 'forward': 'forward',
+ 'outbound': 'forward',
+ 'backward': 'backward',
+ 'inbound': 'backward',
+class ForsetiMultiStop(RealtimeProxy):
+ """
+ class managing calls to Forseti service providing real-time next passages
+ curl example to check/test that external service is working:
+ curl -X GET '{server}/departures?stop_id={stop_code}'
+ {stop_code} is the code of type configured for a stop_point
+ So in practice it will look like:
+ curl -X GET 'http://..forseti../departures?stop_id=472'
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ id,
+ service_url,
+ object_id_tag="source",
+ destination_id_tag="source",
+ instance=None,
+ timeout=2,
+ line_id_tag="source",
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ self.service_url = service_url
+ self.timeout = timeout # timeout in seconds
+ self.rt_system_id = id
+ self.object_id_tag = object_id_tag
+ self.destination_id_tag = destination_id_tag
+ self.instance = instance
+ self.line_id_tag = line_id_tag
+ fail_max = kwargs.get(
+ 'circuit_breaker_max_fail', app.config.get(str('CIRCUIT_BREAKER_MAX_SYTRAL_FAIL'), 5)
+ )
+ reset_timeout = kwargs.get(
+ 'circuit_breaker_reset_timeout', app.config.get(str('CIRCUIT_BREAKER_SYTRAL_TIMEOUT_S'), 60)
+ )
+ self.breaker = pybreaker.CircuitBreaker(fail_max=fail_max, reset_timeout=reset_timeout)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ used as the cache key. We use the rt_system_id to share the cache between servers in production
+ """
+ if PY3:
+ return self.rt_system_id
+ try:
+ return self.rt_system_id.encode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace')
+ except:
+ return self.rt_system_id
+ def _make_params(self, route_point):
+ """
+ create params list for GET request
+ """
+ stop_id_list = route_point.fetch_all_stop_id(self.object_id_tag)
+ if not stop_id_list:
+ logging.getLogger(__name__).debug(
+ 'missing realtime id for {obj}: stop code={s}'.format(obj=route_point, s=stop_id_list),
+ extra={'rt_system_id': six.text_type(self.rt_system_id)},
+ )
+ self.record_internal_failure('missing id')
+ return None
+ params = [('stop_id', i) for i in stop_id_list]
+ direction_type = route_point.fetch_direction_type()
+ if direction_type:
+ params.append(("direction_type", direction_type))
+ return params
+ def _is_valid_direction(self, direction_uri, passage_direction_uri, group_by_dest):
+ # If group_by_dest is False then return True
+ # otherwise return the comparison result
+ if not group_by_dest:
+ return True
+ return direction_uri == passage_direction_uri
+ @cache.memoize(app.config['CACHE_CONFIGURATION'].get('TIMEOUT_SYTRAL', 30))
+ def _call(self, params):
+ """
+ http call to Forseti
+ """
+ logging.getLogger(__name__).debug(
+ 'Forseti RT service , call url : {}'.format(self.service_url),
+ extra={'rt_system_id': six.text_type(self.rt_system_id)},
+ )
+ try:
+ return self.breaker.call(requests.get, url=self.service_url, params=params, timeout=self.timeout)
+ except pybreaker.CircuitBreakerError as e:
+ logging.getLogger(__name__).error(
+ 'Forseti service dead, using base schedule (error: {}'.format(e),
+ extra={'rt_system_id': six.text_type(self.rt_system_id)},
+ )
+ raise RealtimeProxyError('circuit breaker open')
+ except requests.Timeout as t:
+ logging.getLogger(__name__).error(
+ 'Forseti service timeout, using base schedule (error: {}'.format(t),
+ extra={'rt_system_id': six.text_type(self.rt_system_id)},
+ )
+ raise RealtimeProxyError('timeout')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.getLogger(__name__).exception(
+ 'Forseti RT error, using base schedule',
+ extra={'rt_system_id': six.text_type(self.rt_system_id)},
+ )
+ raise RealtimeProxyError(str(e))
+ def _get_dt(self, datetime_str):
+ dt = aniso8601.parse_datetime(datetime_str)
+ utc_dt = dt.astimezone(pytz.utc)
+ return utc_dt
+ def _get_passages(self, route_point, resp):
+ logging.getLogger(__name__).debug(
