A python script to automate DOS, Port Scanning and Reverse Shell Creation.
- Author - Muhammad Huzaifa.
The repository contains following Module
- Dos.py ➡️ A script for creating customized TCP headers + plus packets to overwhelm the target IP address that the script takes as arguments using 'Argparser'.
- Port_Scanner.py ➡️ Python script for scanning ports using any type of flag format i.e., XMAS, Full/ Half scan, FIN, NULL Scans.
- Assembler.py ➡️ Is a header file included in Port_Scanner for creating packets with customized headers using different scanning techniques.
- dosscript.sh ➡️ Is a bashcript that automates the execution of Dos,py on target Linux syatem.
- pass.sh ➡️ Contains password of target system in case you need to run file with Sudo permissions you can use it with
command. - Server.py ➡️ Server using socket programming listening on --> change the IP address to your own attacking machines IP.
- victim.py ➡️ Client side code to connect to the server and creation of a reverse shell.
Clone the Repository using following command
git clone https://github.com/huzaifi0604/Port-Knocker.git
move inside the project using cd Port-Knocker
1st of all use sudo python Dos.py -h
to check available argparser tags. You will see something like this:
You can see in the screenshot above that which tags are used for what purposes.
Run Dos.py file as:
sudo python Dos.py -sip -dip -sport 8000 -dport 6969 -hr
Replace Ip addressses with you attacking and victim device's IP addresses.
You will see the Dos script running. You can use Wireshark to capture the traffic for DOS as well.
1st of all use sudo python Port_Scanner.py -h
to check available argparser tags. You will see something like this:
You can see in the screenshot above that which tags are used for what purposes.
Run Port_Scanner.py file as:
sudo python Dos.py -sip -dip -l 85 -u 85 -scan xmas
Replace Ip addressses and lower and upper ranges with you attacking and victim device's IP addresses.
You will see the Dos script running. You can use Wireshark to capture the traffic for DOS as well.
It may take sometime to scan for results
I first of all ran a server from my attacking machine using python -m http.server 6969
Than I ran server on my Linux machine and victim on my host
- Server Listening
- victim on Linux
As you can see that a simple reverse shell got created on my windows machine.
I can also use my dosscript with pass.sh (if i know the victim's password - Recon) to run a Dos attack on victim machine.
This is an open source project, but the author will not be responsible for the involvement of source code in any kind of malicious activity.