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File metadata and controls

2645 lines (2039 loc) · 59 KB




  • The Wolf interface uses Restful + JSON to communicate.
  • POST, PUT, DELETE requests all use Request Body to pass parameters, all in JSON format.
  • Content-Type for both request and response is application/json.
  • The body of the response contains a unified structure, which is later documented and no longer lists the entire structure, only the reason and data parts.

Example of a common structure of a response body:

{"ok": true, "reason": "error code or message", "errmsg": "error message", data: {When successful, the data returned}}

Generic field description of response

Field Type Required Description
ok boolean Yes Service Status
reason string No When ok=false, reason is the error code.
errmsg string No When ok=false, errmsg is the error message prompt.
data object No When ok=true, data is the returned information.

The system contains the following generic error codes(reason):

  • ERR_ARGS_ERROR Request parameter error, response code is 400
  • ERR_TOKEN_INVALID TOKEN invalid or missing, response code is 401
  • ERR_ACCESS_DENIED No authority to perform operations, response code 401
  • ERR_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR duplicated when updating data, response code 400
  • ERR_SERVER_ERROR Server internal error, response code 500




Field Type Required Description
id integer Yes User ID
username string Yes User name
nickname string Yes User nickname
email string No User email
appIDs string[] No List of appIDs associated with users
manager string Yes admin role, super: super admin, admin: general admin
createTime integer Yes create time


Field Type Required Description
id integer Yes User ID
username string Yes User name
nickname string Yes User nickname



Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Application ID
name string Yes Application name
description string No Description
createTime integer Yes Create time


Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Application ID
name string Yes Application name
description string No Description
secret string No Secret of application, used for OAuth2 login
redirectUris string[] No redirect urls after successful OAuth2 login
accessTokenLifetime integer No OAuth2's AccessToken life time, in seconds.
refreshTokenLifetime integer No OAuth2's RefreshToken life time, in seconds.
createTime integer Yes Create time
updateTime integer Yes Update time



Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Role ID
appID string Yes Application ID
name string Yes Role name
description string No Role description
permIDs string[] No List of permissions held by the role
createTime integer Yes Create time



Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Permission ID
appID string Yes Application ID
name string Yes Permission name
description string No Permission description
categoryID integer No Category ID of the permission
createTime integer Yes Create time



Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Category ID
appID string Yes Application ID
name string Yes Category name
createTime integer Yes Create name



Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Resource ID
appID string Yes Application ID
matchType string Yes Resource match type, equal: equal match, suffix: suffix match, prefix: prefix match.
name string Yes Resource name, when matchType is equal, name is URL, when matchType is suffix, name is suffix value, when matchType is prefix, name is prefix of URL.
action string Yes The action/operation of the resource, usually the HTTP request method. The following values are available: ALL, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH. where ALL indicates that all HTTP methods can be matched.
priority integer Yes Resource priorities.
permID string Yes permission required to access the resource
createTime integer Yes Create time



Field Type Required Description
id integer Yes Log ID
appID string Yes Application ID
userID string Yes Operating user ID
username string Yes Operating user name
nickname string Yes Operating user nickname
action string Yes Operations performed (HTTP request method)
resName string Yes URL to access
status integer Yes response status code
date string Yes Date of access, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
accessTime integer Yes Access time, unix timestamp
ip string Yes IP of the visitor


The Console login interface is available only to users with administrator roles of super and admin.

Most interfaces in the administration backend require a Token, which is obtained after login with the administrator account. For interfaces that require a token, the token can be passed through the request header x-rbac-token.

The default token expiration time is 30 days. This can be changed via the environment variable CONSOLE_TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME, in seconds. After modification, you need to restart Wolf-Server.

