Quick guide: A Thermex extractor hood supporting voicelink is needed (https://thermex.eu/advice-and-guidance/all-options/voicelink)
Setup API
- Check software version, minimum version is 1.30/1.10
2)Enable API and set password in native phone app from Thermex
Setup Home-Assistant
- Download the latest release for the component.
- Unpack the release and copy the custom_components/thermex directory into the custom_components directory of your Home Assistant installation.
- Setup i configuiration.yaml by adding:
thermex_api: host: "x.x.x.x" {IP address of hood} password:"password" {password set in app}
- restart home-assistant
if everything works 2 actions, a sensor, a light entity and a switch have been added to home-assistant. 2 Actions:
- Thermex (api): update_fan
- Thermex (api): update_light Choose YAML mode for help. 1 sensor:
- sensor.thermex_fan_sensor - showing the status of the hood 1 lighy
- light.thermex_light - control of the hood light 1 switch
- switch.thermex_fan_switch - on/off switch for the hood (use actions to control speed)