You can follow the document on minor upgrade (
- [fix] Fix license checking
- [fix] Fix a bug when concurrent uploading/creating files (in the old version, when a user uploading/deleting multiple files in cloud file browser, it had a high chance to get “internal server error” message)
- [fix] Fix thumbnails for some images that 90 degrees rotated
- [fix] Fix support for resumable file upload
- [fix] Fix MySQL connection pool in Ccnet
- [fix] Use original GIF file when view GIF files
- [fix, API] Check if name is valid when creating folder/file
- Remove deleted libraries in search index
- Use 30MB as the default value of THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_SIZE_LIMIT
- [API] Improve performance when move or copy multiple files/folders
- [admin] Support syncing user role from AD/LDAP attribute (
- [admin] Support deleting all outdated invitations at once
- [admin] Improve access log
- [admin] Support upload seafile-license.txt via web interface (only for single machine deployment)
- [admin] Admin can cancel two-factor authentication of a user
- [admin, role] Show user’s role in LDAP(Imported) table
- [admin, role] Add wildcard support in role mapping for Shibboleth login
- [admin] Improve performance in getting total file number, used space and total number of devices
- [admin] Admin can add users to an institution via Web UI
- [admin] Admin can choose a user’s role when creating a user
- [API] Improve performance of getting unread notifications.
- Delete deleted libraries in search index
- Use user's languange as lang setting for OnlyOffice
- Add context menu "details" to libraries and folders, so you can get how many files in a library or a folder.
- Improve search result accuracy
- [fix] Fix a bug in zip downloading an empty folder
- Improve performance of multiple file copy and move
- Admin can delete out-dated guest invitations
- [fix] Fix a bug in seafile-gc "dry run" option
- Users can restore deleted libraries by their own
- Change default block size for files uploaded via web browser to 8MB.
- Add "online preview only" option to share links
- Enable setting favicon and logo via admin panel
Web UI Improvement:
- Add thumbnail for video files (turn off by default)
- Improved image file view, using thumbnail to view pictures
- Move items by drap & drop
- Add create docx/xlsx/pptx in web interface
- Add OnlyOffice integration
- Show which client modify a file in history, this will help to find which client accidentally modified a file or deleted a file.
Improvement for admins:
- Admin can set default quota for each role
- Admin can set user’s quote, delete users in bulk in admin panel
- Support using admin panel in mobile platform
- Add translation for settings page
- Add admin operation logs
- Admin can change users' login_id in web interface
- Admin can create libraries in admin panel
- Admin can set logo and favicon in admin panel
System changes:
- Remove wiki by default (to turn it on, set
in - Upgrade Django to 1.8.18
- Clean Ajax API
- Increase share link token length to 20 characters
- Upgrade jstree to latest version
- Update ElasticSearch to 2.4.5
You can follow the document on minor upgrade (
Special note for upgrading a cluster:
In version 6.0, the folder download mechanism has been updated. This requires that, in a cluster deployment, seafile-data/httptemp folder must be in an NFS share. You can make this folder a symlink to the NFS share.
cd /data/haiwen/
ln -s /nfs-share/seafile-httptemp seafile-data/httptemp
The httptemp folder only contains temp files for downloading/uploading file on web UI. So there is no reliability requirement for the NFS share. You can export it from any node in the cluster.
- [fix] Fix in file moving/copying dialog, self-owned libraries are not listed
- [fix] Fix files in self-owned libraries are not listed when searching files in all libraries
- Update timestamp in about dialog
- Improve performance when checking group shared library permission
- [fix] Fix image popup in favourite page
- [fix] Fix generating sharing link with expiring time in file detailed view page
- [fix] Don't allow to create library with '/' in name
- [fix] Fix two-factor authentication
- Add script to migrate between different storage backend
- [fix] Fix a bug in listing libraries in admin panel
- Show user' name instead of user's email in notifications sent out by email
- Add config items for setting favicon, disable wiki feature
- Add css id to easily hide user password reset and delete account button
- [fix] Fix UI bug in restoring a file from snapshot
- [fix] Fix after renaming a file, the old versions before file rename can't be downloaded
- [security] Fix XSS problem of the "go back" button in history page and snapshot view page
- [fix] Fix crash problem of seaf-import
- Add API to create/delete/modify an account in Org
- [AD/LDAP Sync] Support import posix group
- [fix] Fix Office Web App co-authoring problems when opening file in a shared sub-folder
- [fix] Fix "IE 9 not supported" popup message not showing
Improvement for admin
- Admin can add/delete group members
- Admin can create group in admin panel
- Force users to change password if imported via csv
- Support set user's quota, name when import user via csv
- Set user's quota in user list page
- Add search group by group name
- Use ajax when deleting a user's library in admin panel
- Support logrotate for controller.log
- Add a log when a user can't be find in LDAP during login, so that the system admin can know whether it is caused by password error or the user can't be find
- Delete shared libraries information when deleting a user
- Add admin API to create default library for a user
- [ldap-sync] Support syncing users from AD/LDAP as inactive user
- [fix] Fix user search when global address book is disabled in CLOUD_MODE
- [fix] Avoid timeout in some cases when showing a library trash
- Show "the account is inactive" when an inactive account try to login
- [security] Remove viewer.js to show open document files (ods, odt) because viewer.js is not actively maintained and may have potential security bugs
- [fix] Exclude virtual libraries from storage size statistics
- [fix] Fix mysql gone away problem in seafevents
- Add region config option for Swift storage backend
- [anti-virus] Send notification to the library owner if a virus is found
- Set users role from Shibboleth affiliation attribute (, search "Affiliation and user role")
- [fix] Uploading files with special names lets seaf-server crash
- [fix] Fix reading database connection pool setting from ccnet.conf and seafile.conf
- [fix] Fix total storage integer overflow, which is shown at the info page of admin panel)
- [fix] Fix the password reset email gets send to the primary account email instead of the contact email of the profile.
