- 😄 My name : Hugo PAGES
- 🎂 My age : 22
- 🎓 My school : Telecom Physique Strasbourg
- 📍 My localisation : 🇫🇷Strasbourg / 🇯🇵Osaka
- 💻 Shadow spectroscopy : Implementation of shadow spectroscopy to determine the energy gap of Hamiltonian.
- 💻 L432_Serial_Communication : Facilitates serial communication between a computer and the Nucleo L432KC microcontroller board..
- 📷 Intel_realsenseD400_3d_Acquisition : Acquisition of 3D model with an Intel realsensD400 for robotic task planning using ROS2.
- ⚖️ Double pendulum simulation: Implementation of the Runge-Kutta-4 resolution method to simulate a double pendulum.
- 📄 IBM_Learning : "Basics of Quantum Information" !
- 📄 Telecom physique strasbourg : "Certificate of student commitment"
- 🌐: TOEIC: 915/995 (2024)
- Email : hugo.pages@etu.unistra.fr
- LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/hugopages18