Routine for updating DHIS2 Tracker enrolling orgUnit to the enrollment's most recent "owner" orgUnit/facility. Useful for longitudinal analytics.
R 4.0 or above required
These packages are downloaded and loaded if not currently in use: "httr","assertthat","readr","jsonlite","stringr","purrr"
Repo includes blank auth.json file containing the credentials of the default server to use. The script relies on a username with SuperUser role to have an account in the server with access to update enrollments and read/create SQL views.
"dhis": {
"baseurl": "",
"username": "robot",
"password": "TOPSECRET"
optional arguments:
-startdate the start date to extract tracker data from
-enddate the end date to extract data until
By default updates enrollments from the previous two days unless dates are specified