- [fix] Do not check path existence when delete user/group folder permission
- Support ADFS
- [fix] Invitation email subject does not get translated
- Guest invitation: Prevent the same address can be invited multiple times by the same inviter and by multiple inviters
- Guest invitation: Add an regex to prevent certain email addresses be invited (see
- Office online: support co-authoring
- Admin can set users' department and name when creating users
- Show total number of files and storage in admin info page
- Show total number of devices and recently connected devices in admin info page
- Delete shared libraries information when deleting a user
- Upgrade Django to 1.8.17
- Admin can create group in admin panel
- [fix] Fix quota check: users can't upload a file if the quota will be exceeded after uploading the file
- [fix] Fix quota check when copy file from one library to another
- Add
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
to, so that admin can use non-ascii characters in the file. - [fix] Prevent admin from access group's wiki
- [fix] Prevent transfering libraries to guest account
- [fix] Prevent guest accout to create share link via API v2
- Add a log when a user can't be find in LDAP during login, so that the system admin can know whether it is caused by password error or the user can't be find
- Ingore white space character in the end of lines in ccnet.conf
- [fix] Fix generating of password protected link in file view page
- [fix] Fix .jpg/.JPG image display in IE10
- Export quota usage in export Excel in user list admin page
- [fix] Fix admin can't delete broken libraries
- Add "back to previous page" link in trash page, history page
- [fix] Fix file encoding for text file editing online
- [fix] Don't show operation buttons for broken libraries in normal users page
- [fix] Support both
in seafevent.conf - [fix] Support utf-8 characters in filename when preview in MSOffice WebApp
- Support Collabora Online 2.0
- [fix] Fix list_inner_pub_repos error in cloud mode
- [fix] Improve logo show in About dialog
- [fix] Fix file/folder upload in Firefox 50
- [fix] Fix groups not shown in admin panel when there are more than 100 groups
- [fix] Fix the shared folder link in the notification message when a user share a folder to another user
- [fix] Update Django version from 1.8.10 to 1.8.16
- [fix] Fix the shared folder name is not changed after removing the old share, renaming the folder and re-sharing the folder
- [fix] Fix sub-folder accidentially show the files in parent folder when the parent folder contains more than 100 files
- [fix] Fix image preview navigation when there are more than 100 entries in a folder
- [fix] Fix jpeg image display in IE10
- [fix] Fix bug when admin searching unexisting user
- Add support for online view of mov video files
- Make web access token expiring time configurable
- Add an option on server to control block size for web upload files
- [fix] Failed to cache (set/get) WOPI_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION due to memcached key length limit
- [fix] Not allow user to set the permissions onto unshared folder. Because it is useless.
- [fix] Fix condition check when display share icon for guest user
- Support full-text search and audit log by default
- [fix] Fix permission dialog bug when the corresponding user/group deleted
- [fix] Virus scan fails when the keystone token has expired haiwen/seafile#1737
- [fix] If you share a sub-folder to a group, the sub-folder will appear as a library in that group page. Don't show "permission" menu item for such a shared sub-folder on the group page, because setting permissions on this shared sub-folder not work. The user should set permissions on the original library directly.
- [fix] Fix API for uploading file by blocks (Used by iOS client when uploading a large file)
- [fix] Fix a database connection problem in ccnet-server
- [fix] Fix moved files are still present in local folder until refresh
- [fix] Fix admin panel can't show deleted libraries
- Enable create a library from a template
- Enable office preview by default in installation script
- [fix] Fix not able to move files via WebDAV interface
- Check whether the quota will exceed before saving the uploaded file to Seafile via Web UI or API
- [fix] Fix owner can't restore a deleted file or folder in snapshot
- [fix] Fix UI of personal profile page
- [fix] Fix in some cases mobile devices can't be unlinked
- [fix] Fix connection problem for the latest MariaDB in initialisation script
- Make maxNumberOfFiles configurable
- [fix] Remember the sorting of libraries
- Add Finnish translation
- Video + audio no longer be limited by max preview size
- Add full screen Web UI
- Add file comment
- Improve zip downloading by adding zip progress
- Change of navigation labels
- Support Seafile Drive client
- [admin] Add group transfer function in admin panel
- [admin] Admin can set library permissions in admin panel
- Improve checking the user running Seafile must be the owner of seafile-data. If seafile-data is symbolic link, check the destination folder instead of the symbolic link.
- [UI] Improve rename operation
- Show name/contact email in admin panel and enable search user by name/contact email
- Add printing style for markdown and doc/pdf
- The “Seafile” in "Welcome to Seafile" message can be customised by SITE_NAME
- Improve sorting of files with numbers
- [API] Add admin API to only return LDAP imported user list
- Code clean and update Web APIs
- Remove number of synced libraries in devices page for simplify the interface and concept
- Update help pages
- [online preview] The online preview size limit setting FILE_PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE will not affect videos and audio files. So videos and audio with any size can be previewed online.