+ 'Forseti response: {}'.format(resp), extra={'rt_system_id': six.text_type(self.rt_system_id)}
+ )
+ line_ids = route_point.fetch_all_line_id(self.line_id_tag)
+ line_uri = route_point.fetch_line_uri()
+ direction_type = route_point.fetch_direction_type()
+ departures = resp.get('departures', [])
+ next_passages = []
+ for next_expected_st in departures:
+ if next_expected_st['line'] not in line_ids:
+ continue
+ if DIRECTION_MAPPING.get(direction_type) != next_expected_st.get('direction_type'):
+ continue
+ dt = self._get_dt(next_expected_st['datetime'])
+ direction_name = next_expected_st.get('direction_name')
+ is_real_time = next_expected_st.get('type') == 'E'
+ direction = self._get_direction(
+ line_uri=line_uri, object_code=next_expected_st.get('direction'), default_value=direction_name
+ )
+ next_passage = RealTimePassage(dt, direction.label, is_real_time, direction.uri)
+ next_passages.append(next_passage)
+ # If next_passages is empty return 0 to display base_schedule
+ if len(next_passages) == 0:
+ return None
+ return next_passages
+ def _get_next_passage_for_route_point(
+ self, route_point, count=None, from_dt=None, current_dt=None, duration=None
+ ):
+ params = self._make_params(route_point)
+ if not params:
+ return None
+ r = self._call(params)
+ if r.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
+ logging.getLogger(__name__).error(
+ 'Forseti service unavailable, impossible to query : {}'.format(r.url),
+ extra={'rt_system_id': six.text_type(self.rt_system_id)},
+ )
+ raise RealtimeProxyError('non 200 response')
+ return self._get_passages(route_point, r.json())
+ def status(self):
+ return {
+ 'id': six.text_type(self.rt_system_id),
+ 'timeout': self.timeout,
+ 'circuit_breaker': {
+ 'current_state': self.breaker.current_state,
+ 'fail_counter': self.breaker.fail_counter,
+ 'reset_timeout': self.breaker.reset_timeout,
+ },
+ }
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.rt_system_id == other.rt_system_id
diff --git a/source/jormungandr/jormungandr/realtime_schedule/realtime_proxy.py b/source/jormungandr/jormungandr/realtime_schedule/realtime_proxy.py
index 1288025919..7030ee68aa 100644
--- a/source/jormungandr/jormungandr/realtime_schedule/realtime_proxy.py
+++ b/source/jormungandr/jormungandr/realtime_schedule/realtime_proxy.py
@@ -190,7 +190,9 @@ def _get_first_datetime(self, stop_schedule):
def _update_stop_schedule(self, request, stop_schedule, next_realtime_passages, group_by_dest=False):
- Update the stopschedule response with the new realtime passages
+ Update the response for /stop_schedules, /terminus_schedules with the new realtime passages
+ group_by_dest = False for /stop_schedules
+ group_by_dest = True for /terminus_schedules
By default, all base schedule data is removed and replaced with realtime data.
Each proxy can define its own way to merge passages.
@@ -232,6 +234,9 @@ def _filter_base_passage(self, passage, route_point):
return RoutePoint(passage.route, passage.stop_point) == route_point
def _update_passages(self, passages, route_point, template, next_realtime_passages):
+ """
+ Update the /departures response with the new realtime passages
+ """
if next_realtime_passages is None:
diff --git a/source/jormungandr/jormungandr/realtime_schedule/tests/forseti_tram_test.py b/source/jormungandr/jormungandr/realtime_schedule/tests/forseti_tram_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..240df46e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/jormungandr/jormungandr/realtime_schedule/tests/forseti_tram_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2022, Hove and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This file is part of Navitia,
+# the software to build cool stuff with public transport.
+# Hope you'll enjoy and contribute to this project,
+# powered by Hove (www.hove.com).
+# Help us simplify mobility and open public transport:
+# a non ending quest to the responsive locomotion way of traveling!