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/user/login

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
username string Yes User name
password string Yes Password
authType integer No Authentication type, 1: Password, 2: LDAP

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
token string Yes User login token
userInfo UserInfo Yes Login User Information
applications SimpleApplication[] Yes User's application list.
  • reason:
    • ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND: User do not exist
    • ERR_PASSWORD_ERROR: Password error
    • ERR_USER_DISABLED: User are disabled.
    • ERR_ACCESS_DENIED: Non-administrative users cannot login.
    • ERR_LDAP_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND: The server is not configured with LDAP when login with LDAP.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "username": "root", "password": "password"}'
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "token": "WOLF-TOKEN-ENCODE-BY-JWT",
    "userInfo": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "root",
      "nickname": "root(super man)",
      "email": null,
      "appIDs": [
      "manager": "super",
      "createTime": 1580486400
    "applications": [
        "id": "restful",
        "name": "restful app",
        "description": "restful",
        "createTime": 1580486400

To facilitate the execution of the later example, save the token above as a variable in the shell environment:



Add Application

Add a new application

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/application

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Application ID, must be unique
name string Yes Application name, must be unique
description string No Application description
secret string No Secret of application, used for OAuth2 login
redirectUris string[] No redirect urls after successful OAuth2 login
accessTokenLifetime integer No OAuth2's AccessToken life time in seconds, if it is 0, use the system default: 7 days.
refreshTokenLifetime integer No OAuth2's RefreshToken life time, in seconds, if it is 0, use the system default: 30 days.

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
application Application Yes Newly added application information


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "id": "test-app", "name": "application for test", "description": "description of application",
    "secret": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
    "redirectUris": [""],
    "accessTokenLifetime": 604801,
    "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592001
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "application": {
      "id": "test-app",
      "name": "application for test",
      "description": "description of application",
      "redirectUris": [
      "grants": null,
      "accessTokenLifetime": 604801,
      "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592001,
      "createTime": 1580486400,
      "updateTime": 1580486400

Modify application

Modify application information

Method: PUT

URL: /wolf/application

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Application ID, must be unique, application ID cannot be modified.
name string Yes Application name, must be unique
description string No Application description
secret string No Secret of application, used for OAuth2 login
redirectUris string[] No redirect urls after successful OAuth2 login
accessTokenLifetime integer No OAuth2's AccessToken life time in seconds, if it is 0, use the system default: 7 days.
refreshTokenLifetime integer No OAuth2's RefreshToken life time, in seconds, if it is 0, use the system default: 30 days.

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
application Application Yes Modified application information


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-X PUT \
-d '{
    "id": "test-app", "name": "test-application", "description": "description of application",
    "secret": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
    "redirectUris": [""],
    "accessTokenLifetime": 604802,
    "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592002
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "application": {
      "id": "test-app",
      "name": "test-application",
      "description": "description of application",
      "redirectUris": [
      "grants": null,
      "accessTokenLifetime": 604802,
      "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592002,
      "createTime": 1580486400,
      "updateTime": 1580486401

Query a single application

Query a single application infomation

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/application/get

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters

Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Application ID to query

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
application Application Yes Application information queried
  • reason:
    • ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND The application ID of the query does not exist.


  • Request
curl "" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "application": {
      "id": "test-app",
      "name": "test-application",
      "description": "description of application",
      "redirectUris": [
      "grants": null,
      "accessTokenLifetime": 604802,
      "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592002,
      "createTime": 1580486400,
      "updateTime": 1580486401

Query the application Secret

Query the Secret of an application.

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/application/secret

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters

Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Application ID to query

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
secret string Yes Secret of application
  • reason:
    • ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND The application ID of the query does not exist.


  • Request
curl "" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "secret": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"

Application List Query

Query the application list information.

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/application/list

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters

Field Type Required Description
key string No Matching by ID or name
sort string No Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name.
page integer No Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1
limit integer No Page size, default is 10

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
applications Application[] Yes application list.
total integer Yes Total number of records


  • Request
curl \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "applications": [
        "id": "restful",
        "name": "restful app",
        "description": "restful",
        "redirectUris": [
        "grants": null,
        "accessTokenLifetime": 3600,
        "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592000,
        "createTime": 1578817535,
        "updateTime": 1587375156
    "total": 6

List of all applications

Search all applications, no pagination.