- [online preview] Add printing style for markdown
Pro only features
- Support LibreOffice online/Collabora Office online
- Add two-factor authentication
- Remote wipe (need desktop client 6.0.0)
- [Anti-virus] Support parallel scan
- [Anti-virus] Add option to only scan a file with size less than xx MB
- [Anti-virus] Add option to specific which file types to scan
- [Anti-virus] Add scanning virus instantly when user upload files via upload link
- [online preivew] Add printing style for doc/pdf
- [online preivew] Warn user if online preview only show 50 pages for doc/pdf with more than 50 pages
- [fix] Fix search only work on the first page of search result pages
- Users can invite guests
- Add role based permission control
- Add term and conditions: admin can write a document of term and conditions. The user must accept it before using Seafile.
You can follow the document on minor upgrade (
Warning: when upgrade from 5.1.7 or lower version to 5.1.8+, you need to install python-urllib3 (or python2-urllib3 for Arch Linux) manually:
# for Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install python-urllib3
# for CentOS
sudo yum install python-urllib3
- [fix, security] Fix a bug in permission checking when searching a single library
- Add search user by name and contact email
- Show licensed to information in web UI
- [fix] Fix a bug in showing license file information
- [multi-institution] Enable institution admin to activate/inactive an user
- [fix] Showing contact email in user auto-completion
- [fix, multi-tenancy] Fix syncing sub-folder of a shared library
- [fix, multi-tenancy] Fix file audit page broken when a group corresponding to an item is deleted
- [fix] Fix --export fails without database
- [fix] Fix users with Umlauts in their display name breaks group management and api2/account/info on some special Linux distribution
- Remove user from groups when a user is deleted.
- File lock only valid for 12 hours
- [fix] Fix can't generate shared link for read-only shared library
- [fix] Fix can still view file history after library history is set to "no history".
- [fix] Fix after moving or deleting multiple selected items in the webinterface, the buttons are lost until reloading
- Check user before start seafile. The user must be the owner of seafile-data directory
- Don't allow emails with very special characters that may containing XSS string to register
- [fix] Fix migrate from community edition to pro edition
- [fix] Fix "page unavailable" when anonymous user visiting a share link when there are organization libraries
- [fix] Remove bundled python-urllib3 that may cause problems in some systems. In CentOS 7 and ubuntu 16.04 you will need to install python-urllib3 manully.
- [fix] During downloading multiple files/folders, show "Total size exceeds limits" instead of "internal server error" when selected items exceeds limits.
- [fix] When delete a share, only check whether the be-shared user exist or not. This is to avoid the situation that share to a user can't be deleted after the user be deleted.
- Add a notificition to a user if he/she is added to a group
- [multi-institution] Add a page to show the admins of an institution
- [multi-institution] Add the function to search a user in an institution
- [fix] Fix file locking for files with space in name when editing office files via Office Web App
- Improve UI for password change page when forcing password change after admin reset a user's password
- [LDAP Sync] Don't deactivate users by default if a user is removed from LDAP server. (DEACTIVE_USER_IF_NOTFOUND = True to turn it on)
- The profile popup dialog show the contact email if it is set
- [fix] Fix duplicated files show in Firefox if the folder name contains single quote '
- Add OFFICE_WEB_APP_SERVER_CA setting item to enable visiting OWA server with a self-signed certificate
- [security] Fix permission checking for generating share links
- Add an option (ENABLE_SETTINGS_VIA_WEB) to ignore settings via Web UI (system admin->settings)
- [fix] Fix rendering of some pdf files in Chrome via adding
font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures
- [fix] Making user search (used in auto-completion) case insensitive
- [fix] Fix page error in display file audit log when the corresponding library is deleted for a log entry and the path is the root of the library
- [fix] Fix clicking avatar not show profile popup in admin page
- Remove the traffic statistic link (to in profile popup
- [Fix] Fix delayed activation of Shibboleth users
- [Fix] Fix logging the user's email in audit log for share link when the link is a root of a library
- [OWA] Support visiting OWA server with a client side SSL certificate file
- Download multiple files from Seahub as a ZIP-file
- [fix] Bug that caused groups cannot be transfered is fixed
- [fix, admin] Fix page error in display file audit log when the corresponding library is deleted for a log entry
- [fix] fixed raw downloads not being count towards traffic quota.
- Show a notification in the client and Seahub when a new library is shared to a group.
- Use seafile-data/http-temp to store zip files when downloading a directory or folder
- [Accessibility] Improve accessiblity of library history page by making links for operations selectable by tab.
- [Accessibility] Improve accessiblity of dialogs, add missing "labelledby" properties for the whole dialog.
- Support at most 10 LDAP/AD servers
- Add deactivation of an account on the seafile database user if a number of failed login is attemped.