+# LICENCE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# Stay tuned using
+# twitter @navitia
+# channel `#navitia` on riot https://riot.im/app/#/room/#navitia:matrix.org
+# https://groups.google.com/d/forum/navitia
+# www.navitia.io
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
+import mock
+from jormungandr.realtime_schedule.forseti_multi_stop import ForsetiMultiStop
+from jormungandr.realtime_schedule.realtime_proxy import Direction
+from jormungandr.tests.utils_test import MockRequests
+import datetime
+import pytz
+import pytest
+from jormungandr import ptref
+class MockInstance:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ptref = ptref.PtRef(self)
+def verify_attributes_in_connector_test():
+ """
+ Verify all attributes of connector
+ """
+ forseti = ForsetiMultiStop(id='my_tram_rt', service_url='http://bob.com/', instance=MockInstance())
+ assert forseti.rt_system_id == "my_tram_rt"
+ assert forseti.object_id_tag == "source"
+ assert forseti.destination_id_tag == "source"
+ assert forseti.line_id_tag == "source"
+ assert forseti.service_url == "http://bob.com/"
+ assert forseti.timeout == 2
+ forseti = ForsetiMultiStop(
+ id='my_tram_rt',
+ service_url='http://bob.com/',
+ object_id_tag='netex_monomodal_stopplace',
+ instance=MockInstance(),
+ )
+ assert forseti.object_id_tag == "netex_monomodal_stopplace"
+ assert forseti.destination_id_tag == "source"
+ assert forseti.line_id_tag == "source"
+ forseti = ForsetiMultiStop(
+ id='my_tram_rt',
+ service_url='http://bob.com/',
+ object_id_tag='netex_monomodal_stopplace',
+ destination_id_tag='netex_monomodal_stopplace',
+ instance=MockInstance(),
+ )
+ assert forseti.object_id_tag == "netex_monomodal_stopplace"
+ assert forseti.destination_id_tag == "netex_monomodal_stopplace"
+ assert forseti.line_id_tag == "source"
+ forseti = ForsetiMultiStop(
+ id='my_tram_rt',
+ service_url='http://bob.com/',
+ object_id_tag='netex_monomodal_stopplace',
+ destination_id_tag='netex_monomodal_stopplace',
+ line_id_tag='tag_pdl',
+ instance=MockInstance(),
+ )
+ assert forseti.object_id_tag == "netex_monomodal_stopplace"
+ assert forseti.destination_id_tag == "netex_monomodal_stopplace"
+ assert forseti.line_id_tag == "tag_pdl"
+def make_url_params_with_invalid_code_test():
+ """
+ test make_url when RoutePoint does not have a mandatory code
+ we should not get any url
+ """
+ forseti = ForsetiMultiStop(id='my_tram_rt', service_url='http://bob.com/', instance=MockInstance())
+ params = forseti._make_params(MockRoutePoint(line_code='line_toto', stop_id=[]))
+ assert params is None
+def make_url_params_test():
+ forseti = ForsetiMultiStop(id='my_tram_rt', service_url='http://bob.com/', instance=MockInstance())
+ # The return is like [(stop_id, val1), (stop_id, val2), (direction_type, val), ...]
+ params = forseti._make_params(MockRoutePoint(line_code='line_1', stop_id='stop_1'))
+ assert params == [('stop_id', 'stop_1')]
+ params = forseti._make_params(MockRoutePoint(line_code='line_1', stop_id=['stop_1', 'stop_2']))
+ assert params == [('stop_id', 'stop_1'), ('stop_id', 'stop_2')]
+ params = forseti._make_params(
+ MockRoutePoint(line_code='line_1', stop_id='stop_1', direction_type='forward')
+ )
+ assert params == [('stop_id', 'stop_1'), ('direction_type', 'forward')]
+class MockRoutePoint(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ l = kwargs['line_code']
+ if isinstance(l, list):
+ self._hardcoded_line_ids = l
+ else:
+ self._hardcoded_line_ids = [l]
+ l = kwargs['stop_id']
+ if isinstance(l, list):
+ self._hardcoded_stop_ids = l
+ else:
+ self._hardcoded_stop_ids = [l]
+ if 'direction_type' in kwargs:
+ self._hardcoded_direction_type = kwargs['direction_type']
+ else:
+ self._hardcoded_direction_type = None
+ def fetch_all_stop_id(self, object_id_tag):
+ return self._hardcoded_stop_ids
+ def fetch_all_line_id(self, object_id_tag):
+ return self._hardcoded_line_ids
+ def fetch_direction_type(self):
+ return self._hardcoded_direction_type
+ def fetch_line_uri(self):
+ return "line:PDL:NM:Line:1:LOC"
+class MockResponse(object):
+ def __init__(self, data, status_code, url, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.data = data
+ self.status_code = status_code
+ self.url = url
+ def json(self):
+ return self.data
+def mock_multiline_response():