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/application/list_all

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters


Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
applications Application[] Yes all application list.
total integer Yes Total number of records


  • Request
curl \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "applications": [
        "id": "restful",
        "name": "restful app",
        "description": "restful",
        "redirectUris": [
        "grants": null,
        "accessTokenLifetime": 3600,
        "refreshTokenLifetime": 2592000,
        "createTime": 1578817535,
        "updateTime": 1587375156
    "total": 6

Delete application

Delete an application

Method: DELETE

URL: /wolf/application

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Application ID to be deleted

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
count integer Yes Number of deletions, usually 1.
  • reason:
    • ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND The application to be deleted does not exist.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "id": "test-app"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "count": 1


Add User

Add a new user

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/user

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
username string Yes User name, to be used when loginto the system, must be composed of `letter + number + underscore' and must be unique.
nickname string Yes User nickname
password string No The user password, if empty, will be generated by the service with a random value.
email string No User's email.(not used)
tel string No The user's mobile phone number.
appIDs string[] No A list of privileged appIDs managed by the user.
manager string No Administrative permission, super: super administrator, with all permissions, admin: with basic administrative permissions (cannot add, modify, delete interfaces to applications and users).
status integer No User status, 0: normal status, -1: disabled status.

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
userInfo UserInfo Yes Newly added user information
password string Yes Password for newly added users


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "username": "test-user",
    "nickname": "user for test",
    "password": "abc#123",
    "email": "",
    "tel": "123456",
    "appIDs": ["restful"],
    "manager": "none",
    "status": 0
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "password": "abc#123",
    "userInfo": {
      "id": 1024,
      "username": "test-user",
      "nickname": "user for test",
      "email": "",
      "appIDs": [
      "manager": "none",
      "createTime": 1588576578

Modify user

Modify user information

Method: PUT

URL: /wolf/user

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
id integer Yes User ID, User ID to be modified
username string Yes User name, to be used when loginto the system, must be composed of `letter + number + underscore' and must be unique.
nickname string Yes User nickname
email string No User's email.(not used)
tel string No The user's mobile phone number.
appIDs string[] No A list of privileged appIDs managed by the user.
manager string No Administrative permission, super: super administrator, with all permissions, admin: with basic administrative permissions (cannot add, modify, delete interfaces to applications and users).
status integer No User status, 0: normal status, -1: disabled status.

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
userInfo UserInfo Yes Modified user information
  • reason:
    • ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND The user ID to be modified does not exist.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-X PUT \
-d '{
    "id": 1024,
    "username": "test-user",
    "nickname": "nickname for test",
    "email": "",
    "tel": "123456",
    "appIDs": ["restful"],
    "manager": "none",
    "status": 0
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "effects": 1,
    "userInfo": {
      "id": 1024,
      "username": "test-user",
      "nickname": "nickname for test",
      "email": "",
      "appIDs": [
      "manager": "none",
      "createTime": 1588576578

Check current user information

Query the user information of the specified token.

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/user/info

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters


Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
userInfo UserInfo Yes Modified user information
applications SimpleApplication[] No User Associated Applications List.


  • Request
curl "" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "userInfo": {
      "id": 696,
      "username": "root",
      "nickname": "root(super man)",
      "email": null,
      "appIDs": [
      "manager": "super",
      "createTime": 1578401859
    "applications": [
        "id": "restful",
        "name": "restful app",
        "description": "restful",
        "createTime": 1578817535

User list query

Query the user list information

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/user/list

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters

Field Type Required Description
key string No Search for username,nickname,tel field.
username string No Use username for exact user matching.
sort string No Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name.
page integer No Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1
limit integer No Page size, default is 10

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
userInfos UserInfo[] Yes user list
total integer Yes Total number of records


  • Request
curl \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "userInfos": [
        "id": 697,
        "username": "admin",
        "nickname": "administrator",
        "email": null,
        "appIDs": [
        "manager": "admin",
        "createTime": 1578401859
    "total": 6

Reset user password

Reset the user's password

Method: PUT

URL: /wolf/user/reset_pwd

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
id integer Yes User ID to reset password

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
password string Yes Password to reset.
  • reason:
    • ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND The user to be deleted does not exist.
    • ERR_ACCESS_DENIED Only a super administrator can do this.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-X PUT \
-d '{
    "id": 696
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "password": "197TLR0dPVdm"

Delete user

Delete an user

Method: DELETE

URL: /wolf/user

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
id integer Yes User ID to be deleted

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
userInfo UserInfo Yes Deleted user information
count integer Yes Number of deletions, usually 1.
  • reason:
    • ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND The user to be deleted does not exist.
    • ERR_PERMISSION_DENY Can't delete super account
    • ERR_ACCESS_DENIED Only a super administrator can do this.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "id": 2756
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "count": 1


Add Role

Add a new role

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/role

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID, the role can only belong to a certain application.
id string Yes Role ID, must be unique within the application
name string Yes Role name, must be unique within the application
description string No Role description
permIDs string[] No A list of permission IDs for the role.