- [admin] The share link list in system admin now can be sorted by time
- For un-login users, ask to providing an email before visiting download/upload links, and log the user's email in audit log. This is feature can be turn on by adding
- [fix] Fix group rename
- [UI] Remember the expanded status of groups
- [accessibility] Improve accessiblity of library trash page
- [accessibility] Improve file/folder upload menu
- list all devices in admin panel
- list device syncing errors in admin panel
- Support server side file content encryption
- Support xlsx/pptx editing via OWA
- Add syslog support for seafile.log
- [fix] Fix saving avatar to database
- [fix] A few UI fixes
Accessiblity improvement
- Use standard checkbox instead of styled checkbox based on image
- Make library/folder/file operation icons visible on focus
- Make operation icons focusable
- Add aria-label to operation icons
- Make library/folder sort operations focusable
- Add role (navigation, banner, main) to regions
- Make dropdown menu items focusable
- [fix] Fix file link in search result
- [fix] Fix setting of "require strong password" via web interface
- API: Add API to get audit log
- Sending email when import users from a CSV file
Dependency update:
- Upgrade to django 1.8
- Update jquery to v1.11
- [ceph] Update librados to 0.9.4
- Redesign navigation
- Rewrite group management
- Improve sorting for large folder
- Remember the sorting option for folder
- Improve devices page
- Update icons for libraries and files
- Remove library settings page, re-implement them with dialogs
- Remove group avatar
- Don't show share menu in top bar when multiple item selected
- Auto-focus on username field when loading the login page
- Remove self-introduction in user profile
- Force the user to change password if adding by admin or password reset by admin
- disable add non-existing user to a group
- Add an option for disable forcing users to change password (FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE, default is True)
- Support new Shibboleth users be created as inactive and activated via Admin later (SHIB_ACTIVATE_AFTER_CREATION , default is True)
Pro only
- Support automatic file locking for office files
- Realtime backup (see
- Sending emails in backend when importing users via CSV files
- Support Swift API
- seaf-gc support running in multi-thread mode
- [fix] Fix crash problem when visit S3/Swift via HTTPS
- [fix] Fix handling special characters in LDAP group sync
You can follow the document on major upgrade (
In Seafile 5.0, we have moved all config files to folder conf
, including:
- -> conf/
- ccnet/ccnet.conf -> conf/ccnet.conf
- seafile-data/seafile.conf -> conf/seafile.conf
- [pro only] pro-data/seafevents.conf -> conf/seafevents.conf
If you want to downgrade from v5.0 to v4.4, you should manually copy these files back to the original place, then run to upgrade symbolic links back to version 4.4.
The 5.0 server is compatible with v4.4 and v4.3 desktop clients.
- [security] Backport Django's fix for CVE-2016-2512
- [security] Improve randomness in password reset: using get_random_string from django.utils.crypto to replace Python's random library
- [UI] Restore file from Trash using Ajax
- [API] Add API to send share link via emails
- [API] Add API to get Office Web App link
- Add ENABLE_USER_CREATE_ORG_REPO to enable/disable organization repo creation.
- Change the Chinese translation of "organization"
- Use GB/MB/KB instead of GiB/MiB/KiB in quota calculation and quota setting (1GB = 1000MB = 1,000,000KB)
- Show detailed message if sharing a library failed.
- [Shibboleth] Support set user's name in Seafile from givenname and surname in Shibboleth.
- [fix] Fix JPG Preview in IE11
- [fix] Fix empty nickname during shibboleth login.
- [fix] Fix default repo re-creation bug when web login after desktop.
- [fix] Don't show sub-libraries at choose default library page, seafadmin page and save shared file to library page
- [fix] Seafile server daemon: write PID file before connecting to database to avoid a problem when the database connection is slow
- [fix] Don't redirect to old library page when restoring a folder in snapshot page
- [fix] Fix a bug in showing virus scan page
- [fix] Fix background notification email sending.
- [fix, cluster] Fix handling memcached server failover
- Change the Chinese translation of "organization"
- [fix] Show "out of quota" instead of "DERP" in the case of out of quota when uploading files via web interface
- Get name, institution, contact_email field from Shibboleth
- [WebDAV] Don't show sub-libraries
- Read/write fs objects with multiple threads when Ceph/S3 back end is used
- Support HTTPS connections to S3 back end.
- [fix] Fix unable to set a library to keep full history when the globally default keep_days is set.
- [fix] Improve the performance of showing library trash
- [fix] Fix downloading a file from a shared link when its path contain special characters
- [fix] Improve share icon
- Stop logging into logs/stats-logs
- Don's show "Access Log" for a file in the dropdown menu if audit log is not turned on.
- Search user by name in case insensitive way
- Show broken libraries in user's library page (so they can contact admin for help)
- [fix] Fix LDAP sync problem
- [fix] Fix support for SQLite backend
- [fix] Fix PDFs under special folder name can't be viewed online
- [fix] Fix cache for thumbnail in sharing link
- [fix] Fix script for online GC
- [fix] Enable copy files from read-only shared libraries to other libraries
- [fix] Open image gallery popup in grid view when clicking the thumbnail image
- [fix] Fix issues in multi-tenancy mode
- [API] Add listing share upload links
- [API] Delete be-shared libraries
- [UI] Improve UI of all groups page
- Don't allow sharing library to a non-existing user
- [fix, admin] Fix deleting a library when the owner does not exist anymore
- [fix] Keep file last modified time when copy files between libraries
- Enable login via username in API
- [UI] Improve markdown editor
- [fix] Fix a read/write consistency bug in reading library latest commit from database
Improve seaf-fsck
- Do not set "repaired" mark
- Clean syncing tokens for repaired libraries so the user are forced to resync the library
- Record broken file paths in the modification message
Sharing link
- Remember the "password has been checked" information in session instead of memcached
- [security] Fix password check for visiting a file in password protected sharing link.
- Show file last modified time
- [fix] Fix image thumbnail in grid view
- [UI] Improve UI of grid view mode
New features
- [admin] Show the list of groups an user joined in user detail page
- [admin] Add exporting user/group statistics into Excel file
- [admin] Admin can see the file number of a library
- [admin] Admin can disable the creation of encrypted library
- [admin] Admin can visit all non-encrypted libraries via Web UI (need to turn on
in - [admin] Add license expiration notification
- [admin] A tool to debug LDAP/AD settings
- [admin] Use a new algorithm to run GC online, reducing database locking time.
- [admin] Enabling exporting audit logs to Excel file
- Enable searching inside a library
- User can see the access log of a file
- Showing libraries list in "All Groups" page
- Add importing group members from CSV file
- Add grid view for folder sharing link
- A trash for every folder, showing deleted items in the folder and sub-folders.
