v2.0.11: GeoRegion query version 2.0.11
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- HC-325 (#41)
- added hysds_ios mapping and script
- create_hysds_ios_index.py executable
- configs -> config
- removed reading es_template (doesnt exist)
- 32 max length user rule to 64
- fixed on-demand GET api (#42)
- added id request argument to return singular job (optional)
- HC-324 (#43)
- removed geo.py because its not needed anymore
- removed get_center function and instead using shapely.geometry centroid to get center
- not using regex to get the location type
- fixed test_geonames.py to not use get_center
- added get_nearest_cities function for (Multi)Points and (Multi)LineStrings
- if (Multi)Polygon then use get_cities, else use get_nearest_cities
- removed pop_th argument from get_cities
- set default return size of get_cities to 5
- renamed builder.py -> specs.py (feel its a better name)
- removed stuff from test_geonames.py
- bump version