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
role Role Yes Newly added role information


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "id": "test-role",
    "appID": "restful",
    "name": "role for test",
    "description": "description of role",
    "permIDs": ["PERM_XXX"]
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "role": {
      "id": "test-role",
      "appID": "restful",
      "name": "role for test",
      "description": "description of role",
      "permIDs": [
      "createTime": 1588583707

Modify Role

Modify a role

Method: PUT

URL: /wolf/role

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID, cannot be modified
id string Yes Role ID, cannot be modified
name string Yes Role name, must be unique within the application
description string No Role Description.
permIDs string[] No A list of permission IDs for the role.

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
role Role Yes Modified role information


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-X PUT \
-d '{
    "id": "test-role",
    "appID": "restful",
    "name": "role for test",
    "description": "description of role",
    "permIDs": ["PERM_YYY"]
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "role": {
      "id": "test-role",
      "appID": "restful",
      "name": "role for test",
      "description": "description of role",
      "permIDs": [
      "createTime": 1588583707

Adding permissions to role

Adding permissions to roles. Unlike the PUT method, this method only adds new permissions. The existing permissions remain unchanged.

Method: PATCH

URL: /wolf/role

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID, the role can only belong to a certain application.
id string Yes Role ID, must be unique within the application
permIDs string[] Yes List of permission IDs to add to the role.

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
role Role Yes Modified role information


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-X PUT \
-d '{
    "id": "test-role",
    "appID": "restful",
    "name": "role for test",
    "description": "description of role",
    "permIDs": ["PERM_YYY"]
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "role": {
      "id": "test-role",
      "appID": "restful",
      "name": "role for test",
      "description": "description of role",
      "permIDs": [
        "PERM_XXX", "PERM_YYY"
      "createTime": 1588583707

Role list query

Query Role List Information

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/role/list

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID
key string No Matching queries by ID or name
sort string No Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name.
page integer No Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1
limit integer No Page size, default is 10

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
roles Role[] Yes Role list
total integer Yes Total number of records


  • Request
curl \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "roles": [
        "id": "test-role",
        "name": "role for test",
        "description": "description of role",
        "appID": "restful",
        "permIDs": [
        "createTime": 1588583707,
        "updateTime": 1588586200
    "total": 5

Delete Role

Delete a role

Method: DELETE

URL: /wolf/role

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID
id string Yes Role ID to be deleted

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
count integer Yes Number of deletions, usually 1.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "id": "test-role",
    "appID": "restful"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "count": 1


Add Permission

Add a new permission

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/permission

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID, permissions can only belong to a single application.
id string Yes Permission ID, must be unique within the application
name string Yes Permission name, must be unique within the application
description string No Description of permissions
categoryID integer No Permissions correspond to category IDs

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
permission Permission Yes New permission information added


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "id": "test-permission",
    "appID": "restful",
    "name": "permission for test",
    "description": "description of permission",
    "categoryID": 1
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "permission": {
      "id": "test-permission",
      "appID": "restful",
      "name": "permission for test",
      "description": "description of permission",
      "categoryID": 1,
      "createTime": 1588658062

Modify permissions

Modify permission information

Method: PUT

URL: /wolf/permission

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID, cannot be modified
id string Yes Permission ID, cannot be modified
name string Yes Permission name, must be unique within the application
description string No Description of permissions
categoryID integer No Permissions correspond to category IDs

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
permission Permission Yes Modified permission information


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-X PUT \
-d '{
    "id": "test-permission",
    "appID": "restful",
    "name": "permission for test2",
    "description": "description of permission2",
    "categoryID": 2
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "permission": {
      "id": "test-permission",
      "appID": "restful",
      "name": "permission for test2",
      "description": "description of permission2",
      "createTime": 1588658062