Account management improvement:
- Admin can set username (internally it is called login_id) for an user and enable login by username. (see the LDAP user sync document for how to sync user ID into login_id)
- Admin can set contact_email for users
Seafile uses email to uniquely identify an user. With these two features, you can sync LDAP username into login_id, sync LDAP email to contact_email, store username@domain-name to Seafile's email field. With this config:
* Users will be able to login via username
* Email will be send to the contact email address
* Seafile uses username@domain-name to uniquely identify an user.
UI changes:
- Change most png icons to icon font
- UI change of file history page
- UI change of library history page
- UI change of trash page
- UI change of sharing link page
- UI change of rename operation
- Don't open a new page when click the settings, trash and history icons in the library page
- Update Markdown editor and viewer
- other small UI improvements
Config changes:
- Move all config files to folder
- Add web UI to config the server. The config items are saved in database table (seahub-dab/constance_config). They have a higher priority over the items in config files.
- [fix, admin] Fix searching libraries by name when some libraries are broken
- [security] Change most GET requests to POST to increase security
- [fix] Fix problem in deleting tmp files in virus scan
- [fix] Fix seaf-gc when seafile-data is stored in non-default location
Note: Two new options are added in version 4.4, both are in
- SHOW_TRAFFIC: default is True, set to False if you what to hide public link traffic in profile
This version contains no database table change.
- [fix] Show “out of quota” instead of “DERP” in the case of out of quota when uploading files via web interface
- [security] Fix password check for visiting a file in folder sharing link
- [fix] Fix viewing PDF files via Office Web App
- [fix, virus scan] Do not scanning deleted libraries in virus scan
- [fix, virus scan] Fix showing the virus scan page when libraries containing scanned items are deleted
- [virus scan] Add more debug information for virus scan
- [fix] Clean cache when set users' name from web API
- [fix] Fix a performance problem for generating picture thumbnails from folder sharing link
- [security] Fix a XSS problem in raw sharing link
- [fix] Delete sharing links when deleting a library
- [fix] Clean Seafile tables when deleting a library
- [fix] Add tag to the link in upload folder email notification
- [fix] Fix a bug in creating a library (after submit a wrong password, the submit button is no longer clickable)
- [fix, pro] Fix a bug in listing FileUpdate audit log
- [security, pro] Don't online preview for office files in encrypted libraries
- [fix] Fix a bug in deleting sharing link in sharing dialog.
- [fix] Fix support for syncing old formatted libraries
- Remove commit and fs objects in GC for deleted libraries
- Add "transfer" operation to library list in "admin panel->a single user"
- [fix] Fix the showing of the folder name for upload link generated from the root of a library
- [fix] Add access log for online file preview
- [fix] Fix permission settings for a sub-folder of a shared sub-folder
LDAP improvements and fixes
- Only import LDAP users to Seafile internal database upon login
- Only list imported LDAP users in "organization->members"
- Add option to not import users via LDAP Sync (Only update information for already imported users). The option name is IMPORT_NEW_USER. See document
- [fix] Remove regenerate secret key in update script
- [security] Check validity of file object id to avoid a potential attack
- [fix] Check the validity of system default library template, if it is broken, recreate a new one.
- [fix] After transfer a library, remove original sharing information
- [security] Fix possibility to bypass Captcha check
- [security] More security fixes.
- [pro] Enable syncing a sub-sub-folder of a shared sub-folder (For example, if you share library-A/sub-folder-B to a group, other group members can selectively sync sub-folder-B/sub-sub-folder-C)
- [fix, office preview] Handle the case that "/tmp/seafile-office-output"is removed by operating system
- [fix] Fix a bug in setting an user's language
- [fix] Show detailed failed information when sharing libraries failed
- [API] Add API to list folders in a folder recursively
- [API] Add API to list only folders in a folder
New features:
- Allow group names with spaces
- Enable generating random password when adding an user
- Add sorting in share link management page
- Other UI improvements
Pro only:
- Integrate Office Web Apps server
- Integrate virus scan
- Support resumable upload (turn off by default)
- Add option to hide public link traffic in profile (SHOW_TRAFFIC)
- [fix] Fix a bug that causing duplications in table LDAPImport
- set locale when Seahub start to avoid can't start Seahub problem in a few environments.
Note: this version contains no database table change from v4.2. But the old search index will be deleted and regenerated.
