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Datavoids in Knowledge Graphs

This repository contains the latest implementation of the Knowledge Graph querying game presented in our Datavoids paper, where two agents compete to influence the link prediction ranking of their respective triples following the presence of a simulated data void in the FB15k-237 dataset.


Installation and Running Instructions

  1. Ensure access to a GPU-enabled compute instance with Python and Conda installed. For more information on Conda, visit

  2. Setup Environment

    To run our scripts, you need to set up a Conda environment using our YAML file. Execute the following commands:

    conda env create -f datavoids_env.yml
    conda activate datavoids_env

    Make sure that the Kelpie package is installed.

    cd Kelpie_package/ 
    pip install .

Simulation Steps

Step 1: Knowledge Graph High-Level Analysis

Here, we take a high-level view of the knowledge graph to pick relations that might be interesting to explore further. We considered highly populated, one-to-many or many-to-many relations as a conceptual proxy for misinformation (e.g., Ben Affleck might have directed many movies, some being true and others false, but he was only born in one place). However, we encourage exploration of other relation types. Some of the things we generate here are: initial statistics on the specified knowledge graph (KG), including number of triples, number of entities, highest degree node, and a display of relations along with their types, allowing users to select specific relations for further analysis.

To run this step, execute the following command:

python --kg_name FB15k-237

where kg_name should be replaced with one of our supported knowledge graph datasets: FB15k-237.

Step 2: Data Void Curation Based on Chosen Relations

After selecting the relations of interest in Step 1, we generate a list of candidate pairs for each relation to run the simulation. The process begins by selecting the highest degree head entity nodes for testing. For each head entity and relation pair, we generate combinations with their respective highest degree tail nodes. We then create a 5% reduced dataset for each combination and run tail prediction to obtain the initial ranks. Finally, we calculate the overlap in the Kelpie explanations for each pair. The results for this step are saved in results/{kg_name}/{relation_name}/.

To run this script, execute the following command:

python --kg_name FB15k-237 --rels_to_test /film/actor/film./film/performance/film /film/director/film /tv/tv_producer/programs_produced./tv/tv_producer_term/program --num_heads_to_test 3 --num_attack_budget 25 --num_tails_per_head 6 --overlapping_budget_threshold 10 --diff_rankings 5


  • kg_name: The dataset name (in our case, FB15k-237).
  • rels_to_test: The relations you want to test, obtained from Step 1, separated by spaces.
  • num_heads_to_test: The number of head entities to consider for each relation.
  • num_tails_per_head: The number of tail entities to test for each head entity.
  • num_attack_budget: The budget each prospective agent candidate in a pair will have.
  • overlapping_budget_threshold: The allowed budget overlap between the candidates in a given pair. Lower values are better.
  • diff_rankings: The maximum allowed difference in rankings for given candidate pairs. Lower values are better.

The results of this step will be found in results/{kg_name}/{relation_name}/{relation_name}.json, which is a nested array. Each element is a 4-element array that looks like this:


The first two elements are the candidate pair, the third element contains the initial rankings of the pairs, and the fourth element is the explanation overlap of the explanation budget for both.

Using the results of this step, select the candidate pairs you are most interested in and put them in the experiment_pairs.json file to facilitate running the subsequent steps:

    [["/m/0151w_","/film/director/film","/m/07kh6f3"], ["/m/0151w_","/film/director/film","/m/0h03fhx"]],
    [["/m/06pj8","/film/director/film","/m/0260bz"], ["/m/06pj8","/film/director/film","/m/07024"]],
    [["/m/014zcr","/film/actor/film./film/performance/film","/m/0418wg"], ["/m/014zcr","/film/actor/film./film/performance/film","/m/07w8fz"]],
    [["/m/0151w_","/film/actor/film./film/performance/film","/m/0pc62"], ["/m/0151w_","/film/actor/film./film/performance/film","/m/0h03fhx"]]

Step 3: Calculate Preliminary Simulation Statistics

In this step, we generate preliminary simulation statistics of the datavoids. For the budget explanation of the candidate pairs, we calculate the degrees, relevance, and cost for each explanation fact, where

  • budget_degrees the degree of the head or tail entity in the explanation that is not the head entity of the data void query.
  • budget_cost, the cost of the explanation fact, which we currently define by degree.
  • budget_relevance wich is the relevance value provided by the Kelpie explainer.

To run this script, execute the following command:

python --kg_name FB15k-237 --experiment_pairs_file experiment_pairs.json

Step 4: Run Mitigator-vs-Disinformer Simulation

To run the mitigator-vs-disinformer simulation, execute the following command:

python -u \
     --kg_name "FB15k-237" \
     --good_fact "/m/0151w_-/film/director/film-/m/0h03fhx" \
     --bad_fact "/m/0151w_-/film/director/film-/m/07kh6f3" \
     --num_attack_budget 25 \
     --num_random_reps 10 \


  • kg_name: The dataset name (in this case, FB15k-237).
  • good_fact: The good fact of the simulation, with each entity separated by -.
  • bad_fact: The bad fact of the simulation, with each entity separated by -.
  • attack_budget: The explanation budget for each agent in the simulation (tested with 25).
  • num_random_reps: Number of times the random experiment will run.
  • regenerate_files: Boolean flag to regenerate the files neded for the simulation to run, first generated in Step 2.

We provide 4 bash scripts (,,, for each of the facts in the experiment_pairs.json for ease of running.

Step 5: Visualize Simulation Results

Once the simulation is complete for all facts in the experiment_pairs.json, run the following to visualize the results:

python --kg_name FB15k-237 --experiment_pairs_file experiment_pairs.json


We want to thank Rossi et al. for their implementation of the Kelpie explainability framework, which we directly use as a Python package (see Kelpie_package/) in our work to power the triple explanations used as a budget an agent utilizes to explain the specific link prediction they are promoting during the simulation.