Permission list query

Query list of permission information

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/permission/list

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID
key string No Matching queries by ID or name
sort string No Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name.
page integer No Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1
limit integer No Page size, default is 10

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
permissions Permission[] Yes List of permissions
total integer Yes Total number of records


  • Request
curl \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "permissions": [
        "id": "test-permission",
        "appID": "restful",
        "name": "permission for test2",
        "description": "description of permission2",
        "categoryID": 2,
        "createTime": 1588658062,
        "updateTime": 1588658246,
        "category_id": 2,
        "category": null
    "total": 2

Delete Permission

Delete a permission

Method: DELETE

URL: /wolf/permission

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID
id string Yes Permission ID to be removed

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
count integer Yes Number of deletions, usually 1.
  • reason
    • ERR_ACCESS_DENIED The permission to delete is being used, and cannot be deleted.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "id": "test-permission",
    "appID": "restful"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "count": 1


User role related operations can only work on one application. So the related interfaces need to pass userID and appID parameters.

Get User Roles

Get user roles and permissions

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/user-role

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
userID integer Yes UserID for which roles and permissions need to be get
appID string Yes ApplicationID for which roles and permissions need to be get


  • Request
curl "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "userRole": {
      "userID": 1,
      "appID": "restful",
      "permIDs": [
      "roleIDs": [
      "createTime": 1609055508

Set User Roles

Set user roles or permissions

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/user-role/set

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
userID integer Yes UserID for which roles or permissions need to be set
appID string Yes ApplicationID for which roles and permissions need to be set
permIDs string[] Yes List of permission IDs to be set
roleIDs string[] Yes List of role IDs to be set


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "userID": 1,
    "appID": "restful",
    "permIDs": ["RESTFUL_INDEX"],
    "roleIDs": ["application"]
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "userRole": {
      "userID": 1,
      "appID": "restful",
      "permIDs": [
      "roleIDs": [
      "createTime": 1609054766

Clear User Roles

Clear user roles and permissions

Method: DELETE

URL: /wolf/user-role

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
userID integer Yes UserID for which roles or permissions need to be clear
appID string Yes ApplicationID for which roles and permissions need to be clear


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "userID": 1,
    "appID": "restful"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "count": 1


Add Category

Add a new category

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/category

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application IDs, categories can only belong to a single application.
name string Yes Category name, must be unique within the application

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
category Category Yes Newly added categories


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "appID": "restful",
    "name": "category for test"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "category": {
      "id": 744,
      "appID": "restful",
      "name": "category for test",
      "createTime": 1588659229

Modify Category

Modify a category

Method: PUT

URL: /wolf/category

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
id integer Yes Category ID, not modifiable
name string Yes Category name, must be unique within the application

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
category Category Yes Modified categories


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-X PUT \
-d '{
    "id": 744,
    "name": "category for test2"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "category": {
      "id": 744,
      "appID": "restful",
      "name": "category for test2",
      "createTime": 1588659229

Category List Query

Query list of category infomation

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/category/list

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID
key string No Search by name
sort string No Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name.
page integer No Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1
limit integer No Page size, default is 10

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
categorys Category[] Yes List of categories
total integer Yes Total number of records


  • Request
curl \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "categorys": [
        "id": 744,
        "appID": "restful",
        "name": "category for test2",
        "createTime": 1588659229,
        "updateTime": 1588659461
    "total": 1

Delete Category

Delete a category

Method: DELETE

URL: /wolf/category

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Category ID to be deleted

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
count integer Yes Number of deletions, usually 1.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "id": 744
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "count": 1


Add Resources

Add a new resource

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/resource

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID, resources can only belong to one application.
matchType string Yes Resource matching type, equal: equals match, suffix: Suffix Match, prefix: Prefix Match.
name string Yes resource name, When matchType is equal, name is the URL, When matchType is suffix, name is suffix, When matchType is prefix, name is the URL prefix
action string No The action on the resource, usually HTTP Method. The following values are available: ALL, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH. where ALL means that all HTTP methods can be matched.
permID string No Permissions required to access the resource

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
resource Resource Yes Newly added resource information