Note when upgrading from v4.2 and using cluster, a new option COMPRESS_CACHE_BACKEND = 'locmem://'
should be added to
- [fix] Fix a bug in file locking
- [fix] Fix sub-folder permission check for file rename/move
- [fix] Fix a bug in active number of users checking
- Show total/active number of users in admin panel
- Counts all downloads into traffic statistics
- [security] Use POST request to handle password reset request to avoid CSRF attack
- Don't show password reset link for LDAP users
- [UI] Small improvements
- [fix, important] Bug-fix and improvements for seaf-fsck
- [fix, important] Improve I/O error handling for file operations on web interface
- Update shared information when a sub-folder is renamed
- [fix] Fix bug of list file revisions
- [fix] Fix syncing sub-folder of encrypted library
- Update translations
- [UI] Small improvements
- [fix] Fix modification operations for system default library by admin
- Update translations
- [fix] Fix bug in showing German translation
- [fix] Fix bug when remove shared link at library settings page
- [fix] Fix api error in opCopy/opMove
- Old library page (used by admin in admin panel): removed 'thumbnail' & 'preview' for image files
- [fix] Fix generating image thumbnail
- [UI] Improve UI for sharing link page, login page, file upload link page
- [security] Clean web sessions when reset an user's password
- Delete the user's libraries when deleting an user
- Show link expiring date in sharing link management page
- [admin] In a user's admin page, showing libraries' size and last modify time
- [fix, API] Fix star file API
- [pro, beta] Add "Open via Client" to enable calling local program to open a file at the web
About "Open via Client": The web interface will call Seafile desktop client via "seafile://" protocol to use local program to open a file. If the file is already synced, the local file will be opened. Otherwise it is downloaded and uploaded after modification. Need client version 4.3.0+
Usability improvements
- [UI] Improve ui for file view page
- [UI] Improve ui for sorting files and libraries
- Redesign sharing dialog
- Enable generating random password for sharing link
- Remove direct file sharing between users (You can use sharing link instead)
Pro only features:
- Add file locking
- [fix] Fix file name search for Chinese and other Asia language
- [fix] Support special password for MySQL database in seafevents
- [security] Improve permission check in image thumbnail
- [security] Regenerate Seahub secret key, the old secret key lack enough randomness
- Remove the support of ".seaf" format
- [API] Add API for generating sharing link with password and expiration
- [API] Add API for generating uploading link
- [API] Add API for link files in sharing link
- Don't listen on 10001 and 12001 by default.
- Change the setting of THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_SIZE from string to number, i.e., use
, instead ofTHUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_SIZE = '24'
Note: because Seafile has changed the way how office preview work in version 4.2.2, you need to clean the old generated files using the command:
rm -rf /tmp/seafile-office-output/html/
- More fix on showing share link management page
- Fix a bug on doc/ppt preview
- Fix a bug in reading last login time
- Fix translation problem for German and other language
- Remove "open locally" feature. It needs more testing
- Fix a problem in showing share link management page
- [fix] Fix file uploading link
- Add LDAP user sync
- Improve preview for office files (doc/docx/ppt/pptx)
In the old way, the whole file is converted to HTML5 before returning to the client. By converting an office file to HTML5 page by page, the first page will be displayed faster. By displaying each page in a separate frame, the quality for some files is improved too.
Improved account management
- Add global address book and remove the contacts module (You can disable it if you use CLOUD_MODE by adding ENABLE_GLOBAL_ADDRESSBOOK = False in
- List users imported from LDAP
- [Guest] Enable guest user by default
- [Guest] Guest user can't generate share link
- Don't count inactive users as licensed users
- [fix] Fix viewing sub-folders for password protected sharing
- [fix] Fix viewing starred files
- [fix] Fix support of uploading multiple files in clients' cloud file browser
- Improve security of password resetting link
- Remove user private message feature
New features
- Enable syncing any folder for an encrypted library
- Add open file locally (open file via desktop client)
- [fix] Fix permission checking for sub-folder permissions
- Change "quit" to "Leave group"
- Clean inline CSS
- Use image gallery module in sharing link for folders containing images
- [API] Update file details api, fix error
- Enable share link file download token available for multiple downloads
- [fix] Fix visiting share link whose original path is deleted
- Hide enable sub-library option since it is not meaningless for Pro edition
Pro only updates
- [new] Support set permission on every sub-folder
- [Search] Support partial match like "com" matching "communication" in file name
- [Search] The search result page is much clean
- Add direct file download link
- Remove showing of library description
- Don't require library description
- Keep left navigation bar when navigate into a library
- Generate share link for the root of a library
- Add loading tip in picture preview page
Security Improvement
- Remove access tokens (all clients will log out) when a users password changed
- Temporary file access tokens can only be used once
- sudo mode: confirm password before doing sysadmin work
- Use HTTP/HTTPS sync only, no longer use TCP sync protocol
- Support byte-range requests
- Automatically clean of trashed libraries
- [LDAP] Save user information into local DB after login via LDAP
- [fix] Fix bug in syncing LDAP groups
- [fix] Fix bug in viewing PDF/Doc
- [fix] Fix crash bug when memcache is full
- [fix] Fix Webdav's port can't be changed to non default port (8082)
- [fix, searching] Fix handling invalid path name when indexing
- [fix] Fix seaf-fsck for swift/s3/ceph backend
- Do not show "this type of file can't be viewed online"
- [fix] Fix showing of activity feed in mobile device
- [fix] Fix viewing sharing link for deleted directories
- Log email sending in background task to seahub_email_sender.log
- Improve shibboleth login by supporting "next" parameter in URL
Pro only updates
- Support syncing any sub-folder in the desktop client
- Add audit log, see This feature is turned off by default. To turn it on, see
- Syncing LDAP groups
- Add permission setting for a sub-folder (beta)
Updates in community edition too
- [fix] Fix image thumbnail in sharing link
- Show detailed time when mouse over a relative time
- Add trashed libraries (deleted libraries will first be put into trashed libraries where system admin can restore)
- Improve
- Redesign fsck.
- Add API to support logout/login an account in the desktop client
- Add API to generate thumbnails for images files
- Clean syncing tokens after deleting an account
- Change permission of, ccnet.conf, seafile.conf to 0600
- Update Django to v1.5.12
- [fix] Fix the seafevents not shutdown by problem
- Improved shibboleth support
- [fix] Fix uploading a directory if the top directory only contains sub-folders (no files)
- Improve thumbnail API
- [fix] Fix a crash problem when a client tries to upload corrupted data
- Add image thumbnails
- [fix] Fix transfer library error in sysadmin page
- [fix] Fix showing of space used in sysadmin page for LDAP users
- [fix] Fix preview office files in file share links and private share
- Improved trash listing performance
- [webdav] list organisation public libraries
- Disable non-shibboleth login for shibboleth users
- [fix] Fix wrong timestamp in file view page for files in sub-library
- Add Web API for thumbnail
- Add languages for Thai and Turkish, update a few translations
- [LDAP] Following referrals
- [fix] Fix memory leak in HTTP syncing
- Repo owner can restore folders/files from library snapshot
- Update translations
- [LDAP] Make the "page result" support turn off by default to be compatible with community edition.