+ return {
+ "departures": [
+ {
+ "line": "NM:Line:1:LOC",
+ "stop": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18977",
+ "type": "E",
+ "direction": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18638",
+ "direction_name": "François Mitterrand",
+ "datetime": "2025-02-26T15:50:48+01:00",
+ "direction_type": "forward"
+ },
+ {
+ "line": "NM:Line:1:LOC",
+ "stop": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18977",
+ "type": "E",
+ "direction": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:19578",
+ "direction_name": "Jamet",
+ "datetime": "2025-02-26T15:54:00+01:00",
+ "direction_type": "forward"
+ },
+ {
+ "line": "NM:Line:2:LOC",
+ "stop": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18977",
+ "type": "E",
+ "direction": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18590",
+ "direction_name": "Grand Val",
+ "datetime": "2025-02-26T15:54:12+01:00",
+ "direction_type": "backward"
+ },
+ {
+ "line": "NM:Line:1:LOC",
+ "stop": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18977",
+ "type": "E",
+ "direction": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18920",
+ "direction_name": "Ranzay",
+ "datetime": "2025-02-26T16:02:06+01:00",
+ "direction_type": "backward"
+ },
+ {
+ "line": "NM:Line:2:LOC",
+ "stop": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18977",
+ "type": "E",
+ "direction": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18590",
+ "direction_name": "Grand Val",
+ "datetime": "2025-02-26T16:05:00+01:00",
+ "direction_type": "forward"
+ },
+ {
+ "line": "NM:Line:1:LOC",
+ "stop": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18977",
+ "type": "E",
+ "direction": "MOBIITI:StopPlace:18638",
+ "direction_name": "François Mitterrand",
+ "datetime": "2025-02-26T16:15:06+01:00",
+ "direction_type": "forward"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+def next_passage_for_route_point_test(mock_multiline_response):
+ """
+ test the whole next_passage_for_route_point
+ mock the http call to return a good response, we should get some next_passages
+ we match also direction_type = "forward" in the connector (forward = outbound / backward = inbound)
+ The connector keeps only date_times with line = NM:Line:1:LOC and direction_type = forward
+ """
+ forseti = ForsetiMultiStop(id='my_tram_rt', service_url='http://bob.com/', instance=MockInstance())
+ mock_requests = MockRequests({'http://bob.com/?direction_type=forward&stop_id=MOBIITI%3AStopPlace%3A18977': (mock_multiline_response, 200)})
+ route_point = MockRoutePoint(line_code='NM:Line:1:LOC', stop_id='MOBIITI:StopPlace:18977', direction_type='forward')
+ with mock.patch('requests.get', mock_requests.get):
+ with mock.patch(
+ 'jormungandr.realtime_schedule.forseti_multi_stop.ForsetiMultiStop._get_direction',
+ lambda ForsetiMultiStop, **kwargs: Direction("stop_area:PDL:MOBIITI:StopPlace:8730", "François Mitterrand (Saint-Herblain)"),
+ ):
+ passages = forseti.next_passage_for_route_point(route_point)
+ assert len(passages) == 3
+ assert passages[0].datetime == datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 26, 14, 50, 48, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+ assert passages[0].is_real_time is True
+ assert passages[0].direction == "François Mitterrand (Saint-Herblain)"
+ assert passages[0].direction_uri == "stop_area:PDL:MOBIITI:StopPlace:8730"
+ assert passages[1].datetime == datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 26, 14, 54, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+ assert passages[1].is_real_time is True
+ assert passages[1].direction == "François Mitterrand (Saint-Herblain)"
+ assert passages[1].direction_uri == "stop_area:PDL:MOBIITI:StopPlace:8730"
+ assert passages[2].datetime == datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 26, 15, 15, 6, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
+ assert passages[2].is_real_time is True
+ assert passages[2].direction == "François Mitterrand (Saint-Herblain)"
+ assert passages[2].direction_uri == "stop_area:PDL:MOBIITI:StopPlace:8730"
+def status_test():
+ forseti = ForsetiMultiStop(
+ id='my_tram_rt',
+ service_url='http://bob.com/',
+ service_args={'a': 'test', 'b': '12'},
+ instance=MockInstance(),
+ )
+ status = forseti.status()
+ assert status['id'] == "my_tram_rt"