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "appID": "restful",
    "matchType": "equal",
    "name": "/path/to/resource",
    "action": "GET",
    "permID": "PERM_XXX"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "id": 8512,
      "appID": "restful",
      "matchType": "equal",
      "name": "/path/to/resource",
      "priority": 10483,
      "action": "GET",
      "permID": "PERM_XXX",
      "createTime": 1588660594

Modify Resource

Modifying a resource

Method: PUT

URL: /wolf/resource

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
id string Yes Resource ID, cannot be modified
matchType string Yes Resource matching type, equal: equals match, suffix: Suffix Match, prefix: Prefix Match.
name string Yes resource name, When matchType is equal, name is the URL, When matchType is suffix, name is suffix, When matchType is prefix, name is the URL prefix
action string No The action on the resource, usually HTTP Method. The following values are available: ALL, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH. where ALL means that all HTTP methods can be matched.
permID string No Permissions required to access the resource

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
resource Resource Yes Modified resource information


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-X PUT \
-d '{
   "id": 8512,
    "matchType": "equal",
    "name": "/path/to/resource",
    "action": "ALL",
    "permID": "PERM_YYY"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "id": 8512,
      "appID": "restful",
      "matchType": "equal",
      "name": "/path/to/resource",
      "priority": 11483,
      "action": "ALL",
      "permID": "PERM_YYY",
      "createTime": 1588660594

Query Resource List

Query list of resources

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/resource/list

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID
key string No Match queries by resource name or permission
sort string No Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name.
page integer No Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1
limit integer No Page size, default is 10

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
resources Resource[] Yes Resource list
total integer Yes Total number of records


  • Request
curl \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "resources": [
        "id": 8512,
        "appID": "restful",
        "matchType": "equal",
        "name": "/path/to/resource",
        "priority": 11483,
        "action": "ALL",
        "permID": "PERM_YYY",
        "createTime": 1588660594
    "total": 3

Delete Resource

Delete a resource

Method: DELETE

URL: /wolf/resource

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
id integer Yes Resource ID to be deleted

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
count integer Yes Number of deletions, usually 1.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN" \
-d '{
    "id": 8512
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "count": 1


Access log list queries

Query list of access log information

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/access-log/list

Header parameters: Requires a token of Console login, passed through the x-rbac-token request header.

Query parameters

Field Type Required Description
appID string Yes Application ID
username string No Search by username or user nickname
action string No resource action
resName string No resource name
ip string No The IP of the user operating the resource
status integer No HTTP status code
startTime integer No Operate time - start time
endTime integer No Operate time - end time
sort string No Sort field, e.g.: -id: means sort by id descending order. +name: Indicates ascending order by name.
page integer No Page number, incremental from 1, default is 1
limit integer No Page size, default is 10

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
accessLogs AccessLog[] Yes Access Log List.
total integer Yes Total number of records


  • Request
curl \
-H "x-rbac-token: $WOLF_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "accessLogs": [
        "id": 27999,
        "appID": "restful",
        "userID": "749",
        "username": "test",
        "nickname": "test",
        "action": "GET",
        "resName": "/",
        "matchedResource": {},
        "status": 401,
        "body": {},
        "contentType": null,
        "date": "2020-02-27",
        "accessTime": 1582816829,
        "ip": ""
    "total": 5


All interfaces starting with /wolf/rbac, are provided to Wolf's Agent It is called by the module. It is mainly used for the login and authentication processing of three-party applications.


Agentlogin page

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/rbac/login

Query parameters

Field Type Required Description
appid string No The application ID to log in, if you don't have parameters, you can enter in the page
return_to string No Set the address to jump to after successful login. The default is /.


Login page HTML.


  • Request
  • Response Page
Login Page
Login Page


Rbac login interface

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/rbac/

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appid string Yes Application ID
username string Yes Login User Name
password string Yes login password
authType integer No Authentication type, 1: Password, 2: LDAP

Response Body

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
userInfo SimpleUserInfo Yes Basic User Information
token string Yes Login token
  • reason
    • ERR_USERNAME_MISSING username is missing.
    • ERR_PASSWORD_MISSING password is missng.
    • ERR_APPID_MISSING appid is missing.
    • ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND User do not exist
    • ERR_PASSWORD_ERROR Password error
    • ERR_USER_DISABLED User are disabled.
    • ERR_LDAP_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND The server is not configured with LDAP when login with LDAP.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "username": "root",
    "password": "123456",
    "appid": "restful"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "userInfo": {
      "id": 696,
      "username": "root",
      "nickname": "root(super man)"
    "token": "RBAC_TOKEN"

The above token can be saved as a variable in the shell for the rest of the example:


The default token expiration time is 30 days. This can be changed via the environment variable RBAC_TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME, in seconds. After modification, you need to restart Wolf-Server.