- Only repo owner can restore a library to a snapshot
- [fix] Remote redundant logs in seaf-server
- [fix] Raise 404 when visiting an non-existing folder
- [fix] Enable add admin when LDAP is enabled
- Add API to get server features information (what features are supported by this server)
- [fix] Fix throttle for /api2/ping
- [fix] Fix syncing sub-library with HTTP protocol
- Add Shibboleth support (beta)
- Improve libraries page loading speed by adding cache for library
- [fix] Fix performance problem of FUSE when using ceph/swift backend
- [fix] Fix folder upload by drap&drop
- [fix] Fix version check for pro edition
- [fix] Fix performance problem in listing files API
- [fix] Fix listing files of a large folder
- [fix] Fix folder sharing link with password protection
- [fix] Fix deleting broken libraries in the system admin panel
- Add HTTP syncing support
- Merge FileServer into seaf-server
- [web] New upload file dialog
- [search] Improve the speed of search by removing in-efficient code in calculating file modification time in the search result page.
- Add WMV video file preview on web
- Support office documents online preview in cluster deployment
- [fix] Fix file private sharing bug when file name contains &
- Update ElasticSearch to v1.4
- Limit content search of txt file to 100KB.
- Fix "out of memory" problem.
- [fix] Fixed ./ to run online GC
- [fix] Fixed showing libraries with same name in WebDAV extension in some specific Python version
- [fix] Fixed event timestamp for library creation and library deleting events
- [fix] Don't allow setting an encrypted library as default library
- [fix] Don't list unregistered contacts in sharing dialog
- Don't list inactive users in "organization->members"
- [multi-tenancy] Add webdav support
- Autoupload files when added in web interface
- Online GC: you don't need to shutdown Seafile server to perform GC
- [fix] Fixed performance problem in WebDAV extension
- [fix] Fixed quota check in WebDAV extension
- [fix] Fixed showing libraries with same name in WebDAV extension
- Add "clear" button in a library's trash
- [fix] Fix small errors when upload files via Web interface
- [fix] Fix moving/coping files when the select all file checkbox is checked
- [Multi-tenancy] Listing libraries of an organization
- [Multi-tenancy] Enable rename an organization
- [Multi-tenancy] Prevent the deleting of creator account of an organisation
- [LDAP] split LDAP and Database in organization -> pubuser
- [LDAP] Support pagination for loading users from LDAP
- [Multi-tenancy] fix quota related bugs
- [Office Preview] Fix seafevents not start bug when using Python v2.6
- Add support for multi-tenancy
- Add access.log for file download
- [Fix, API] Fix bug in group creation
- Add multi-tenancy support
- [Fix] Fix bug in uploading >1GB files via Web
- [Fix] Remove assert in Ccnet to avoid denial-of-service attack
- [Fix] Add the missing ./
- Support two modes of license, life-time and subscription
- [Fix] Fix multi-file upload in upload link and library page
- [Fix] Fix libreoffice file online view
- Add 'back to top' for pdf file view.
- [Fix] Fix "create sub-library" button under some language
- [Fix popup] Fix bug in set single notice as read.
- Add message content to notification email
- [fix] Fix support for guest account
- [Fix, security] Fix permission check for PDF full screen view
- [Fix] Fix copy/move multiple files in web
- Improve UI for group reply notification
- Improve seaf-fsck, seaf-fsck now can fix commit missing problem
- [Security improve] Access token generated by FileServer can only be used once.
- [fix] Fix memory leak
- [fix] Fix a memory not initialized problem which may cause sync problem under heavy load.
- [fix, search] Closing database connection first before indexing
Pro edition only:
- [search] Enable searching directories
- [search] Enable search groups in organization tab
- [search] Enable encrypted libraries (filename only)
- [search, fix] Fix a bug when indexing a large library
- [preview,fix] Fix document preview for Excel files in sharing links
- [user] Enable add users as guests. Guests are only able to use libraries shared to him/her.
- [user] Enable set users password strength requirement
- [sharing link] Enable set expiring time for sharing links
- [sharing link] Library owner can manage all share links from this library
- Improve performance: easily syncing 10k+ files in a library.
- Don't need to download files if they are moved to another directory.
- Rename HttpServer to FileServer to remove confusing.
- Support log rotate
- Use unix domain socket in ccnet to listen for local connections. This isolates the access to ccnet daemon for different users.
