This plugin parses the matriculate number from WebSSO for the Leibniz University Hanover, it also sets the login {USERNAME} as the LUH-ID instead of the default ILIAS Shibboleth login prefix: {firstname.lastname}
In your {ILIAS Root} directory
mkdir -p Customizing/global/plugins/Services/AuthShibboleth/ShibbolethAuthenticationHook
cd Customizing/global/plugins/Services/AuthShibboleth/ShibbolethAuthenticationHook
git clone
Now check a specific Tag:
git checkout v1.0.3
Goto "Administration -> Plugin" and install and activate the plugin.
Goto "Administration -> Authentication -> Shibboleth and configure user profile mapping "Attribut für Matrikelnummer => schacPersonalUniqueCode"
Choose "Update this field on login" if the matricalation field should modified on every login request.
Debug messages are triggered with "component log level" DEBUG in "Administration -> Logging
If you do not see the plugin under "Administration" > "Plugins", in your {ILIAS Root} you should run:
composer install --no-dev
to check if there are errors.
- v9.x