RBAC page login submission

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/rbac/login.submit

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
appid string Yes Application ID
username string Yes Login User Name
password string Yes Login Password
return_to string No Set the address to jump to after successful login. The default is /.


  • When Fails:

Redirect to the login page using 302.

  • When Success:

Use 302 to redirect to the page specified by return_to. And set the token to a cookie with key x-rbac-token.


  • Request
curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'return_to=%2F&appid=restful&username=root&password=123456'
  • Response
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< Vary: Origin
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Set-Cookie: x-rbac-token=RBAC-TOKEN; path=/; expires=Tue, 09 Jun 2020 08:47:21 GMT
< Location: /
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 33

Query RBAC User Information

Query current logged in user information

Method: GET

URL: /wolf/rbac/user_info

Header parameters: A token of Agent Login is required, which is passed by a cookie.

Query parameters



Field Type Required Description
userInfo UserInfo Yes user information


  • Request
curl \
-H "Cookie: x-rbac-token=$RBAC_TOKEN"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "userInfo": {
      "id": 696,
      "username": "root",
      "nickname": "root(super man)",
      "email": null,
      "appIDs": [
      "manager": "super",
      "lastLogin": 1589100441,
      "profile": null,
      "createTime": 1578401859,
      "permissions": {},
      "roles": {}


Method: POST

URL: /wolf/rbac/logout

Header parameters: A token of Agent Login is required, which is passed by a cookie.

Query parameters



After the operation, the server will set the x-rbac-token in the cookie to logouted. and redirected 302 to the login page.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Cookie: x-rbac-token=$RBAC_TOKEN"
  • Response
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< x-rbac-userID: 696
< x-rbac-username: root
< Set-Cookie: x-rbac-token=logouted; path=/; expires=Tue, 09 Jun 2020 09:04:56 GMT
< Location: /wolf/rbac/login.html?appid=restful
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 101

Change Password

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/rbac/change_pwd

Header parameters: A token of Agent Login is required, which is passed by a cookie.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
oldPassword string Yes old password
newPassword string Yes new password

Response Body

  • data:


  • reason
    • ERR_PASSWORD_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED The server does not allow password changes.
    • ERR_OLD_PASSWORD_REQUIRED Missing old password
    • ERR_NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED Missing new password
    • TOKEN_USER_NOT_FOUND User do not exist
    • ERR_OLD_PASSWORD_INCORRECT Old Password error


  • Request
curl \
-H "Cookie: x-rbac-token=$RBAC_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "oldPassword": "old-password",
    "newPassword": "new-password"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {}

Permission Checking Interface

Check if the user has access to the specified resource (appid + action + resName).

Method: POST

URL: /wolf/rbac/access_check

Header parameters: A token of Agent Login is required, which is passed by a cookie.

Request Body parameters

Field Type Required Description
action string Yes Action, usually is HTTP Method.
resName string Yes The name of the resource, usually URL Path or a resource extension.

The appid doesn't need to be passed, the service gets it directly from the token.

Response Body

If you have permission, the server returns the 200 status code, ok=true in json, and the user's information. If you don't have permission, the server returns the 401 status code, ok=false in the json, and the user's information.

  • data:
Field Type Required Description
userInfo UserInfo Yes Current User Information
  • reason If you don't have permission, the corresponding message will be displayed.


  • Request
curl \
-H "Cookie: x-rbac-token=$RBAC_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "action": "GET",
    "resName": "/"
  • Response
  "ok": true,
  "reason": "",
  "data": {
    "userInfo": {
      "id": 696,
      "username": "root",
      "nickname": "root(super man)",
      "email": null,
      "appIDs": [
      "manager": "super",
      "lastLogin": 1589100441,
      "profile": null,
      "createTime": 1578401859,
      "permissions": {},
      "roles": {}

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