- Delete old PID files when stop Seafile
- Remove simplejson dependency
- [Fix] fix listing libraries when some libraries are broken
- Add a bash wrapper for seafile-gc
- Enable deleting of personal messages
- Improved notification
- Upgrade pdf.js
- Password protection for sharing links
- [Admin] Create multi-users by uploading a CSV file
- Sort libraries by name/date
- Enable users to put an additional message when sending a sharing link
- Expiring time for sharing links
- [fix] Send notification to all users participating a group discussion
- Redesigned file viewing page
- Remove simplejson dependency
- Disable the ability to make a group public by default (admin can turn it on in settings)
- Add "Back to Top" button in file view page
- Improve page refreshing after uploading files
- Add support for logrotate
- [fix] Fix script for migrating from community edition
- Fix seahub failing to start problem when Ceph backend is used
- Add option to enable highlight search keyword in the file view
- [fix] Fix "Save to My Library" in file sharing
- [fix] Fix API for renaming files containing non-ASCII characters from mobile clients
- Add support for MariaDB Cluster
- Show a notice when one tries to reset/change the password of a LDAP user
- Improve the initial size of pdf/office documents online preview
- Handle languages more gracefully in search
- Highlight the keywords in the search results
- [Fix] Fixed a web page display problem for French language
- Improve the speed when saving objects to disks
- Show error messages when script failed to start
- Added Ceph storage backend support
- Use random ID as avatar file name instead of the file name uploaded by the user
- [fix] Fix an UI bug in selecting multiple contacts in sending message
- Library browser page: Loading contacts asynchronously to improve initial loading speed
- Redesigned UI
- [admin] Add login log
- [admin] Add share link traffic statistics
- [fix] Handle loading avatar exceptions to avoid 500 error
- Fixed a few api errors
- Improve page loading speed
- [fix] Fix UI problem when selecting contacts in personal message send form
- [fix] Add nickname check and escape nickname to prevent XSS attack
- [fix] Check validity of library name (only allow a valid directory name).
- Separate the storage of libraries
- Record files' last modification time directly
- Keep file timestamp during syncing
- Allow changing password of an encrypted library
- Allow config httpserver bind address
- Improved device (desktop and mobile clients) management
- [fix] Fix API for uploading files from iOS in an encrypted library.
- [fix] Fix API for getting groups messages containing multiple file attachments
- [fix] Fix bug in HttpServer when file block is missing
- [fix] Fix login error for some kind of Android
- Add more checking for the validity of users' Email
- Use random salt and PBKDF2 algorithm to store users' password.
- Add correct mime types for mp4 files when downloading
- [fix] [Important] set correct file mode bit after uploading a file from web.
- Show meaningful message instead of "auto merged by system" for file merges
- Improve file history calculation for files which were renamed
- Return last modified time of files
- [fix] fixed the search --clear
command - [fix] fixed full text search for office/pdf files
- Improved Microsoft Excel files online preview
- [fix] Fixed file share link download issue on some browsers.
- [wiki] Enable create index for wiki.
- Hide email address in avatar.
- Show "create library" button on Organization page.
- [fix] Further improve markdown filter to avoid XSS attack.
- Fixed a problem of Seafile WebDAV server
- Fixed a problem of requiring python boto library even if it's not needed.
- Added FUSE support, currently read-only
- Added WebDAV support
- A default library would be created for new users on first login to seahub
- Upgrade scripts support MySQL databases now
- Redesigned Web UI
- Redesigned notification module
- Uploadable share links
- [login] Added captcha to prevent brute force attack
- [login] Allow the user to choose the expiration of the session when login
- [login] Change default session expiration age to 1 day
- [fix] Fixed a bug of "trembling" when scrolling file lists
- [sub-library] User can choose whether to enable sub-library
- Improved error messages when upload fails
- Set default browser file upload size limit to unlimited
Web for Admin
- Improved admin UI
- More flexible customization options
- Support specify the width of height of custom LOGO
- Online help is now bundled within Seahub
- Support S3-compatible storage backends like Swift
- Support use existing elasticsearch server
- [fix] set the utf8 charset when connecting to database
- Use users from both database and LDAP
- [admin] List database and LDAP users in sysadmin
- [fix] Speed up file syncing when there are lots of small files
- [fix] Elasticsearch now would not be started if search is not enabled
- [fix] Fix CIFS support.
- [fix] Support special characters like '@' in MySQL password
- [fix] Fix create library from desktop client when deploy Seafile with Apache.
- [fix] Fix sql syntax error in ccnet.log, issue #400 (haiwen/seafile#400).
- [fix] Return organization libraries to the client.
- Update French, German and Portuguese (Brazil) languages.
- New crypto scheme for encrypted libraries
- A fsck utility for checking data integrity
- Change owner of a library/group
- Move/delete/copy multiple files
- Automatically save draft during online editing
- Add "clear format" to .seaf file online editing
- Support user delete its own account
- Hide Wiki module by default
- Remove the concept of sub-library
Web for Admin
- Change owner of a library
- Search user/library
- Add list/add/delete user API
- Improve
- Improve license checking
- fixed 'cannot enter space' bug for .seaf file online edit
- add paginating for repo files list
- fixed a bug for empty repo
- Remove redundant log messages
- Improve online file browsing and uploading
- Redesigned interface
- Use ajax for file operations
- Support selecting of multiple files in uploading
- Support drag/drop in uploading
- Improve file syncing and sharing
- Syncing and sharing a sub-directory of an existing library.
- Directly sharing files between two users (instead of generating public links)
- User can save shared files to one's own library
- [wiki] Add frame and max-width to images
- Use to read files (markdown, txt, pdf) in file preview
- [bugfix] Fix pagination in library snapshot page
- Set the max length of message reply from 128 characters to 2000 characters.
- Add creating/deleting library API
- Improve HTTPS support, now HTTPS reverse proxy is the recommend way.
- Add LDAP filter and multiple DN
- Case insensitive login
- Move log files to a single directory
- [security] Add salt when saving user's password
- [bugfix] Fix a bug in handling client connection
- Add a script to automate setup seafile with MySQL
- Fixed a bug in file activities module
- First release of Seafile Professional Server